
Anime verse: Multi-verse travel

A guy reincarnated as Yuu Izumi's Brother in Shikimori San is not just Cute. Let's follow Itsuki Yuu on his travel to the multiveres and beyond.

Al_Senpai · Tranh châm biếm
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19 Chs

Chapter 10: The beginning

Hello! Everyone! this is your Author Meowske_kun!! Thank you for patiently waiting for my updates! As you can see my phone is back! and I continued writing chapters!

I hope you like this!

Happy reading!😁😁


Standing before the large crimson Magic Circle, Shiro, Scàthach, Hajime and Yue stared at each other with various expressions.

It was finally time for them to leave this place and continue their journey into the surface.

" We're prepared"

Hajime smiled and said " There's nothing more I can gain by eating monster meat and our equipment is built."

Looking at the new clothes and equipment they are wearing, they all nodded.

" It took us two two months to finish all of this though." Shiro scoffed but had a small smile on his face while scanning his new clothes.

" Well, we would finish this all earlier if someone didn't destroy the materials in the storage room though." Hajime said smirking towards Shiro.

Shiro's brows twitched then turned his head towards him " Haa? Did you say something?" He then crossed his arms and turned his head to Scàthach " Hey Scà-chan can you hand over the flying swatter, I think I heard a fly just now."

A tick mark appeared on Hajime's forehead " Oh? That's interesting~ Is the great shinigami monster afraid of a little fly?"

" No, I just think their existence is very annoying like you." Shiro smirked.

While the two boys were busy insulting with each other, the two ladies behind them were shaking their head at their antics.

' There they are again, with their stupid fights.' sighing heavily, they stared at each other and nodded.

It was a normal occurrence and they are not that much surprised by the the two idiots fights but it was just a headache that the two idiots couldn't just get along.

They tried making the two make up but it just led to them fighting barehanded, honestly they were still wondering how it happened since they were there by their side when that happened.

The peaceful talk suddenly became a brawl.

The two ladies shared a mutual agreement as they walked towards the two idiots, They are going to punish them for their idiocy.

* Bonk! *

* Bang! *

" OUCH!! " 2x

Shiro and Hajime crouched on the ground and winced in pain as both the ladies fist pummeled them on the ground.

" That's enough! What are you two a child! And Shiro! Don't provoke Hajime!" Scàthach slapped shiro's head again like a mother disciplining her child

" Thats right! Can't you two stop fighting for once! Also Hajime stop Insulting Shiro!" Yue said pulling Hajime's ears making him wince in pain.

And just like that the two protagonist of the story is defeated because the two strong ladies. ( A/N: Lol weak! )

Hajime and Shiro had no chance to argue as they knew that if one of them spoke while the two of them were speaking then they would receive a painful punishment.

The two of them were not idiots! They already experienced the dread once, and they won't repeat the same mistakes they did in the past.

" Now shake each others hand! And don't fight!" Scàthach instructed while staring at them intently.

Reluctantly, both of them raised their hands in a shaky manner showing how they were against it but under the pressure of the two watchers they eventually shoke each others hands.

After the two shook their hands, they immediately removed it and stood up from the ground.

Shiro transformed into his feline form and jumped by Scàthach's shoulder while Hajime dusted his clothes and walked towards Yue with a smile and held her hand tightly.

Hajime suddenly spoke, different from earlier, he spoke with seriousness in his tone." After going back to the surface, we are going to face a lot of enemies from then on. The knowledge we gained in this place is going to endanger our journey. from now on and we must be very cautious about it because we don't know who is listening."

Shiro nodded." For the time being, we should remain hidden as a precaution. It will be bad if someone knows about our objective, especially people from the church. "

All of them nodded at shiro's words, The church would be their number one enemy since almost all of the residents of this world were religious believers, They don't really want to have a meaningless bloodshed.

They want to accomplish their goals without killing innocent people.

" Now then, Let this adventure begin!" As those words escaped from Shiro's mouth, the magic circle beneath them suddenly glowed crimson swallowing them in its light.

As the crimson glow slowly subsided, their four figures disappeared nowhere to be seen.


- Risen Grand Canyon -

In a place where water is hard to find, Rocks after rocks are the only thing that could be seen, a large canyon that hardly had life within its vicinity.

A pair of rabbit ears could be seen behind a giant rock. Now everyone would be confused if they saw this, Why would a bunny ears would be there? Are rocks these days produce rabbit ears?

However, If one to look behind the rock. a rabbit girl could be seen leaning her back by the rock shielding herself from the sun's heat.

" *Sigh!* I'm tired of waiting! " The rabbit girl said as she looked around.

" When do I get to meet them?" She murmured.

Looking around she still saw no signs of people around the area, ' Well that's to be expected, This is Raisen Grand Canyon, where Dangerous monsters lurk around like some kind of backyard house. '

As she looked around, she suddenly felt the ground were shaking a bit. The rabbit girl stared at the vibrating rocks, as it didn't take long before the sound of gigantic footsteps echoed.

*Stomp!* *Stomp!* *Stomp!!*

As the sound of stomping gradually became clearer, the Rabbit girl grew confused as she felt the stomps were somehow slowly getting closer towards her.

It was then, she saw a Dinosaur like creature with two heads looking at her like some kind of tasty meat.

* ROARRR!!!!!!!!*

" No!!!!" The rabbit girl shouted in fright and ran.

*Stomp!* *Stomp!* *Stomp!*

The giant creature followed the rabbit great until she was trapped, it looks like a dead end! She looked behind and saw the Dinosaur-like creature was still following at her, The rabbit girl climbed up the wall while silently praying for someone to save her.

Then as if her wish came through, She saw a magic circle appearing above her, She smiled then suddenly a ray of crimson appeared from the magic circle towards her.

" AREEEEEEEEEE~!!!!!" The poor rabbit was blasted off by the ray of crimson making her fly away together along with the dinosaur-like creature.

" Ouch, Ouch!" The rabbit girl who fell with her body faced first on the ground groaned in pain.

As she stared at the place where the crimson light dropped, it was full of dust making her hard to see. However, when the dust disappeared, four people figures emerged from it.

The Rabbit girls eyes beemed with joy!

' It's them!' she shouted inwardly.


Don't forget to drop some Power stones!!!