
Anime system- Naruto edition

Arata begins his journey in his ninja world... with a system

kiingshet12 · Tranh châm biếm
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39 Chs

Chapter 11 Death of Haku

Kakashi saw that Arata passed out still standing there, protecting Naruto and Sasuke. He immediately ran forwards wanting to check on their condition, But he was stopped by Zabuza.

Zabuza: " You're opponent is still me Kakashi."

'cling' The two once again began to clash together.

Some time has passed as Naruto regained consciousness and got up. He looked around and saw that the mist was no longer there and Arata was standing in front of them still in protecting them. He saw Haku not far from them on the ground defeated.

Naruto got up and looked at the wounds on Sasuke and said, " Oi, Sasuke, are you all right? Get up, Arata defeated him. Arata good job ya' know... Arata?? Oi, Arata, are you listening."

Naruto went in front of Arata, and saw that he wasn't moving and had little breath, he was bleeding all over. He checked his pulse and found that he was still alive. But as Naruto shook him, Arata fell to the ground.

Haku slowly got up, with life-less eyes that was seemed to soon die out.

Haku: " The two of them protected you while you were passed out. If the two of them had just abandoned you, then they could've finished me off. They must've thought of you as someone special as they still stayed and protected you."

Haku walked forwards, as his mask fell off.

Naruto: "Oi, you, you are the person that I met while training."

Haku: " I failed in my duty assigned from Zabuza. Go on and kill me."

Naruto hesitated and stepped back.

Haku: " Why do you hesitate."

Naruto: " Why do you still follow him. I mean, he treats you like a slave. You're a human being, not a weapon or tool. How can you care about someone like that."

Haku: " For that very reason."

Naruto: " Huh?"

Haku: " Does that seem strange to you?

Naruto: " Well yeah. A little."

Haku: "Did you know, I have a special bloodline. The bloodline allows me and members of my clan to use strong special jutsu. This makes us ostratisized and feared."

Naruto thought," Just like me..."

Haku: " Because of this power, people sought out to kill us. I'm the only one left of my clan. When he found me, I was without a purpose or reason for living. Zabuza gave me both. But now, my usefulness is over. The only thing tat gave my life meaning, it's gone. I am a broken tool, a blunted weapon of no use to anyone."

Naruto looked sad as he listened to him.

Haku: " Go on, Naruto, do it. For both of our sakes. Do it... quickly"


The battle between Kakashi and Zabuza is almost drawing to a close. Kakashi had used a summoning jutsu to summon ninja dogs. The ninja dogs had bitten both of Zabuza's arms, rendering it useless

Kakashi: " It's time to finish this."

Kakashi put his hand in front of him and started concentrating his chakra. Soon the chakra in his hand turned into lightning.

Kakashi: " I would no longer use any copy technique. I would use my own created jutsu."

The lightning began to overflow and tremble in his hand.

Zabuza: " Such dense amount of chakra, that it's visible."

Kakashi: " I wont let you kill the bridge builder. He's a brave man with a noble dream. The bridge he's building is the hope of this land. And all of its people. You are like a disease, you attack one and it will affect them all. This is not the way of the shinobi."

Zabuza: " Damn right. These useless little people and their petty, little dreams. Why should they matter to me? I have a dream of my own!"

Kakashi: " But to have a dream, you need to have a future. However, your future is all used up!!"


Haku: " Now Naruto, hurry and kill me. Why do you hesisitate? I thought you wanted to be a mighty warrior."

Naruto stepped back, " that's not what it's about. Do you really believe that's all there is to it, just fighting and killing until there's only one man left standing!? There's a lot more to being a shinobi than that, and there are other ways of showing your strength than just by beating someone in battle."

Haku: " I've had a feeling all along from the first moment we met in the woods. We are a lot alike."

Naruto: " Huh!?"

Haku: " I'm sure you know what I mean. I'm only sorry that it must be your hand. That it is tainted with my unworthy blood."

Arata: " Un...worthy? How is your blood unworthy. The Uzumaki clan was also destroyed and force to scatter because of their fear of power. There is also only little people left of the Senju clan." Arata slowly got up, but fell to one knee. " So is the Uchiha. There is nothing worthy of our blood."

Naruto: " Oi, Arata. Are you okay."

Arata: "I'm fine Naruto. Just exhausted." Arata continued, " You just want to die like this, are you positive that it's the only way!!!?"

Haku: " Yes."

Naruto closed his eyes and said: " you know, if only we could have met in a different time and place... we could've been friends." He then opened his eyes with resolve as he made his move and ran forwards. " Ahhhh"

Haku: " Thank you."


Kakashi finished his jutsu and ran forwards with his right hand covered in lightning.

Haku suddenly grabbed the hand that was about to strike him, " I'm sorry, there's been a change of plans." He used his one hand seal and disappeared on the spot.

Zabuza: " Is this the end?"

A mirror showed up in front of Zabuza.

Kakashi: " Raikiri!!"

'puchi' The hand pierced forwards as wind pressure blew out.

Sakura: " Aah"

Tazuna: " What the?"

Kakashi looked forward and saw that his hand didn't pierce Zabuza, but it was Haku.

Everyone gasped at the sudden appearance

As Kakashi deactivated his jutsu, Haku puked out a lot of blood as he grabbed Kakashi's arm. " Zabuza." Haku grabbed Kakashi's arm even tighter.

Zabuza: " So my future is all used up, huh? Ha ha. Wrong again Kakashi?"

Naruto: "What? Where did you go?"

Arata: " Are you an idiot? Have you been listening to him at all. Look over there, at Kakashi and Zabuza's location."

Naruto looked over and saw Haku, holding on to Kakashi's arm as blood flowed out of Haku.

Naruto: " What the heck is going on here?"

Arata: " Didn't Haku just say that her dream, is Zabuza's dream. He lives and dies for Zabuza. Now that Zabuza was going to die, what do you think is gonna happen, would you just sit here and watch us die if someone was going to kill us?"

Naruto: " But..."

Kakashi: " The boy threw himself in front of my attack."

Zabuza closed his eyes

Kakashi: " He saved your worthless life, at the cost of his own."

Zabuza: " Hahaha. Well done, Haku. Heeeyyaaahhh!!!"

Zabuza pulled his strength together as he pulled out his sword on his back.

Sakura: " Kakashi sensei, watch out !!"

Kakashi saw what the strike was going to do, Zabuza was planning on taking Kakashi down even if it means hacking through Haku.

Zabuza: " I knew I'd found a treasure when I found you, boy. You've not only given me my life, but Kakshi's as well!"

Kakashi tried to pull out his hand, but he still couldn't move it. As Zabuza's strike came down, Kakashi hugged Haku and flew up into the air and back-flipped, dodging Zabuza's strike.

Zabuza: " Hahahaha. Not bad for having a corpse in your arms."

Naruto: " 'Kuh' You'll pay for that!!"

Kakashi: " Naruto, stay out of this and watch from there."

Kakashi placed Haku on the ground and looked at him momentarily, then closed his eyes as it was still open. " This is my battle." Kakashi then looked at Zabuza with an angry glare, " Zabuza's mine"

Sakura: " Naruto, so you are still alive! So you and Sasuke are all right?"

Kakashi looked towards Sakura and then looked at Sasuke and Arata. Arata had gained consciousness so that was a relief. He looked at Sasuke and saw that he was still on the ground.

Zabuza: " Kakashi, I would stay focused if I were you!!"

Zabuza ran forwards and slashed towards Kakashi, but his injuries were way worse than Kakashi's. Kakashi placed his hands on the ground and kicked Zabuza on the chin, knocking him down.

Tazuna: " Let's go. If I go with you, then you won't be disobeying your sensei's words."

Sakura nodded her head as she grabbed Tazuna's hand and ran towards Sasuke. As she arrived, she found that Sasuke was covered with needs and seemed to not be breathing. Just as her eyes began to water.

Arata: " He's still alive."

Sakura looked at Arata and saw that he was covered in blood. " Thank you." She then kneeled down next to Sasuke, holding his hands and checking his pulse. Although she held back her tears, a few drops came out, " Sasuke... thank you, thank you, thank you."