
Great Martial Arts Tournament And...

"Very well! I will permit him to enter the tournament!"

Currently inside a room, were Baki Hanma, Yujiro Hanma, Kaoru Hanayama, Mitsunari Tokugawa and a person who had been brought by Yujiro, and just been permitted to enter the tournament, Yuu Amanai.

Yuu Amanai, is a tall individual with a slim build. He has blonde hair and long legs.

Besides the group there was a person packed with muscle, in an odd position laying on the ground...

Earlier, Yujiro had snapped this person's back. Pushing the persons torso slowly, until it reached the back of his calves. It was a cruel show of violence, but that's just how Yujiro is. And that's what happened to people he deemed unworthy...

The tournament soon started. And the matches continued. There were many strong fighters participating, and the crowd were in for a treat!

Jack Hammer. Whose actual name was Jack Hanma, the eldest son of Yujiro.

He was driven by his will to take vengeance on his father. This was because Yujiro had done 'something' to his mother. A trait now shared by all 3 siblings... He had entered the tournament and was definitely one of the strongest there.

He had blonde hair, taking after his mother and a insanely ripped body structure.

Kaiou Retsu. A well-built man, who had long black hair tied in a single pigtail braid. He would later become friends with Baki, and become a strong individual. Even fighting a 190 million year old individual...

Gouki Shibukawa. A short old man, who is a master of Jujutsu and the art named Aiki. Gouki does not mainly fight with his fists, or muscle. But instead uses a pragmatic approach to take down his foes.

There were many other fighters participating, but only few like these were truly strong.

As the matches passed and contenders won, the second rounds had arrived, and so did a familiar figure, wearing a blue hoodie and some normal black joggers.

At this point, Yuu Amanai, and Doppo Orochi were fighting.

However not much action was happening, as Yuu Amanai, was standing still... Begging?

"Please, forfeit! And accept me as the winner of this match." Yuu begged. He looked at his opponent, with worry in his eyes, "You cant execute your techniques with your knee like that... So, please!"

It seemed that Doppo's knee was very injured during their fight.

Doppo smirked, before spouting something about karate, and how it was a perfect handicap for someone of Yuu's level...

Yuu hurriedly, ran towards Mitsunari Tokugawa, the organiser of the tournament, and said "Please accept me as the victor! This fight, no longer has any meaning!"

Yujiro, who was next to Mitsunari did not like this. And as Yuu was screaming, for the match to forfeit, he sped towards him and delivered a kick into his stomach.

Yujiro then grabbed Yuu's hair, a disdainful look forming on his face, "Begging an enemy to win..." He peered into Yuu's eyes, "Pathetic..."

The Ogre then threw Yuu into the wall of the arena.


He was knocked unconscious and on the brink of death.

Shiro, who had arrived earlier continued watching indifferently.

If this was before his arrival in the Baki world, he would probably tried to stop Yujiro. Yuu was just a stranger to him after all, so he wasn't too sure...

If this was Shiro's friend though, then he would have rushed in to save them.

But he did think that Yuu had disrespected Doppo, by begging for the match to be over. Both fighters had agreed to fight. But Yuu stopped midway, and begged... In the world of Baki, fighting was everything, and Yuu practically spat in Doppo's face.

Shiro had noticed this subtle change in himself. But he didn't know if it was good or bad... In the world of heroes, he might be hunted by Stain...

All the contestants walked onto the arena intending to stop 'The Ogre' from ruining this tournament. Baki, Gouki, Jack... All of them stood up to Yujiro.

"You fools! I'll slaughter you all!"


As Yujiro rushed, a gun fired a tranquilizer. hitting his chest.

Unaffected Yujiro stood up, only to be hit by many other tranquilizers.


The tranquilizers didn't seem to do much. And Yujiro was still trying to rampage.


A net was fired... Encapsulating Yujiro.


More tranquilizers were fired, and after a few seconds, Yujiro fell unconscious.

Shiro, who was spectating... Then jumped down onto the arena, alerting the fighters. "Rhino tranquilizer darts... Good job!" Shiro raised his thumb and said with a slight smile.

"Shiro? Your here!?" Baki never knew how Shiro always appeared abruptly...

He was definitely going to do the same in future...

Jack was also looking at Shiro. He knew this was his brother, but he hadn't decided to reveal his identity yet. It was not time...

Gouki, looked at Shiro trying to size him up... And Mitsunari replied to Shiro's previous words, "Yes... They used this same method in Africa used to take down big game."

Shiro nodded, thinking this was similar to the anime.

"Wait... If your here, are you going to fight too?" Baki who had now calmed a bit, said excitedly. He came to fight strong opponents, and knowing his brother he should be strong, "I still need to pay you back, for what happened last time." A cheeky smirk flew onto Baki's face.

Shiro, looked towards Mitsunari, and stared at him...

"Sorry... But no. You cannot participate in the tournament... However. You can always fight after!"

"Then... It seems like we are going to need to wait a little while, Baki."

Baki turned around and returned to his seat, intent on watching the next fight.

The battles continued shortly after Yujiro's unconscious body was carried out.

Baki, Gouki, Jack and Kaiou defeated their opponents leaving only the semi-finals left.

Baki and Kaiou were next. And at some point Yujiro appeared. Silently spectating the fight and this time not interrupting.


The fight ended with Baki giving, a roundhouse kick that should have broken Kaiou's neck. However, the incredible Chinese Kenpo, allowed Kaiou to unhinge his skull from his spine, saving himself in the process.

Baki walked off the arena...

The next fight was Gouki vs Jack.

The fight went similar to the anime, with Jack flipping Gouki upside down and axe kicking his neck into the ground.

And soon came the final match of Baki and Jack.

At this point Jack's body was nearly at it's limit. Jack had over trained his muscles and had to resort to super steroids to get stronger.

The Hanma's walked onto the arena. And before fighting. Jack revealed his identity and they had a moment of brotherhood.

The 'equal' inheritors of the Hanma gift soon stood at the opposite sides, of the arena.


Fists collided, and the battle of siblings raged onwards!

Sweat and tears sprayed over the arena. As their attacks heavily ravaged each other!



The fight was exhilarating, and continued until Baki was knocked onto the ground and it looked like he was going to lose.

Then... Suddenly Jack's body began to deform rapidly. Blood leaked out of his nose and mouth, and his muscles cramped and twisted irregularly.

"OUGHHHHHH" A green torrent of puke was thrown up all over the ground, and Jack's huge build began to shrink. Making him look skinner.

However at this point Jack's Hanma blood pumped faster and faster, changing his body and eventually... Surpassing the steroids!

Jack then rushed towards Baki with a newfound speed, dishing out quick punches.

Shiro observed this change... He knew the Jack wasn't a pure Hanma due to his mother being an imperfect mate.

But Shiro believed that all parts of the bloodline were unique. And seeing some proof in front of his eyes confirmed that. The bloodline evolved to Jack's intense training and steroid use, and had overcame the disadvantages of using them...

Jack continued punching out at Baki, until Baki caught his head and put him in a chokehold. Jack struggled to get out but Baki held on. And as Baki squeezed. His back muscles started to contort... Slowly shaping the face of a demon. However it was not fully formed yet.

'Demon face!?' Shiro thought.

The people watching became amazed, as Baki slowly choked Jack into unconsciousness.

"M-match over!" The referee said.

Mitsunari Tokugawa made his way into the arena with the belt, wanting to offer it to Baki.

The crowd cheered but Baki's legs fell limp, onto the ground. He breathed heavily and struggled to stand up.

Jack slowly regained conscious, then stood up. He looked at Baki proudly showing no signs of anger and grabbed his arm pulling him upwards onto his feet.

Jack bandaged Baki's injury located on his arm. And handed the belt to him.

"You're... the champion!" He said with pride looking at his strong brother.

The crowd clapped heavily and more cheers resounded.

"At 17 Hanma Baki is the champion of Tokyo's dome underground fighting tournament!"

The crowd roared once again and the clapping intensified.

"You did well brothers... I'm proud" In the midst of the roaring crowd. Shiro jumped down from his seat and walked up to the 2 exceptional fighters.

Shiro hugged the 2 brothers with a smile and congratulated them. Although Jack lost... His feat of 'overcoming' the drugs was exceptional and his battle was worthy of respect.

Baki and Jack shared a look, before snickering and engrossing themselves in the moment.

"I'll be waiting for you Baki. So... Heal and fight me." Shiro soon let go and walked away with both hands in his pockets. He paused for a moment and turned his head, "You too... Jack. We should fight soon." He said with a smile.

Jack nodded his head and walked off the arena after chatting to Baki, some more.


It was night time now and Shiro was sitting on the sand watching the sea. After sensing a familiar presence he smirked.

"Old man... stop hiding already."

Yujiro came from behind Shiro and wild grin emerged onto Yujiro's face. "This will be a good meal."

A wild grin emerged onto Yujiro's face. And Shiro stood up. Looking up at the face of Yujiro.

The same grin was on the Shiro's face...

As Shiro readied his stance.


A punch slapped Shiro's face, sending him crashing into the sea. Although he was strong. To face Yujiro at this point of time was... Too much.

However Yujiro stared calmly into the ocean. Unwilling to move from his spot.

A rare smile abruptly crept unto his face, as he sensed a strong intent within the ocean.

A demonic aura flew into the surroundings. However instead of the usual pruple/reddish colour, there were tints of black mixed inside.

The water splashed upwards, and Shiro's wet figure revealed...

'Heavenly Demon Style: Demonic Judgement'

A streak of purple flashed, and Shiro blurred towards Yujiro.

Shiro spinned, using all his power, to deliver a spinning kick into Yujiro's cheek.


Shiro's kick had missed, creating a powerful wave of concentrated air to plough in the distance.

However a key detail was, that Yujiro had a scratch. 'The Ogre' had been injured. Even if it was just a scratch less than a centimetre wide...


Shiro lowered his foot and the aura dissipated. From this one attack, he knew he was still nowhere near Yujiro's level and fighting him would only be stupid and arrogant of him.

"Guess your going to be skipping this meal, old man." Shiro casually said.

Yujiro didn't seem angry and replied, "It's not time yet it seems..."

With a grin still present, he slowly walked away before stopping in his tracks and twisting his head.

"Your, bloodline is unnaturally pure boy. And I want to see how far it will go!"


An unsettling laugh followed, and Yujiro silently walked away...

'It's pure?'

Shiro pondered on the words of Yujiro and sat back down to think.

'If my bloodline is highly pure... Then shouldn't Baki's be the same?' Shiro thought many things, and ultimately came to the conclusion that... He had no clue at all...

He thought it might be soul related but he was unsure. Maybe it was something different?

He thought back and remembered that he and Baki were born twins. Possibly it was due to this? He was really jumping at lines here and truly didn't know.

He did however know some things relevant to the Hanma bloodline but they didn't explain much.

'99.999% of the time a male will be born from Hanma descent. Even if that child is born a female, the muscularity of the Hanma blood will change the gender...' Shiro remembered that Yujiro had said something similar to this in the anime.

'Well... Maybe I'll find out soon.' Shiro thought. A carefree smile on his face.

He then got up and started heading back to his apartment. It was time to start phase 2 of his plan.

But as he moved, black particles suddenly expunged from his body and shot into his brain...

This chap was mostly to introduce some characters, while Shiro observed and intergrated with them.

Future chaps will be more focused on Shiro and there will be more dialogue, to show how he interacts with some characters. Of course with some action too :)

Also Shiro won't just be one of those MC's that continuously follows the plot and dosent change it. There are some reasons it isn't deviating too much currently, besides some dialogue change and other stuff.


NoFeetMancreators' thoughts