
Anime Mashup: King of Music

Before dying, he created a song so great that even Death liked it. "Give me your song rights and be reborn!" This fanfic is about a reborn musician, in an anime world full of dangers, weird anime effects and an Omniverse web browser?. -f3f3 *********** Anime in this world: NANA Runway de Waratte Beck Kids of the Slope Detroit Metal City Paradise Kiss Blue Period PPPPPP K-ON! Megalo Box Hajime no Ippo Baki God of High-school Kengan Ashura And a lot more!.

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31 Chs

Making amends.

The last words Nana said were almost like a whisper.

But Kanae heard it well enough to make him feel like shit.

Kanae got a little surprised but hid it with a stoic face. He knew how proud Nana was in the manga…'Stop comparing them with their characters!'

He again felt guilty about what he said to her.

He sighs, and while scrubbing his face with his hands says, "Don't worry Nana-san. You are not leaving until I make you a whole wardrobe"

Kanae grabbed his bag, where his magic laptop was. And started to go up the stairs.

While walking he thought about using his martial arts coupon. Martial artists needed good control of their emotions right?.

Even If it didn't give him any emotional control it might give him some discipline. 'Maybe I should start running in the mornings?'

He was going to enter his room not wanting to bother his sister. But he knew that they needed to talk. So he went to the first of the empty's rooms.

It was empty.

He went to the other two and were also empty.

Seeing this makes him a little scared, 'Did she run away!?'

Kanae runs towards Hachi's room. Empty

Seeing the last room was Nana's he open the door a little too hard "Kyaaa!"

Hearing the scream of Azusa makes him sigh with relief.

Apparently, that was a wrong move because following his sighing, his sister, trow a left shoe at him.

"Ouch! What was that for!?"

The answer came in form of a right shoe.

"Ouch! "

If this new shoe-language has any meaningful interpretation, then the black heels coming next were surely a curse.

*thud* He doge the curse!

"Stop throwing me shoes!" Seeing the new weapon of her sister, he went running behind the door.

Azusa was on top of the bed armed with a high platform boot.

It looked really heavy and painful.

Seeing his brother hide behind the door Azusa showed him her teeth like an angry cat, "Baka! Why do you scare me!? You want me to cry again! Idiot!Baka! Baka!"

He peeks from behind the door. An saw the angry face of an angry sister.

He couldn't remember when was the last time she saw her angry. Kanae couldn't stop thinking the worst and murmured, "Rebellious phase?"

This was again a wrong move.

The type of the wrong move, that was, heavy, made of leather and with a half a kilo platform of pure rubbery pain.



Kanae was looking at the front of the shoe that was coming through the middle of the wooden door and mumbled, "Scary~"

Seeing that his sister stop yelling he, again, open the door.

This time Azusa was looking at him with a nasty glare he sigh with tiredness and say, "Okey, stop . we need to talk."

"I don't want to talk! Baka!"

Kanae dints care and got closer to her.

Azusa like a trapped animal was looking for a shoe to throw at him.

Seeing this, he got annoyed and throw himself at her for an unrepented brotherly attack.

"HELP!HELP!" Azusa started to thrash around the bed. Trying to escape the clutches of brotherly love. After a minute and a couple of bruises on Kanae's back she stopped.

The beast had been subsumed.

"Can we talk now?"

She didn't say anything and instead look at the side while pouting.

"First of all. Sorry to yell at you. I should say things in a better way and when we were alone."

Azusa looked at him as if saying 'go on...'.

But he wasn't to apologise for also telling the truth.

So looking at her with a serious face say, "I meant everything I say. You won't be part of the music industry until you finish high school." Azusa opened her mouth to speak, wanting to interrupt him.

But Kanae's head was having a headache already and wanted to leave.

"This is not for debate. I speak with mom and dad they say the same. If you keep at it…I will send you with them"

Azusa was starting to cry again. He could understand why.

The impotence of being a minor and not deciding anything for yourself was heavy.

But the priority was Azusa's health and future.

"Is not that you can't choose things for yourself. Is that you can choose thing AFTER you see the whole picture.

"You don't know Nana, you don't know the type of people she hangs with. Did you know that her boyfriend is a drug addict? The same for their bassist. Or that all of them smoke?"

Hearing this Azusa's eyes grow wide, "It is true?"

"Yes, I will ask Hachi and Nana to have a conversation with you and to tell you about the reality of the music industry. Is not a nice place to be.

"I will say this only one time. The only thing I care about is you.

You are my responsibility. And sorry If I screw up things up. But, if you didn't notice I'm only 17 too. I shouldn't be responsible for anyone's life except for mine…but, I took a decision and now I'm playing my part in it.

"The same is going to happen to you in the future, okay? Before making decisions think about all the responsibilities that came with it.

"Again, I'm sorry for the way I said things. But, I'm not sorry for the things I said."

After finishing speaking Kanae kissed Azusa's head and let her off.

Azusa didn't say anything.

He understood why. It was the first time that she was having so many changes in her life. And all of them without warning.

He was proud that instead of acting like a brat and keeping with the angry show she decided to be silent, and hopefully think about what he said.

If her serious face was any indication of it, he could see that she was thinking deeply about everything.

"I'm going to sleep. My head hurts. I love you mochi, don't forget that"

Before leaving Azusa said in a low voice, "Nana say that I should be happy to have someone to worry about me"

Hearing this makes his pile of guilt feelings grow. He was looking at Nana like a fictional character. As if he already know them, he was judging people, didn't he?

'Roxy would beat my ass...'

Kanae leaves Nana's room.

The first thing he thought was to repair the door that his sister broke.

Another day, he might had use the broken door as a nice teaching lesson about actions and consequences, and made Azusa work and repair it herself.

But he honestly didn't care. He was tired. And he owes his sister one. He decides to spare her from the sermon.

Kanae went to his room. And lay on the stiff futon that was on the floor.

It was uncomfortable.

"I need to buy a proper bed"

Thinking about the bed he started to think about Azusa's room too. It was so barren. He knew why she was inside Nana's room instead of hers. Plus, Nana's room was cool. Full of posters and punk thingys around.

Maybe design something together?.

He especially wanted to start decorating Azusa's room and make her feel at home.

'I also need to start having my own money'Kanae thought.

He currently had his university savings account.

But he didn't want to use it. Not only was this money saved by his parents but he didn't like the idea of not buying things with his own money. He was used to buying things without asking anybody.

Not that his parents had told him to ask for permission. But he still would tell them if he spend too much.

He honestly was seeing the savings more like him borrowing money than being his. And he didn't like that.

'I need to make money fast.'

'Maybe a web novel? No thanks'.

Most contracts were crap and it took too long to start earning the money. Plus he didn't like the idea of his future image linked to web or light novels.

Is not like he didn't like them but in the dumb Academic world of Arts they had a lot less weight. Especially in Asian countries. Where light novel writers were often discriminated against.

Thinking about what to do he started to think about streaming or uploading videos.

He knew how to stream.

He had five years of experience with it. And most important It was a quick way to play his music to the public and make himself famous. The only problem was the year.

It was 2010 and Twitch wasn't a thing yet. Heck, he didn't even know if it was going to be a thing in this world.

Anyway, Me'Tube was a thing. So he could upload his music on a channel?

'Just write the books! Dumbass!' Kanae thought.

Yes, he didn't need to be so anxious.

Tomorrow he would put the pc together and start writing. Maybe start with the Little Prince and Charlotte's Web?

They were short books. He only had the problem to choose between writing the book in French, Japanese or English.

Maybe with the three? It would be a good way to show off with the publisher…

'Yes, let's write the Little Prince first'

He would need to buy a couple of art supplies to make an illustration of the books.

It was good that his painting and drawing skills were good enough for those two stories.

He couldn't draw a manga or a realistic painting. But a children's illustration book? No problem.

His clothing design was more complex than what he remembered were the Little Prince illustrations.

Another big thing was the style of the illustrations.

He was going to publish two books one from 1943 and the other from 1952.

They were now in 2010, in a world where history had changed too.

He didn't think that the book wouldn't be accepted as even in 2021 the book had been a must-have buy for any parent. It was a famous children's story.

His problem was more about the art style. Something that changed with the years and could affect the sales. He didn't know the trends of this era. And the memories he had weren't of much help, apart from the latest fashion of course.

There were countless adaptations of those books with deferents illustrators to boot. Plus a whole possibility of merchandise.

He could already envision the fluffy plushy's of the little prince. The wall clock, in the form of spiders webs. Or the super-expensive jewellery of The Little Prince.

Thinking about this he decided to grab his laptop and look for videos of Little Prince and Charlottes Web collections (A/n: I'm watching this right now lol).

Maybe he could analyze the market a little and see what was the best option.

In any case, he could publish the old ones and next year do a new edition.

After looking at a couple of videos he decided to go with the normal Little Prince illustrated by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.

Especially because the illustrations were extremely iconic and such an integral part of the Little Prince.

As for Charlotte's Web, he liked Garth Williams's illustrations. But they weren't such an integral part of the book. Maybe I should look for an illustrator?

He didn't know if he was biased in his opinion.

But he also thought that these old school styles of Illustration would be a breath of fresh air from the more modern children's books. Plus he really liked the style of Garth Williams.

'It would be great for a High Fashion brand.'

Thinking about all the creative ideas he was going to plunder, he started to feel a little guilty about it. He knew how hard was to create art. Plus, he wasn't a business-minded person. He knew about it, thanks to being a part of the industry.

But for him, money was only a tool for his art. A way to have freedom of choice. A way to defend himself against the greedy companies that were obsessed to own everything.

And plundering the art of others straked his artist ego a little.

Especially successful mainstream art. It took years of thinking. To find inspiration. Taking notes. Make a concept. Study. And then to make it a reality.

The art creation process was hard and a lot of time long. Sometimes decades long.

He didn't know how would he feel if people stole his song. Even if it was in another world where he didn't exist.

He close his eyes for a couple of seconds, 'I would probably laugh it off? I mean is not like I can't make new art by myself, right? Plus, they didn't exist in this world.'

Kanae open his eyes and looked at the illustrations of Garth Williams…

'Just not get full of yourself. You are not a writer nor the owner of those titles. Be humble about it and don't stop creating your personal art'.

He took a final minute to think things over and decide to go with it.

He had a chance to be freaking wealthy, most important, money was power. And he could use that power to make the world his artist playground..."Did I just sound like a Disney villain?"

After having a good plan for the future he went downstairs to drink some water.