
Anime Chat Group

Armed with a system that connects people all around the multiverse is unreasonably absurd to handle. However, being transported to another world and being tasked to conquer it is even worse. Even if his only goal is to survive. Alas, with ambitions and dreams that stretch beyond the perceivable horizon, Emrys may just find himself too close to the sun --- Current World: Danmachi

FabledInk · Tranh châm biếm
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2 Chs

[2] Is it wrong to raise the dead?

The quiet, tumultuous thuds of feet resounded incessantly across the dreary; humid forest. Leaves, swaying alongside the movement of the wind as if they were in a trance. Mindlessly, setting the scene to be quite eerie; frightening.

The night had set long ago, any presence that may have been here should've disappeared long ago. In fear of the monster's that had escaped the dungeon, and created a fortress to survive. To hunt. To kill.

Yet a figure remained, despite the danger it possessed.

Within the space of nightmares, where light hesitated to breach through and shadows encroached, the boy lay motionlessly on the floor. Head resting against the towering trunk, whilst an arm rested over his knee.

Subly, gleaming raven hair that glimmered, reflected the moon's light. Reminescent of dusk, alongside impeccable features that were drowned in thought.

Usually, this sight alone would've evoked any maternal instincts within a woman's heart. Unfortunately, for those that view the scene more arduously may find themselves thrown off.

Glazed eyes, alongside a lingering silence. As well as sight that was seemingly focused intensely on the blank air that faced him. Under normal circumstances, any sane person who may have stumbled upon this scene will definitely consider him to be 'unusual'.

Emrys d'Evreux.

"What a drag..."

A light mutter escaped, as a pale hand rose lifted to hold his messy hair. The cold, rigid touch of the night gracing, kissing his face sporadically. As his head leaned back to collect himself.

A light smile formed on his face, tugged at the corner of his lips. It wasn't one of happiness, or regret, but rather one of acceptance. Acknowledgement, that he had truly been transported to another world.

If he even had the hint of the slightest doubt, then it would've immediately dissipated with the entrance of the holographic screen that presented itself in front. Words, alongside lights, that couldn't have been more realistic. Even if he were to be schizophrenic.

[Congratulations! You have become the first member of the 'Dimensional Chat Group'! Alongside being the administrator - a perk for being the first - three invites will be sent to random people for them to have a chance at turning their fate!]

Emrys looked at the words written cursively impassively. His slender fingers, tapping periodically on the ground as he waited patiently. To affirm if this so-called 'Dimensional Group Chat' really connects people from multiple realms. Which in fact, should've been impossible.

His brows furrowed as he thought deeply. A habit he picked up to portray he was lost in his own world. If it was him from the past, then Emrys would have definitely ignored these messages that blanketed his retina. Regarding it as a sign of deep stress, or perhaps psychological struggle.

However, what occured in the past will be buried in the past. The him now was different, that's all there was to it. There was no point pondering that the previous him would've done, but rather what the current him will do. Which wasn't that difficult to conclude.

He accepted.

It was useless to believe in anything else, after the series of unfathomable experiences he had gone through the past couple of hours.

It wasn't if Emrys had any other choice. Alas, what could he do? Groan, panic and sit at the corner, wallowing in depression because he had found myself in a new world. Or run around in excitement, causing people to think you got possessed before ending up getting killed.

He simply picked neither. He welcomed the abrupt change instead of doing any other option because he didn't have time to waste. Nor to die. He had to adjust right now, in order for him to survive just a few seconds more in this 'novel' turned reality he knew a little about.

After all, people have to adapt; overcome. That is what it means to be a human. A being that is unmatched in terms of intelligence.

[Ding! A starter pack has been gifted to the administrator for guidance. Hopefully, they will stay alive until the system is back online! 13:05:50 hours until new members join. Please have a merry survival!]

The boy was pulled from his trailing thoughts with the sudden interruptance of the system. Forcing him to concentrate.

Emrys skimmed over the message intensely. Reading it, repetitively as if he was a preacher. Recounting it in his head, as it was a prayer. It was only on the fifth interval he picked out the most important information for him to live.

"Thirteen hours until new members join? As well as a starter pack."

Unhesitantly, the man began to speak to himself. Various thoughts morphing; racing within his mind as he decided the next course of action.

"Seeing how a starter pack is given, it doesn't take a moron to know that something soon will occur that may threaten my life."

Armed with nothing but his brain and body, Emrys was sure to believe that someone, or something, may come soon to harm his life. Especially since the key word in the message was 'survival'. The only problem that he didn't know what it was, and how many they numbered in.

Languidly, the man set his sight to the horizon beyond. The once blank river of the skies of the world he found himself in was filled to the brim. A vivid contrast to Earth, where the light pollution in the city obstructed the ethereal ocean of stars.

A thousand, perhaps even greater, sparks of ember rose on the canvas of darkness. Each one a drop of euphoria in an ocean of nothingness. Reminiscent of a beautiful painting. An everdistant utopia. Something you can see, gaze, but not touch. Never feel.

It was only then it thoroughly fell upon him that he is stranded in the unknown. A world with no family, or friends. The only thing he has here was himself. Every man on his own.

Emrys began chuckle. A light laugh escaping his lips, as he stood up. Hands brushing the dirt from his clothes as he stretched. His goal set, alongside an ember that burned ferociously within. Determined.

"Let's open this starter pack, shall we?"

All he possessed currently was this start pack, that may serve as a clue. A signal to express where he may be. Fortunately, he never planned to delay the opening of the 'gift' either.


With words flowing in his mind to open the starter pack, three bells chimed. Echoing, ringing in his ears. Soon after, the mechanical voice of the system breached the constant vibrations. Voicing his rewards.

[Congratulations! 100K Vali's have been awarded!]

[Congratulations! A high quality steel dagger has been awarded!]

[Congratulation! 5x Water and Sandwiches have been awarded!]

[Congratulations! A backpack has been awarded!]

[Congratulations! Unqiue Magical [Necromancy] has been awarded!]

[Congratulations on the reward, administrator! You have officially become a [Necromancer], merry survival!]

Emrys felt his ears deafen as multiple voices screaming assaulted his ears. A cacophony of scraping metal, that made him want to rip his ears to pieces.

"System... turn off the announcement noises that follow."


The man had no other choice but to shut down those absurd melodies that can cause a sane man want to go deaf.


With the screeching sounds of the system being halted, Emrys was greeted with nothing but the voice of nature. A light sound of crickets singing, alongside the harmony of the wind.

For once, the youth appreciated the solitude and comfort loneliness could bring. Wanting to focus on his thoughts for a while, for preparation. Scrolling through his rewards with his green eyes, that slowly trailed downwards. Glimmering amidst the moonlight, reminiscent of precious emeralds.

The first thing he noticed was the steel dagger that lay motionlessly in his inventory. A [x1] on the bottom right corner, waiting patiently as if it awaited being wielded by his owner.

The youth immediately pulled it out, the dagger leading next to his leg. Its blade, shimmering softly like a river, as it's shape ran sharp. Urging for blood.

It didn't take long for Emrys to pick up the hilt of the dagger. Finding his worries fade by a small margin with a weapon of protection. Only a little, after all you could never be too cautious.

Next was the backpack and food. Five rations, meaning it will be feasible to last for at least two or three days, five at most if he really limited himself. He had no worries carrying them, or any other item with the backpack.


His eyes looked at the following words with curiosity. The feeling of amusement and anticipation coursing as he knew very well the catastrophe and power this class can wield.

"Unique Magic:"


The power to raise the dead. To deny the laws of life and rule over the fate of the dead. Essentially a one-man army at its peak. It was nothing less of a broken magic; an opportunity Emrys will gratefully embrace.

With his joy being suppressed to remain thinking rationally, the boy glanced over to the coin that had a staggering [x100K] next to it. Alongside the name Vali's.


It didn't take him long to figure out the exact world he had been transported to. Especially, with the currency that only one novel possessed from the countless ones he had read. Drowned himself within. With wide eyes, the boy felt dread build up within.


The appellation given to the world where Gods walk among men.


[A/N: Which members should join the Chat Group in the future?]