
Angels and Demons Academy

Tidimalo_Masemola · Kỳ huyễn
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13 Chs

Chapter 6

Luna's POV

We were seated in uncle John's office after we came in with a rush and my wings fluttering everywhere. I could not get them back in.

Uncle John has still not said a word since we came into his office. His last word was to take a seat with his mouth agape. He was moving around me and touching my wings as if studying them. I wanted to know what is wrong with me. Everything of mine is different from everyone else. I have a non-existent mythical creature in me, I have a Golden's alpha mark, I have a super rare vampire ability to read people's minds and now I have golden wings.

I am starting to think it is this school. I never had any of these encounters when I was living back at home with my aunty. I don't even know why I came here. These people don't know what they are doing they seem to be amazed by every occurrence in my body as if it's the first time this has happened or the first time they have witnessed it, which it is...but that is not the point, the point is that I have rare markings, Powers, breeds and wings and my uncle who was supposed to be helping with this drastic changes seems to be surprised by the as much as I am.

"Okay so first of let's start with the first encounter you came upon." Uncle John said taking a seat behind his desk. "The golden alpha mark."

"Yeah. What is up with that I have been meaning to come to ask you?" Andrei said.

"Well it is rare but it is not the first time this has happened." He stood up and went to his bookshelf and picked up a thick leather-covered book with gold writing on it. "Your mark known as the god of alphas Mark happens every three thousand years. It is a mark symbolizing the true god of all alphas and ware wolves. In the chain, there is a werewolf, beta, potential alpha, and alpha but there is one the history books forgot to mention as it is a very slim occurrence. The chances of a god alpha and a potential god alpha being found are zero therefore they have decided to erase it from the books."

I nodded my head and waited for him to continue. "The role of the god of all alphas is to be like a guardian angel to the alphas but also you are the alpha and they are the ware wolves and they become submissive to you. The only way you can unlock your true goddess alpha is to find a potential god alpha and give him or her to the gods."

I sat there in confusion not knowing what uncle john meant. Andrei looked at me seeing the confusion plastered on my place said: "he means a sacrifice."

Realization dawned on me "What?! No, I am not going to do that."

"It's okay you don't have to but you get a hundred years to claim your god alpha until it disappears forever."

"Trust me. I won't be claiming it."

"Okay, but you should know that it comes with its consciences such as a possibility of you losing your ware wolf powers for good."

"Then I guess I am losing my powers."

He smiled and nodded at me in understanding. "The next one is Kitsune."

Andrei looked at me turning his head at a fast pace. Shock covered his face and disbelief clouded his eyes. He changed his expression as soon as he brought it out. He turned around and looked at uncle john. "I thought that was a folklore."

"It was until now." He took out a folder from the piles on his desk. "According to this, there are many more of your kind. Kitsunes are a rare site but they do exist. They are close to extinction and only one tribe remains."

I shift in my seat and move my chair closer to the desk and take a look at the file. "There is a tribe in japan which is very secretive and known by a selective few. I managed to track one of the selected few and I found out this about him."

He handed me a file with the information and a picture of a young Indian man with dark features he was handsome but not as handsome if compared to Andrei. He had unusually colored eyes like a brown-orange color. "Is he supernatural?" I asked uncle john.

"Yes, actually he is half human and half kitsune."

"Humans mate with supernatural beings?" I ask again.

"It might seem unusual but it is quite common, especially in ware wolves. Most packs are made up of human mates whether men or women and since ware wolves are not turned like vampires they are born so the mates will stay with their lover until they die where they also commit suited as they can not live a hundred more years without the one they love."

I nod in understanding. "Can't they be turned into vampires to stay with their fore lifer?"

"That might seem like the best solution but vampires and ware wolves have so much hate for each other that when an aware wolf finds out his mate is a vampire they will kill them and then kill themselves after over guilt."

"That is depressing maybe there is a spell somewhere that can help."

"There might be but it is probably a very difficult spell to do and would probably require dark magic which could take your life so no. For now, let's go back on topic and we will come back to that when the time is right."

"So the human kitsune..." I motion for him to continue.

Andrei settles deeper into his seat as he realizes that he will be here longer than expected. I am still wondering why he is here and why he decided to bring me to uncle John's office. So many questions but those will have to wait for another time as bigger problems are ahead of us right now.

"Ohh Yeah. We tried to reach out to him but kitsunes are extremely stubborn creatures and will only talk to their own. They are also very powerful that or he is protested by a very powerful witch."

"Why do you say that?"

"Well we tried to use a spell on him nothing harmful and it did not work we also tried to compel him but the guy would not budge."

"What do you mean we?"

"About that..." he took a long pause as if nervous. "I called in one or maybe two of my friends to help me out."

"I thought we weren't going to tell anyone about this."

"I know but I needed some help." He shrugged off his shoulders.

"Who are these friends?"

"Well, the first one is a powerful vampire named Dante and the second one is a powerful witch named Larissa she is the most powerful witch I know after you aunt."

"Why did you not just call my aunt?"

"Because She was busy." He must be lying aunt jasmine is never too busy to see me or spend time with me.

"That can't be true."

"She said she was busy with something, taking care of a problem." He scratched his head making me feel as if he was lying but I decided to let it go.

"So we need you now to speak to him."

"Great I'll come with you." I sensed a hint of jealousy in his voice but I must be imagining it.

"What?! No, you cannot go with her." His voice went up a different high pitch.

"Uncle john relax... besides I don't see why not."

"Yeah, she needs someone to protect her." I took that as an insult.

"Wait what. I am highly capable of taking care of myself and if you think they would kill one of their own even when their kind is at the brink of extinction then you have not been listening to me the whole time." I said extremely defensively.

He looked at me with a bored expression before standing up. "It was just a suggestion but if you can handle it yourself then I don't see why there is still a need for my presence so I will be going to class now."

He picked up his bag and went out the door.