
Angels and Demons Academy

Tidimalo_Masemola · Kỳ huyễn
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13 Chs

Chapter 5

Luna's POV

I was busy stretching when Andrei and his brothers caught my eye. They were a few feet away from us but they weren't stretching they were just standing looking around at everyone.

I noticed that everyone had stopped stretching and looking at them and I was the only one still stretching. I stopped and dusted my clothes off and looked at Sam and Monica.

"Why did everyone stop stretching?" I whispered closer to them.

"The Gotham brothers and the crescent pack have never been put in the same area at the same time for years now, so people are waiting to see what is going to happen next."


I sat down on the grass with my legs folded. I start pulling out the grass from boredom. When is our teacher coming? I wondered to myself.

A few minutes later the teacher came. "Sorry class I'm late I had to go get today's schedule."

"So I need you to pair up, Angels and demons together, werewolves together, vampires together."

"If you are a hybrid you can pick which one you want to work on and then go to a group. I need four in each group"

Five more teachers came in and everyone was in their groups. Sam was with werewolves and Monica was with a group of demons that was full. I was standing alone still deciding on which side I was going to work on. I looked around and found that every group was full except the Gotham brothers that were still three.

I walked over to them hesitantly. "Hi can I join you guys... every other group is full."

They looked at me at the same time. One of them answered which I think was Anakin. "Sure which side are you working on?"

"Umm angel, I haven't transformed into one yet and I am trying."

"Maybe you just not an angel." Andrei said in a monotone.

Why does he have to be so mean? "I am one, I know that but I can practice my demon I haven't unlocked that side yet too."

"What have you unlocked?" Andrew asked.

"Ohh Umm vampire and witch were my first discovery and my werewolf came in a few months ago." I decided not to tell them about my kitsune because I did not know how they would react.

"Wait... what are you?" Anakin asked.

"I am...Umm... I am an aurorath." I stuttered.

They all looked at me semi shocked. "Wait How is that possible I thought those were extinct." Andrew said.

"They are I am the last one as far as I know."

"Okay. Lets start." Andrei said. "You said you wanted to work on your angel power. We can help you with that."

"Thanks." I smiled at Andrei.

One of the teachers came towards our group. "So what are you guys working on?" The teacher asked.

"Demon and angel." Anakin replied.

"Okay so can the demons and angels separate."

I stood aside from them. I had something on my mind that I had to ask the teacher. "Excuse me May I ask you something. Why are witches excluded in this exercise?"

"Well witches have a period later on in the library. They practice sorcery in an indoor field and if they need to be outside their teacher will take them there."

"Ohh Okay." I was satisfied with the answer. Witches are quite powerful and there are a few in this school.

"So how many of you have transformed yet?" The teacher asked.

All three of the Gotham brothers raised their hand slightly barely raising it.

"Okay that's great do you boys mind training separate while I focus on her for second." They did not answer, they just moved away from us a bit and the teacher took that as a hint. 

"Okay so you have angel in you right." I nodded. "I need you to close your eyes and imagine yourself in the sky, imagine your body floating above the clouds. Remember the first transition as your wings penetrate your skin and break free is going to be extremely painful. Imagine your wings spread out and clap together to send you flying into the air.

I did what the teacher said a few minutes later I felt pain in my back. My bones were crackling and growing out of my body. They were creating a structure for my wings. I heard a loud noise only to realize that noise was coming from my mouth I was screaming in pain. I dropped down with a thud to the ground and the ache in my back started to soothe.

I felt something heavy yet light on my back something that was apart of me. It was my wings. I was face down on the ground. I moved my hand and touched my back I felt wetness I brought my hand back to see what it was. Blood. I stood up and saw the teacher looking at me with his mouth hanging.

I looked around and found that everyone had made a huge circle around me. They were all looking at my wings. I turned around and...


Andrei's POV

We were walking away from the teacher and Luna and going to train on our own.

Andrew and Anakin started talking about Samantha and I just rolled my eyes and walked over to a punching bag. I listened in on Luna's conversation while I was punching the bag.

He was telling her some crap about visualizing being in the sky and stuff. I turned around and walked closer to my brothers, they were also looking at Luna. I guess they also heard. We were now staring at them. The rest of the people were minding their own business training.

We heard a scream and it was coming from Luna. I guess that caught their attention because everyone was now looking at Luna.

Her skin was stretching out and what I could imagine were her bones enlarging. Her wings were spreading out. She levitated into the air. A white, bright blinding light surrounded her. We had to look away or cover our eyes. 

She descended down smoothly and dropped on to the ground stomach flat on the floor. I could not believe what I was seeing. She had huge golden wings. What was abnormal about this you may ask well because angels have white wings and demons have charcoal black wings.

She moved around the floor a bit. Probably in pain. I wanted to go there and pick her up in my arms. I know how painful the first transition is.

She reached to her back and touched the blood that was staining her now torn shirt. Her wings were laying weakly around her body like a protective shield.

She inhaled a sharp breath and tried to move. She stood up almost immediately and looked at the teacher. His mouth was agape. Seeing his facial expression, she looked around. Everyone was standing in a huge circle around her and the teacher and her are in the middle of it.

She looked back at her wings as if she was suddenly realizing what everyone was staring at. Her mouth opens slightly and a small intake of breath sound came from it. She quickly covers her mouth with her hand and looked around at everyone again.

She was not comfortable with people looking at her so she started fiddling with her hand and twisted her legs side to side. She looked down at her hands and legs and looked scared. I couldn't let her feel that way.

I walked over to her and looked at the people around. "I swear to god if you people don't continue training in the next three seconds..."

They did not stick around to find out what the rest of the sentence was as they hurriedly stepped away and continued training without giving a second glance our way. Well everyone except Parker and Bryan.

I held the hook of Luna's shoulder and whispered to her extremely silently to avoid and perking ears. "Come with me."

Without hesitation she followed me and we ran into the school. Her wings had not got back in but we were lucky this school has unnecessary huge doors and wide halls. I lead her to Mr Cohen our schools headmaster and owner he always knows what to do.
