
Angels Among us: Bound by fate

In his Modern day life,Oliver Williams a south african archivist who worked as a dedicated archivist in a reowned museum abroad, meticulously cataloging artifacts, and preserving historical documents. Oliver was deeply passionate about history and finding Solace in the stories of the past, he studied history abroad and learned many things of the past After work he immersed himself in Tv anime, mangas and fantasy video games and novels particularly those featuring Fantastical worlds and ancient civilizations. His fascination with history and virtual adventures became a way to escape the mundane realities of modern life, allowing him to explore the realms of magic and mystery from the comfort of his own home. Oliver, returning home after a tiring day, ignored a warning about a strange weather, only to be struck by lightning. Upon awakening, he found himself in a fantasy world , Oliver had decided to become a full fledged hunter but unfortunately he was recognized as the most weakest hunter and he has been an F rank for a full year. Long ago a war between celestial beings and Chaoses led to the imprisonment of the fallen beings in Tartarus. However, they infiltrated the human realm to bring chaos and disorder. Humans learned the power of 'Atado,' allowing them to become Hunters who could absorb atmospheric energy to combat Chaos monsters. Oliver, discovering he's a chosen vessel for the Seraphim celestial being, embarks on a mission to find other celestial vessels and eliminate chaotic forces. The Celestial vessels, representing different angelic triads, aim to protect humanity from the destructive clash between celestial beings and Chaoses. Oliver, drawing on his past life as an archivist, seeks to fulfill his duties as a Hunter and bring about positive change.

Asay_Magadeni · Kỳ huyễn
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28 Chs

Battle with the chaos (ch24)


"Battle with a chaos"

Oliver watched Caleb go, then turned his attention back to the threat at hand.

"Here goes something," he whispered to himself, gripping his sword tighter.

The air around him crackled with anticipation, the weight of his duty as a hunter anchoring him to the moment. Ahead lay a battle of uncertain outcome, but his resolve was unwavering. Oliver was ready to confront the chaos, whatever the cost.

In the heat of the moment, the chaos beast unveiled its fearsome capability:


With a guttural roar that seemed to tear through the fabric of the air itself, the beast unleashed a wave of sound so powerful it rattled the earth beneath their feet. The land trembled, houses groaned under the stress of sudden cracks splintering through their foundations, and trees were uprooted, sent tumbling like leaves caught in a tempest.

Amid the chaos, Oliver found himself battling not just the external onslaught but the piercing agony that clawed at his eardrums.

"Grrhh," he grunted, his hands clamped over his ears, teeth clenched in a futile attempt to block out the cacophony.

The howl, mercifully, began to wane, and Oliver seized the moment of relative silence. The realization dawned on him with chilling clarity; this beast was unlike any chaos he'd encountered before.

"This one can wield techniques...devastating ones at that," he whispered to himself, the gravity of the situation settling in.

As he assessed the damage around him and the capabilities of his foe, Oliver knew he was at a crossroads.

"How much more can I endure?" he pondered, his mind racing to devise a plan. A flicker of strategy ignited within him.

"First things first, I need to draw it away from the village. Leading it to the nearby forest could safeguard the villagers." With resolve hardening in his heart, Oliver prepared to act, his every step a calculated move in the deadly dance he was about to lead.

Flames ignited beneath Oliver's feet, lifting him into the air.

"Haven't used this skill in a while," he murmured, a sense of exhilaration washing over him as he floated upward.

"Time to test out my flying skills." With his gaze locked on the formidable chaos beast, Oliver darted through the sky toward it.


he announced, conjuring a barrage of blazing projectiles. As he neared the chaos beast's towering form, he unleashed the fireballs, each one a streak of light aiming for the beast.

"Over here!" Oliver called out, hoping to draw the creature's attention away from the village.

The chaos beast, annoyed by the sudden assault of heat, swung one of its massive arms in an attempt to squash Oliver like an insect. With agile maneuvers, Oliver veered sharply, narrowly escaping the crushing grasp of the beast. His evasion led him toward the forest, the chaos beast lumbering after him. To the colossal creature, Oliver was no more than a bothersome fly, desperately trying to elude its clutches. Each step the beast took resonated like a thunderous drum, signaling the start of a deadly chase.

Reaching the forest's edge, Oliver and the chaos beast continued their deadly dance.

"Now, how do I bring this behemoth down?" Oliver pondered, barely having a moment to strategize before the beast launched a massive fist towards him.

"Oh dang," he exclaimed, caught off guard. Instinctively, Oliver drew his sword, channeling his innate Atado energy into the blade. The energy shimmered in a brilliant blue, the color represented the neutrality of Atado energy/Atado's pure energy.

"That caught me off guard," Oliver muttered, taking a brief moment to center himself with a deep inhale and exhale. He then focused on transferring thermal energy into his sword. Recalling hi lessons from his previous life, Oliver mused on the principles of thermal energy.

"Thermal energy is about the movement and vibration of particles," he explained to himself, tapping into the knowledge buried in his memories.

"The more energy I channel into the sword, the hotter it becomes."

With determination, Oliver concentrated on accumulating thermal energy in his blade. He visualized the energy within and around him, attempting to materialize it into a tangible force.

"The key is to inject more energy into the object. The more input energy, the greater the heat accumulation," he concluded, preparing to turn this insight into action against the towering chaos beast.

As Oliver channeled his energy into a final, desperate maneuver, his scream pierced the tension-filled air. Swinging his sword, now a conduit for the thermal energy he'd harnessed, he unleashed his attack.


A wave of fire, both majestic and terrifying, erupted from the blade, carving through the chaos beast's fist with a ferocity that matched Oliver's resolve.

The beast reeled back, its roar of agony mingling with the hiss of searing flesh and the crackle of the flames. For a moment, victory seemed tangible, a small triumph in the shadow of the looming threat.

Catching his breath, Oliver couldn't help but remark on his achievement, a mix of relief and pride in his voice.

"Well, well, this time I managed to keep the sword in one piece, unlike the last time at the Fathomless forest," he mused, a brief smile crossing his face as he remembered past battles.

But his moment of triumph was short-lived. His eyes widened in disbelief at the sight before him.

"The hell, its arm, it...it has..." he trailed off, his voice a mix of shock and dismay.

Before his eyes, the chaos beast's severed limb began to twitch and squirm, then, astonishingly, to regenerate.


as the beast's arm restored itself, flesh knitting together in a grotesque display of its resilience.

"...regenerated," Oliver finished, his heart sinking as he realized the enormity of the challenge that still lay ahead.

How will Oliver deal with such a threat? that can easily regenerate no matter how much power he accumulates and unleashes at his opponent. His body is almost at its limit and his energy is about to run out, a f rank hunter goes toe to toe with an intermediate tier beast chaos alone. It seems that the battle is still not yet over.