
Angel with Black Wings

In a celestial realm, Athena, an angel with black wings, becomes infatuated with a mysterious being rumored to be the devil. Born as Crown Princess, she tries to find out the truth about the being. The more she tried to uncover, the more she was forbidden not to. There were secrets buried in the two realms and it might cost a war if uncovered.

littlebirdy · Kỳ huyễn
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69 Chs

Chapter 24

Fragmented dreams from my childhood danced in my mind—a whirlwind of memories featuring Damon, Father, and Mother during our youth. Images flashed before me: moments of joy intertwined with moments of sorrow. Damon and I frolicking in the throne hall, Father's watchful gaze lingering from afar. 

Then, Mother's ethereal figure materialized, standing amidst a sunlit meadow, her arms outstretched in a welcoming embrace.

Come to me, Athena. I'm here.

She appeared timeless, unchanged by the passage of time. Her complexion resembled pure snow, her golden locks delicately framing her heart-shaped face beneath a crown-like wreath. The flowing white dress seamlessly complemented her skin, billowing gently in the breeze as her smile radiated the same warmth and affection she possessed prior to her entrapment in the mortal realm.