
Angel System

Seraph’s life is a sad one, bullied on a day to day basis, his emotions and feelings slowly become numb to interaction… his eyes dull and his body weak he can only hold in his rage and despair deep within his heart. However, one day he sits down in class and realizes that his seat has disappeared thinking it was another prank he fell down onto grass? Looking up he sees a system? His entire class is with him and this time humans aren’t in charge of this new world...instead it’s the monsters in the forests. ________ “On earth they said, Beauty is held in the eyes of the beholder.” A sensual woman's voice swayed through the void. “ Such a good quote, however it’s so untrue don’t you think?” A cold man’s voice replied “ What do you mean?” The sensual woman giggled, “Well… Once upon a time, I came down to meet the humans, I considered myself as the most beautiful woman in the world, in the eyes of all in heaven I was considered the most beautiful- even the lord recognized this...however every single one of the humans shunned me at a glance. Met with fits of screams and anguished cries, I got really depressed... “ “Get to the point.” The Cold Man’s voice sharply interrupted the women. “Oh, Oh just wait. It gets better.” The sensual woman replied and then continued “ The next time i saw another man. I graciously approached, Bowed head, a dazzling smile on my face. I remember wearing the best thing I owned at the time.” “ A beautiful victorian dress with white frills. I perfectly embodied the word of elegance. Not even a queen could compete against me...however, I was shunned once more. The man even called me monster.” “So I did the only thing, I thought was proper…so I took him.” “Really, what then?” A gruff voice was heard in the void. “When did you come out of your hole?” The cold man asked. “Shush, I’m listening to the story!” An elegant man’s voice came through the void. “Hum, It seems as if everyones here.” The most beautiful feminine voice said through the void. The sensual woman laughed “I never knew my story could attract such a crowd.” She continued “but let’s continue… After taking him I went to work. I gave him soo many gifts, I gave him so much of my love just like in any relation we gave and took from each other… In the end, his eyes beheld my beauty.” “Then where is he?” The gruff man’s voice spoke “What do you mean? You're looking at him aren’t you?”

1Hamster1 · Kỳ huyễn
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54 Chs


Seraph arrived in his new room, it was an upgrade from the guest room and was on par with the princesses room. It even had a nice coffee table near the doorway like the guest room, this was something about the room that he really liked and also relayed to the maid.

"I heard that you like books so later, We're going to add some bookshelves to this room." Sela spoke softly, she walked past seraph and took a seat near the coffee table.

Alena joined her, followed by seraph. While the maids stood at both sides of the room door, bowed, then exited the room. Seraph didn't hear their footsteps leave so he knew that the maids were still closely near the room.

Their actions made seraph slightly tense his body, the maids actions meant sela was about to do something important and they didn't want people interrupting or hearing in on their conversation. Seraph waited for Sela to speak, his soft gaze made sela look back at him then she softly coughed.

"My Father, wants you to go to the warriors academy and take part in their tournament in 1 year and 3 months… if this is the case. That means you'll be taking part in the warrior academy education for 1 year and 3 months." She began to softly explain to seraph.

"During this time, you're going to be taking part in classes… training and learning how to control your mana until the tournament." She coughed softly, "The thing is about this, is that… you're a special case and the entire kingdom will soon know of your identity."

Seraph only nodded, Alena suddenly got up and peered outside the door for a moment. He could hear some talking behind him as Sela continued " I don't want you to be bullied because of me. Nor, do i want you to experience any hurt so…"

Seraph spoke, "It's fine. I've experienced plenty of pain before, you don't need to do anything at all."

"Oh… I'm so sorry for all of this. You're the only person that can get me out of this… Just associating with me is bad for you." She sighed, "I need you to get strong. I'm going to do everything i can to help you grow…"

Alena returned this time holding a tray filled with some tea. She set some tea in front of seraph and then in front of Sela.

"Princess, Don't worry. With the aid of the royal family, no one would recklessly confront seraph and seraph's own growth will be quick and powerful. By the time the next tournament happens, he would be ready." Alena then placed some tea in front of herself, before setting the tray in the middle of the coffee table.

"Oh, alright…" Sela picked up her tea and began to take a sip.

Seraph did the same, "Princess,"

Sela shook her head, "You don't need to call me Princess."

"S-sela… When you guys took me back… what did you do with my spear and book?" Seraph spoke soft to the ear.

"We've placed the spear in the garrison and the book I have in my room." Alena spoke before Sela could.

"I need them back." Seraph asked.

"No." Alena outright rejected his request without considering it.

Seraph looked at Sela, who shook her head and spoke softly "Alena you should just give him-"

"Princess, these affairs are something that you cannot enter in." Alena emotionlessly said.

Seraph gripped the edges of the coffee table, however, he still kept a cool head "I want them back, the spear, the book and the wolf pelt that I own"

"No." She immediately shut seraph down.

"Why? Why, won't you give me my stuff back?" Seraph felt his chest tighten, his hand gripped the coffee table even tighter than before. His face was slightly turning red.

"Because I earned those items through a duel. Which I won." Alena was emotionless when dealing with the angered seraph.

The Spear he got the spear from his dead mentor john, the book also came from his dead mentor and friend. The wolf skin reminded him of his first victory… the vengeance that he vow to take against Shi-Won and Alex.

Seraph's anger exploded.

Seraph suddenly stood up and savagely lashed out at her. His sudden anger took Alena and Sela back, they didn't expect him to get so angry over a couple of items.

His fist shot toward her face, which she casually raised her hand in order to catch it.

HIs fist landed against her palm. He attempted to pull it back to find it trapped in place, "What do you think you're doing?" Alena spoke emotionlessly.

Sela stood up, "Enough!" Alena froze. She turned to look at Sela who was looking down on her.

"Prin-" Alena began to open her mouth, but she was cut off by sela.

"I said enough! Leave, now." Alena let go of seraph's hand and quickly retreated from the room.

'He got angry over those items… I would understand the spear and the wolf pelt… but the book?' Alena sent a glance toward seraph as she left, she didn't think he would take it so personally. She just wanted to see his reaction… but she must've gone too far.

Sela attempted to approach Seraph, but he suddenly turned his back to her.

She paused, "Uh, I'm sorry for Alena… she didn't mean to offend you like that, she-"

Seraph turned his head to look at her, "It's fine… she's just proving your point. Only with strength will I be able to get the things I want."

"Wha- That's not…" Seraph turned around as she spoke. He approached her.

"I said it's fine. She proved her point didn't she?" His hand reached out…

Sela took a step back unconsciously and found her back against the coffee table. Seraph's hand reached out and grabbed the back of her neck, her arms rested on seraph's chest. She felt weak against his soft hold, his sudden intimacy caught her off guard.

Seraph's own sudden intimacy caught himself off guard, 'What was I about to do?' Sela closed her eyes and waited for seraph's kiss, but it never came she opened her eyes to find an embarrassed seraph still holding on.

"You're so cute." She grabbed seraph's face and pulled him for a quick kiss, "But i got something to do after this. How about next time?"

"N-next time? Sure!" She disengangled herself from seraphs hold and then left the room.

After a few minutes, seraph heard a knock on the door and found a maid with two books in her hand. She handed them over to Seraph, before politely bowing to him and leaving. Seraph took the books and placed them on the table, they were the books he had in the guest room.

He began reading, he felt relaxed this way. With a cup of tea in hand and a book in the other he took the time to relax. He didn't have a way of training, he could go through the motions of john's footwork over and over again but it only worked and improved when he was going against an opponent.

Time passed quickly before he knew it, the sun was gone. The only thing illuminating the room were the four blue crystals in the corner of the room, he found out a way to turn them off last time while he was in the guest room. He clapped his hand three times, three of the crystals shutting off.

He closed the book. Then began to change for bed, during the day the maids gave him some clothes that he could wear, most of the clothes were fit for only nobility… So he just took off his shirt and put on some baggy pants for bed.

He was about to go to bed, when he heard a knock on his door. He grumbly opened the door…He first saw the maid then, He saw a flash of silver, his hand shot forward immediately grabbing the maids hand that held a knife.

He immediately twisted her hand and pushed her down. She fell on the floor with a loud thud, her eyes were cold and frightening… "What the hell are you doing?" Seraph looked down at her, his hand now held the large knife she was originally holding.

"Die, bitch." She spoke quickly. Seraph's eyes widened, he turned around. However, he was too late. A dagger cut forward and pierced his back, he turned around and swept his hand around grabbing his attackers clothes. However, his attacker latched onto his back and turned with him. Their arm climbed around his neck and pulled him back.

The dagger pulled out of his side, then shot for his neck. His arm moved and restrained their elbow, the dagger ending inches away from his throat. He turned around and slammed his back into the wall.

His hand covered his wound as he backed away.

"What the hell…" His eyes were calm, the pain in his back was not as intense as the wolf cuts. They could be considered negligible to him… the blood had even begun to stop. He circulated his holy mana throughout his body giving him a light glow…

The two maids looked toward the door, However, how could seraph let them leave after what they did? He immediately rushed forward, the maid was not as fast as seraph clearly. Seraph caught up to the first one and slammed her head into the wall knocking her out. While the other, one recognized they weren't as fast as Seraph turned around to face him.

Seraph's face looked like a statue, cold and merciless. The maid immediately regretted her decision, she took a step back. However, seraph charged forward with the knife in hand. He raised it to the ceiling and brought it down.

The maid took a step back, narrowly dodging the blade. Her dagger then shot forward toward Seraph's neck.

Seraph reached out and allowed the dagger to impale his hand. He pushed it to the side and slammed his forearm to her neck pinning her body against the wall.

"Who the hell sent you?" Seraph growled.