
Steel Your Soul

Much like Shugo's morning classes, his classes for that afternoon also came and went in a blur.

"Energy can't be created or destroyed. It just goes from one form to another."

He generally paid attention in Physics class, but today's discussion on the First Law of Thermodynamics was something he found particularly interesting.

"There's human freedom, and then there's the abuse of human freedom."

He regarded their Religion class as something of a bonus round, having read the textbook multiple times before the school year even began, though Shugo could never deny the relevance and importance of what their lessons there were meant to teach them.

"If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge?"

World Literature was another one of Shugo's favorites, even if he did find himself going online from time to time for the purpose of translating antiquated linguistics into more modern language.

"…When it comes down to it, we can't really fix a person or make them do anything. All we can do is be there for them and nudge them in the right direction whenever and wherever we can."

Then the bell rang at exactly 4:00 PM, signalling the end of their Homeroom Guidance session and the school day with it.

'Just another Tuesday at St. Stephen.'

Shugo had no extracurricular activities lined up for that afternoon, which meant he was entirely free to go straight home and catch up on lost sleep. And so it was that when the bell rang, he wasted no time packing away his things, before throwing on his backpack and departing from the campus. He would take a shower and then take a nap as soon as he got home, though probably not before setting his alarm for midnight so he could do his homework. Though as he soon found out, that day had a few more surprises lined up for him.

"Furukawa Shugo?"

He froze momentarily as he heard that voice, before turning back just a few seconds away from the front gate.

"That IS your name, right?" Amaki Rena inquired innocently as she leaned forward just inches from him, the brightest of smiles on her face. "I looked for you over at your classroom right after dismissal, but your friend told me you took off. Good thing I caught up, huh?"

'Damn you, Kaito.'

"Hi, Rena," Shugo managed; he just barely prevented himself from stammering, but his valiant efforts weren't quite enough to stop the blush now creeping up his cheeks. "Something you need?"

"As a matter of fact, there is," Rena replied, reaching into her purse for a flyer before giving it to him. "My family's holding an outreach program for troubled kids at the end of the month, and I heard you were part of the Peer Counsellors' Club. I was hoping you could join us for it, if you're not too busy."

'Ah, that makes sense.'

Rena's parents were known philanthropists. Her father was a motivational speaker and a businessman, while her mother founded and led a non-government organization oriented towards orphans, troubled youths, and pregnant women in crisis. Rena's involvement in their upcoming outreach program proved that she took after her parents to some extent, though Shugo still had trouble understanding why she came to him and not one of his fellow Peer Counsellors.

"…Shugo?" Rena prompted, snapping him out of his momentary reverie. "Will I see you there?"

Shugo considered it carefully. It was April 21 that day, which meant Rena's outreach would be taking place in 9 days. He honestly had no plans for the end of the month, in which case he was likely to just rest at home or take an afternoon stroll at the nearby mall. Accepting Rena's invitation would mean doing something worthwhile with his time – 'with someone worthwhile', added a snide voice at the back of his head – which was more than could be said for his usual Saturday routine.

'On the other hand…'

'Dude,' said the snide voice again, more insistently this time. 'This wasn't an accident. She didn't just happen to run into you, she purposely looked for you. Hell, she even asked your idiotic brother from another mother about you. You're not seriously considering turning her down?'

"…Oh. Sure, I'll go," Shugo answered, accepting the invitation without any further thought.

"Thinks," he fumbled as he went on, eliciting an amused giggle from Rena, "I mean, thanks for thinking of me."

Rena beamed, the same way she did earlier when they made eye contact at lunch and caused Shugo's heart to do a somersault in response. "Great! I'll add your name to the list and let the staff know we're expecting you!"

She then turned to leave. "I'll see you there!"

Shugo stood there watching her, before he himself departed after she turned at the corner at the opposite end of the hallway. As he walked home minutes later, he half-jokingly thought that if he were to die later, at least he would get to die happy.

And as he walked home, Shugo never stopped to reconsider that train of thought.


A scream jolted Shugo from his nap later that night.

'What, can't a guy get some sleep around here?'

A glance at his smartphone's clock told him it was 11:30 PM, or just half an hour before he was to get started with his homework. And he fully intended to do just that, though not until after he saw what that noise was all about and made sure it was nothing. Of course, it was entirely possible someone else also heard and noticed, but on the off-chance he was wrong, Shugo wanted to make sure whoever had screamed was alright.

'Maybe this wasn't the best idea.'

No sooner had Shugo stepped outside than he finally saw just what it was all about. Turning to his right, Shugo saw a lady in the distance sprinting in his direction, as fast as she could given the baby she carried in her arms. Behind her was a man beside himself with fury, eyes bloodshot and flashing dangerously. Even from a distance, Shugo saw how dishevelled and haggard the man looked, and from the way his eyes bulged and flashed, he was unlikely to be in his right mind.

"Help me!"

"He's gonna kill me!"

That jolted Shugo back to reality.

He stepped aside just in time for the mother and child to pass, before tackling their pursuer and sending both of them toppling to the ground. But then-


Shugo reflexively let go, rolling on his back on the pavement as he did so. His left hand clutched at what felt like a wound on his stomach, judging from the white-hot pain slowly radiating from that area, which was confirmed by the wetness he felt. The man he had tackled moments ago had gotten to his feet in the meantime and was now glaring down at him, the look in his eyes one of pure murder.

"Meddlesome little shit!"

A yell of pain escaped Shugo the next instant as the man stomped on the gunshot wound he had accidentally inflicted earlier. He buried his foot into the wound, before stepping on the wounded youth's sternum and then audibly cocking his gun.

"Don't ever get in my way again."

Shugo felt a sudden burning pain in the middle of his forehead and then saw a flash of light, before his world faded completely into black.


When Shugo came to, it was to a world of silence and of blinding white light.

Wherever Shugo was, he wondered whether it was the afterlife. He could still feel his heart beating, an indicator that he may not necessarily have died – at least, not yet. On the other hand, both his gunshot wounds were inexplicably missing, just as the pain that had wracked every nerve of his body had mysteriously disappeared.

And then, out of nowhere, he heard a feminine voice.

"Is this the end you wanted?"

Shugo was unsure whether it was real or just an imagination, so he chose not to answer.

Luckily, the voice went on, leaving him with no doubt.

"Were I to intervene, could you go on?"

That got Shugo's attention.

"…Sorry, what? Intervene, how?"

"Here and now, I offer you the power to meet whatever tomorrow brings. To forever vanquish your fear and trepidation at what lies ahead. To smite the evils that lurk in this world, and to live for something greater than yourself. Will you accept?"

Shugo had to admit he was intrigued. "Power? What power?"

"For lack of a better term, you might call this a bargain. In exchange for your life, you shall exact the vengeance – the justice – that I myself cannot. Should you accept my offer, know that anything and everything you need to fulfill this task will be given to you, along with so much more, on completion. However, know also that your life will be forfeit should you fail. And of course, it would be remiss of me not to warn you that the undertaking ahead of you will condemn you to live apart from all others. My gift to you, but also, my curse."

'A deal with the devil, huh?'

Shugo hesitated. This was the exact kind of thing he had always been raised to be wary about. While he had never actually met anyone who had such an encounter, he knew from everything he had ever read and been taught about the subject that such dealings rarely ended well. The human contractors in such stories generally lost everything, or otherwise ended up in a much worse state than they were to begin with.

"What say you? Dare you enter into this contract?"

On the other hand, Shugo also knew that his predicament left him with little option. Assuming this was real and all taking place in his head, then it was a safe bet that he was either dying or already dead – or, at least, that those outcomes would be cemented if he refused the offer before him. While none of the options before him were ideal, at least there was an option that gave him the possibility of forcing a better outcome later.

Still, it was with a grim smile on his face that Shugo gave the spirit – demon – whatever she was – his answer. "I accept."

"Then I bind our covenant here and now. Steel your soul, child, and know that your life after vengeance will know no bounds so long as you do not waver as you march forth."

'And that's that,' thought Shugo as he felt a burning sensation on his chest as though something was being carved or branded into his skin.

"Just tell me one thing, though. Who are you?"

The spirit spoke one final time, though the reply Shugo received barely qualified as an answer to his question.

"From this moment, you will be my contractor."

"And I shall be your angel of wrath."