
Angel For The Devil

She knew he was fire, one too hot for her to hold, yet she believed that with fire light could be extracted. He knew she was an Angel, one too pure for a demon like himself, but he just couldn't let her go. ---------- Be careful what you wish for, or you might end up.... stuck with the devil. This was the case with Anastasia...Ana for short or Sia as the devil would often call her. Where everyone cursed and blame the devil for all the calamities that happens to them; including the death of her parents. Ana believed that every soul has light in them and only need someone to tap in and bring out the light, thus saving them. She wanted to bring out the light in the devil. Well, Ana's wish was granted when she found a ball in their courtyard. A ball that changed her life and intertwined her fate with the devil.

Scarlett01 · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs

Eternal Life

It was a moonless night. With a heavy downpour of the rain, accompanied by loud thunder. Ana's room was faintly lit by the owl shaped lamp by the bedside.

She was sleeping soundly with her ball protectively held in her arms and they were both buried under the warm protection of the blanket.

The pendulum clock stroke twelve and Mrs. Weasel arrived inside the room, right in time with a small home-baked cake.

"Happy birthday, Ana," She sang the birthday song, humming into Ana's ears to wake her up.

"Mom?" The birthday girl opened her eyes and sat up, with the ball on her lap. She rubbed her eyes to help her see clearly. "What is it?" She demanded. She seemed to have forgotten that it was her birthday or she probably was still groggy from sleep that she didn't realize that it was her birthday.

"It's your birthday, dear. Did you forget?" Mrs. Weasel reminded her before passing a small table knife to her.

"Oh yes, it is my birthday," Ana acclaimed with a light tap on her head. She took the knife with a smile. "Thank you, Mom," then she blew off the candle and cut the cake. They fed each other some cake and hugged each other.

"So tell me, darling. What would you like for your birthday?" Mrs. Weasel demanded.


The moment tried to state the gift of he choice, she was interrupt by the appearance of a strange fog that covered the room.

"Mom?" Ana searched for her mother in the foggy room.

"Hey there, I heard there was a party somewhere here." A voice echo from the fog. "Hope we're invited, because I will not leave here without having to feast."

"Mom?" Ana was looking from left to right in search of her mother. The voice was frightening and she couldn't help but tremble.

"Ana, my dear, I'm right here." Mrs. Weasel announced. She was also searching for Ana, but the fog has made it difficult to see.

"Doesn't it smell good in here?" The voice asked and some strange voices murmured in response.

"It does," They all laughed, making Ana suddenly feel cold. She held the ball close, but it's warmth couldn't save her from the cold she felt.

Why does it seem like the ball wasn't warm tonight? She wondered. However, the state of things at the moment didn't give her time to dwell on the thought.

"Show yourself, you coward!" Mrs. Weasel yelled at the shadows.

"Alright, I'll fulfil your wish." The voice replied. His response was accompanied by a monstrous laughter that spread terror across the room.

The fog slowly faded and Mrs. Weasel rushed to hold Ana who was trembling seriously.

"She is beautiful too," The voice spoke again and a man appeared out of nowhere. He had strangely long and dirty black hair. He was handsome, but his look was frightening with his eyes, fiery. He looked so handsome that one would mistake him for an Angel if his voice wasn't so scary. "She will make a fine woman someday. But I care about living more than I care about anything." He declared and his enigmatic laughter filled the room.

"Who...Who are you?" Ana words came out as a stutter.

"That is a wrong question, my dear." The man laughed again. The question should be who are you?" He laughed again, making Ana shrink deeper into her mother's bossom.

Mrs. Weasel's heart thumped in her chest. How did they find them? She had taken Ana far away to keep her safe. She did as she was told, so why did they still find them?

Then, she remembered her husband's last words and the necklace he gave to her. "When she turns sixteen, her scent will ripen and they will....." He coughed, then placed a necklace on her hand. "When that time comes, put this around her neck and make sure she never takes it off."

Mrs. Weasel then remembered that Ana just clocked sixteen. In fact, they were celebrating hher sixteenth birthday when these people arrived. How did they find them so soon?

She hugged Ana tightly as she thought of what to do. Her husband died saving their daughter, she wouldn't mind doing the same.

The man moved closer as he spoke in response to his question. "You, my dear are the key to eternal life. One drop of blood from you and I will live again. Forever and ever." The man tried to touch Ana, his fangs elongated and his two not-so-handsome companion also followed suit.

"Back off, blood suckers my daughter is off limits!" Mrs. Weasel screamed and rushed out with Ana.

She knew that she couldn't get away from them. They will catch her even before she took a step, but she needed to try. She needed to do something. She must save Ana. She must save her daughter, and the only thing that can do that was in her room.

"You want to play hide and seek?" One of the men sniggered as she ran inside the room with Ana.

The monsters didn't go after her because they were sure that she could never run faster than them. She couldn't get away, so why not let her run? Her obstinacy would only make this worthwhile.

Finally able to reach her room, Mrs. Weasel opened the drawer and brought out a moon shaped necklace and immediately placed it around Ana's neck.

"Don't ever take this off," She whispered as she hugged Ana. "Even if the sky is falling, Ana, don't take it off, ever!

"Yes Mom, I won't, but...." Ana wanted to ask why she had to wear a necklace suddenly and why she was never to take it, but her mother didn't let her speak. "At my signal, Ana, run. Run and don't stop until you arrive in Rochester, find my....."

Before she could finish speaking, the red eyed man appeared inside the room. "Enough playing," He smirked as he approached Ana.

However, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't touch her.

It felt as if he was been repelled by some unseen power. His red eyes became bloodshot and he turned towards Mrs. Weasel. "What did you do?!"

"Go to hell!" She spat.

He grabbed her by the neck and lifted her effortlessly.

"Mom!" Ana screamed and tried to go save her mother.

"Run Ana! Go!"

Ana couldn't leave her mother at the mercy of these monsters. She ignored her mother's warning and was coming towards the monster.

"Go away, Ana, Run!"

"What did you do?!" The man was enraged. He dug his paws into Mrs. Weasel's belly and twisted it, making her gag. Ana gasped and tried to go close to her mother.

"Don't worry about me, Ana, Run! Leave! Survive!" Mrs. Weasel muttered before going lifeless.


Ana opened her eyes and found herself sleeping on a bed. There was a figure beside her who also jumped up at her screams.

"What happened?"

"It's nothing," Ana shook her hand and rubbed her finger against the necklace.

"Nightmare?" The lady asked again.

"I'll be fine, after drinking a glass of water," Ana said, getting out of bed.

"Are you sure?" Ella asked worriedly. She has seen Ana wake up to the same nightmare everyday since they met two years ago. The only word she cries out is 'Mom' but every time she asks about it, Ana eludes her question.

"Now?" Ella asked as Ana returned.

"I'm fine, Ella, let's just sleep." Ana pushed Ella to bed and they both slept.

It's been a long time. Precisely, two years after they. However, Ana never forgot that day. She couldn't get the words of that man out her head. 'A drop of blood from you can give eternal life.'