
Angel academy

Ash_Sanders · Khoa huyễn
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1 Chs

Chapter 1

I look in my closet and pick out a black shirt, leather jacket, dark blue pants, and my black leather boots. I head down to breakfast. "Morning Ivy. How are you this morning?" She asks. I smile. If only she knew the pain I constantly go through. "Good." I lie. She doesn't know. And I intend to keep it that way. She smiles back and slides a bowl of Captain Crunch across the counter. "Thanks mom." I say. I go to get a spoon from the drawer beside the sink and sit at the counter and eat. I eat quickly and grab my bag. "Bye mom." I say waving back to her as I walk to the door. "Bye dear." She says. I sit on the sidewalk beside the mailbox and wait for the bus. About 10-15 minutes later it stops and the bright yellow doors swing open to reveal a blond woman. I get up and walk quickly to the back of the bus. I sit with my head resting on the palm of my hand, starring out the window. When we stop at my only friend's, Mia, house I perk up a little. She is physic so she knows. If I hadn't told her she would've found out herself. "Hey look. The introvert is exited about the physic. Maybe she thinks Mia is her friend." Says brad, the school bully, who then starts laughing. Then the whole bus is laughing. Mia walks in and imeditately knows what is happening. She looks like she is about to explode. She once told me that humans can tell when something is off about someone and imeditately targets it. That they can tell something is off about me but don't know what it is. And that subconsciously they know exactly what I am but humans can't access their subconscious. "I am her friend you jackasses!" She yells. Everyone shuts up. She takes a breath, smooths out her dress, puts on a smile, and walks my way. "Hey Ivy." Mia says gently as she sits next to me. I smile. "Hey Mia." I say. We hug and she whispers in my ear. "You need to start standing up for yourself." She whispers. I sigh. I nod, knowing that it's true. She lets go. We ride in silence the rest of the way to school.

After school I decide to walk home. I walk past the fence and see a boy that looks about 14 or 15. He has black hair, blue eyes, grey Adidas shirt, blue jeans, and running shoes. He has a black tail with blue stripes and tip that matches his eyes. His ears are the same. I keep walking. I don't have time for these trivial maters. I have to get ready to leave. I hear footsteps behind me. I turn to look but there's no one there. I turn and keep walking, rolling my eyes. I smell him. Then I hear the footsteps again. I ignore them. He grabs my shoulder. I whip around and smack off his hand. "Damn you! What the hell do you want damnit!" I say. But he runs away. I turn and he is back soon. I blow a fuse and lose control. This kid has been stalking me for the past fucking month. The nails on my left hand grow long enough to where they don't even qualify as nails any more. I cut four gashes into his face. He smirks. "I knew it. You ain't no human. You are a werewolf." He says, clutching his face. I am panicking and slowly agree. I think about it then before my mind fully registeres what's happening the world triples in size. I look down and my feet. They are covered in fur! I look behind me. I'm on all fours and covered in fur. It is solid black with dark blue, red, purple, and grey streaks through the fur. It looks rather pretty. I look at a puddle on the sidewalk and my eyes are four different colors. FOUR!! How is this possible. On my left eye the right side of it is blood red. The left side is bright neon green. And my right eye has even more bizarre colors. The left side is bright radio active blue. The right side is violet purple. Both eyes'colors were split right down the middle with a bright yellow line. "Wow. I ain't never seen a form like that before." Says the boy. I turn back into my human form. I am still looking at the puddle when this happens. My hair and eyes kept the patterns. I open my mouth to see if my teeth had stayed sharp and surely enough, they are. Then I look down and I realize with cold clearness. I am naked. When I turned back my clothes where not there. I make a frantic attempt to cover my self from the boy. Slightly thankful that he is the only one I have to hide from. He smirks and has a look in his eyes I do not trust. He hands me a large hoodie he had tied around his waist.i quickly put it on. I think for a sec. I take the hoodie off and set it down. I turn to my wolf form again and pick up the hoodie and run home.I jump up the porch steps and run to my room. I breath to calm my nerves. I get another leather jacket, grey shirt and black and blue mini skirt. Then I get a bag and pack my clothes and shoes. I get some black leather boots that have steal spikes along the bottom and sides. I zip up the bag and put it on my back. I open the window and have my head, arm, and left leg out the window when I hesitate. I turn around and go downstairs. I grab a post-it and pen. I leave a note where my backpack is when mom usually gets home. Then I go out the back door and into the woods. I run to my hideaway that u go to in-between families. I sigh and hang my head. I turn and the same boy is there. "I know you aren't just a werewolf Ivy." He says. My eyes widen and the color drains from my face. "Hehe. Really?" I ask in a sus voice. * Way to go Ivy. You have already given yourself away.* And I mentally facepalm. "It's ok Ivy. I am Mia's brother, Joice ." He says. "Mia didn't have a brother." I say, the nerves slowly subsiding. "I am but not full blood. I'm just her half brother. Different dads." He says. "Mia told me about....the..um....thing. But she knows you're not just a....you know." He says. I realize he is avoiding the word demon. Mia knows I am very sensitive about it. She must've told him, too. I smile. "What else am I then?" I ask. "A little bit of everything. Mermaid, Angel, Werewolf, Dragon, De..um.. THE Thing." He says. I am awestruck. I think. "Can you teach me how to control all of my forms and powers?" I ask, wearing a shy smile. He smiles back.

"Shure." He says