

“You know what’s messed up? The fact that everything and anything could seize to exist if we had just the right power. I want it. “ … Ryn - a college student with a double life as an angel , finds herself potentially saving the world and ofcourse, failing math class too. A huge crisis emerges and takes the lives of many. Only the angels can stop them but unfortunately, the angels are the ones being targeted.

Stephwrites · Khoa huyễn
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1 Chs


Unfortunately, being an angel doesn't come with wings.

The sound of my alarm woke me up in a frenzy. Saturday's we're usually my free days but this time I figured the boss had a mission. I jump off the bed in a hurry , eager to rinse my face with hopes of it making me feel less like the walking dead. The cold water hits my face with a subtle shock yet refreshing feeling that makes me feel about fifty percent ready to start the day. In no time I brush my teeth, take a shower and dress up to head to headquarters. I could already mentally picture Jackson yelling at me to stop being a "perpetual late comer" but he couldn't understand what the struggle of being a college angel with tangled bed hair now could he ?

I took my time in getting ready, ignoring the mental warnings that I needed to be on time today. Thankfully , my roommate had gone to visit her boyfriend for the weekend which I was very pleased about. I had the room to myself , meaning I could study, go for missions and do whatever the hell I wanted without anyone to bother me. Macy was nice though, she considered me a close friend but I had constantly been warned about how dangerous it was for us to keep close friends , so I always mentally pushed myself away from ever being a real friend to her.

After what felt like a hundred years later , I head for headquarters and I sure as hell couldn't wait to hear the information that was taking up my only free day this week.

Once I arrive I run over and give Keith a small punch.

"Hey, any idea what's going on today ? I have plans and I'm not letting Jackson have my only free time. My social life is sad enough as it is. " I say, grabbing a seat beside another Keith.

"I'm pretty sure you don't have plans." he smiles which makes me roll my eyes in annoyance. "But, I honestly don't know what's up with the seniors today. They haven't even shown up , I thought it was impossible to arrive later than you."

"Ha ha ha, very original" I say , feigning a laugh.

Before I could figure out a good roast, we were interrupted by the seniors coming in.

For the first time ever, they looked nervous.

And scared.

Angels are a specialized organization of what we call "superhumans"

Angels posses significant traits that make their bodies unlike that of a regular person. Most of us have general traits like high brain power and strength and a unique skill that differs from each person.

The Angel organization usually helps battle crime worldwide and have remained secret over the years.

I coughed as I saw the seniors walk in. They looked as if they hadn't slept for days- stressed and tired.

I looked at Keith to see his reaction to the seniors walking in to the hall of Angels but his face was blank and unreadable as it always was. No matter how hard I tried , it was almost impossible to get a read on Keith.

I returned my attention to the speakers in front of me and braced myself for whatever they were going to say.

"Good afternoon everyone, I am truly sorry for taking up your weekend by calling you all here today but this matter is a pressing one." Jackson announced , as he took a deep breath which signaled that he had more to say.

The hall was silent.

"Recently, our sources have notified us of an S Level threat. Full information about this has been sent to your phones. " he continued.

"We've received reports of a company in America producing drugs that can not only permanently remove your Angel qualities, but they can also be transferred to another person if your blood has been extracted."

I felt my stomach turn , this was sickening. These people were attacking us and all we'd ever done is help the community. My emotions switched from disgust to anger and all I could think about was how I would do anything to take those responsible down.

"Silence everyone." Jackson yelled , calling everyone to order.

"The REDS have this drug and attacked Doctor Ross last week. His Angel qualities were removed and he died a few days later. This means without our qualities, we will be unable to survive."

The crowd was raging. Angry, sad and frustrated after hearing the death of Mr Ross.

Once again, I looked at Keith, but this time I saw a tear roll down his eye.

Mr Ross was family to most of us here, especially to him.

"Incidents like these have been happening worldwide daily. We've been able to devise and plan and for this our first mission of the year commences." Jackson continued.

" Ryn, Keith, Cassie, Sam and Xhan. We need your help, you'll be leaving for America first thing tomorrow ." Jackson's assistant chimes in.

Before I could object or ask why I had been selected , Keith stood up and yelled "I'm in!"

That was all I needed to hear as I mumbled to myself "We'll take them down."