
Chapter 2 - The Burrow

On their way to the hide – out Katie began to explain how she came in contact with the members of the revolution saying that it was late at night while she was on the roof taking some air when she heard a voice coming from her radio, which she always had with her just in case someone from the outside tried to contact them, the voice introduced herself as Rosalina saying that she was the leader of the group and Katie did the same introduced herself and explained their situation after that the rest is history.

When Katie and Scarlet arrived at the hide out, they saw hundreds of people living underground with high tech so that things ran smoothly, the children were educated, they grew their own food using CFLs (compact fluorescent lights). Rosalina then introduced her field team, a team of assassins who were also trained by the colonists which helped to slowly take down the colonistic system first by trying to reason and if that does not work then by killing.

Rose introduced them as:

Jack- Team leader

Lianne- The best fighter

Noelle- The best shot

Lance- The planner

Gianna- The smart/scientific one

Mark- The driver

Chad- The negotiator

She later said that Katie and Scarlet would be joining the team as:

Katherine- The techy one

Scarlet- Swordswoman

It had been two weeks since Katie and Scarlet's escape and the police were busy searching for them but had no progress. Katie and Scarlett had settled in well and had begun their training with the rest of the team Katie was close with the team, but Scarlett was not as she did not trust just anyone. But she did form friends with one person, Lianne. Lianne had taught her to use a gun, fight better and of course she.

Scarlet woke up in the middle of the night to an assassination emergency meeting. As she ran into the meeting room they were immediately briefed. "Our target is the colonies chief of police and we have finally gotten our chance to strike after many days of close surveillance we have got him she shall be attending a dance tonight for all those in high positions of the colony.

But he is our target the plan is Noelle and Liane will be our snipers keeping guard of the building, Katherine you will hack into the cameras to keep us hidden, Jack you along with Scarlet with be attending as Mister and Missus Raison of the Empire, Mark you know what you have got to do and Giana you will stay back and work on an unsteady syrup for him. Any questions? Good you have 1 hour in and out and bring him back here if he doesn't cooperate after the negotiation kill him".

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