
Angel's Blessings for Perfect Dystopian Life [BL]

***DROPPED*** Last Update: - I have now stopped writing any kind of novels. Thank you all, it's been a good time. - To be fair, since this work didn't win any WSA award and is so damn unpopular, I seriously feel super painful working on it. Totally lost the will to continue the novel (But not this story, just the novel. I still love the story as ever and I swear I tried my best to make it turn out as good as possible.) - So this is goodbye, please don't waste your time here. I'mma go find some other things I'm actually good at. ***But if you still want to try the novel out, PLEASE, DON'T UNLOCK ANY MAIN STORY CHAPTER AFTER CH.98*** ***The special chapters are mostly complete though.*** - Last but not least, thank you so so much for your understanding and reading until this point. --- Update frequency: - --- All your comments, reviews, stones, tickets and every single coin you give this book are appreciated. Thank you so much for your support.

Crazy_Ume · LGBT+
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
154 Chs

Chapter Eleven (Part 4): Anomalies

'So... The fiery lion and the aqua serpent, they both love wrecking havoc. Normal twins behavior, it seems...'

Thought the me absentmindedly as I was having my ass sat in Nagisa's aircar, it had been almost 25 minutes since the law enforcer had dragged my ass out of the Ozwald's residence and invited me in here, though she left me as soon as the door got closed, and there... she was busy talking to an unknown someone on the hologlove.


If it was gonna be like this, you could have just left me in there to have some emotional moment with my brother while you were on your glove, don't you think?

I just couldn't help but have such a thought, staring out the tinted window, contemplating what had happened.

'Seriously, why must the Hunters love kicking doors so damn much...?'