

Andrea just wanted to live a normal life with her crazy triplets and her twins........ BUT little did she know that life has other plans for her. Join Andrea in her crazy life

A_RACH · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

Chapter 4


I looked at the apple laptop in front of me as the words kept ringing in my ear. So my ex-husband gets to finally marry my ex-best friend and on my birthday. It was bad enough that he had to make it on my birthday and untopof that it's my ex-best friend his marrying. There are millions and billions of wedding planners in this world and he just had to pick me WHY!?

To rub it in my face obviously.

I mean that's the reason we divorced because he was cheating on me with her and for a full year and he had the oddity to still go and meet her on our anniversary.

How do I know that? Well you see the anniversary is on my birthday and I had a suspicion that he was cheating on me so I tracked him down and saw him at her house, at her couch sucking each other's face off, and that so called best friend of mine at that time didn't even Apologies do you know what she said,


LIke after that I was so done with both of them and I ended any relationship I had with both of them there, and do you know what I wasn't sad, I didn't cry do you know why cause he was growing distant from me, he would come back late or sometimes he won't come back telling me it's 'work'.

So what's he trying to tell me that work is the reason why are is always a different thong in his suit and when I always asked him he just said that it's his work mates trying to pull a prank on him. Bastard.


With a new purpose at hand I tried to cool my ragging temper down.BY DOING WORK. So I i immediately sprung into action I got my channel handbag and went down stairs I saw the children in the living room watching a movie which I don't quite remember then I stood at the front door.

"Kids I'm going out for work are you guys going to be alright" I said searching through my bag for some dollars. "Ummm yah were going to be fine" Alex shouted. Nichole and Alex both got up and walked to me.

"Mum we wanna tell you something" Nicole said to me.

I looked at the twins "Yah what's up kids, what's wrong?""Ummmmm" Alex rubbed at the back of his neck. Nichole spoke up "Ummmm" she rubbed her hands together.

"What's wrong kids?"

Alex was about to speak before Nicole cut him


I looked at her, I blinked once, blinked twice.

"Nicole can you speak slowly" I said to her.

"Ok. Weeeeeee waaanaaa gooooo-" I cut her off

"Nicole not that slow I don't have all day. "

"Okay mum" she took a deep breath. " We wanna go to a party"

"What type of party?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"A birthday party"

"Do I know the person?"

Alex spoke up "Oh come on mom please and no there won't do drugs, no we won't get drunk, no we won't get locked up and no you don't know the person nor the the parents, but please can we go?"

I kept thinking about his question. I don't wanna be that type of mum that too struct but I don't want anything bad to happen to them and what about the triplets what will happen to them.

"And what will happen to the triplets? " I asked them.

"Ummm that the thing" he said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Can't you just take them with you?" she asked in a pleading voice. I thought about it, the triplets in my office.


"Hell no, don't you know what these kids can do?" I said in a serious tone.

"Mum please" they both said on a pleading voice.

I thought about it for some time then looked behind their legs to see the triplets look at me with their cute big eye's and I just couldn't resist it.

"Alright fine you can go but please bee back home on time or before I get home and don't get drunk and don't do drugs and..."

"Yes mum we know" Alex rolled his eyes

"Alright it time to go" I looked down at the triplets

"Alright who wanna follow mummy to work"

I asked resting my palms on my knees

"ME ME ME" They shouted and rushed out to the front door towards the jeep.

I chuckled and turned to the twins "Ok so be home before 11 and here's 40 dollars incase you need anything bye guys I kissed them on their cheeks and went throught the front door towards the car.

I chuckled and turned to the twins "Ok so be home before 11 and here's 40 dollars incase you need anything bye guys I kissed them on their cheeks and went throught the front door.

I drove to my company; Tripple designs, it's one of the best design companies we do things from interior designs to wedding plannings, birthday parties anything you can think about we do it.

I parked my car in the parking lot, brought out the triplets and we went toward the buildings, when we entered I told the receptionist to tell Dane to bring, food, games and some toys for the kids and a cup of coffee and any new work I need to do, after that we went to the Elivator and took them to my office and it times like this I made my office very big, as soon as I stepped into my office the kids ran towards the couch and turned on the TV, I just chuckled and went to start looking at the files. After some time Dave came back in with the thing for the kids.

A few minutes later it was time for the meeting I asked Dave to not accompany me and stay with the kids.

It took me three hours to be done with all the meeting I had for the day. I was currently relaxing on my chair and watching the kids when I heard a knock on the door. It was Dane.

"Ummmmm Andrea" He looked nervous "One of the clown and his fiancée are her to meet you"

"Ummmmm Andrea they are Actually.." he looked nervous to say it

"Spill it dabe who are they?"

"Ummmmm actually it's.. it's..."

"Its who Dane just spill it" I was getting a little angry.

"It's Leonard you're ex husband"