
And the Forest was Her Friend

"What happened to her?" Cloe looked upon the poor girl, her arm broken out of her shoulder, a dagger stuck in it. She had a bruised cheek, swollen, and blood covered her dried lips. Her breathing was slow, like she was about to fade away. " a poem i wrote for the book Love will follow you, and the heavy burden of responsibilities will crash; emotions will die, and new ones will be reborn. Death will arise, but life will return. -im not a professional writer, so i hope you can understand my grammar mistakes-

nixvalc · LGBT+
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
32 Chs

Ep 1

"Come on, we have to leave," Cloe complained, arms crossed and frustration evident in her voice.

"Relax, I was on time today," Vall waved her hand dismissively, unfazed by Cloe's impatience.

"Next week, I have to leave. I won't be here to help you," Cloe stated.

Vall stopped walking and looked at Cloe, lifting her eyebrow. Her arms went into her pockets, her expression serious.

"Again?" Vall stared at Cloe.

"Yes, again," Cloe answered without explaining much more.

Cloe started to walk, turning her head where Vall stood frozen.

"Let's just go, we're going to be late, Vall," Cloe saw Vall's worried eyes. She turned her back and sighed, walking towards the academy gate, hoping Vall followed behind her.

Vall saw Cloe walking and ran to her, catching up to her footsteps, turning her head towards the redhead.

"You never explain anything," Vall's voice was light now, avoiding causing chaos.

Cloe heard it and just chose to ignore the remark Vall made. She didn't need it now; Cloe had enough problems she needed to attend to.

Now all that mattered was getting to class and not being late. Vall was left dumbfounded by Cloe, as Cloe kept walking faster than her.

Cloe turned her head to see if Vall still followed. When she saw Vall was again not caring if they would be late or not, Cloe turned and walked quickly towards Vall.

Cloe grabbed Vall's arm, pulling her out of her thoughts. The touch was sharp, causing Vall to wince as claws dug into her skin. They hurried into class to face an angry teacher tapping her ruler impatiently on the table.

"You two are late. Sit down now," Miss Mcholly's stern voice filled the classroom, leaving no room for argument.

Cloe nervously took her seat, shooting an angry look in Vall's direction. It was clear she was upset that Vall hadn't been more mindful of the time.

Vall found herself drifting off as Miss Mcholly droned on about history.

"After the Great War, humans took over everything. They grabbed lands and made the Gaians bow down, stripping them of their rights as the first children of Mother Nature. The human admiral mercilessly slaughtered the Gaians. From then on, a new rule was set: no rights for the gaians. They were banished to the other side and couldn't cross the border."

Everyone was listening to the class, only the sound of pages flipping was heard.

"I want to know how humans won in the great war?" a student questioned the teacher without hesitation.

"Well, as you know, Edward, this is not the original story," Mcholly sighed and stopped looking at her book.

"This book," she lifted her hand holding the historical holly book in her hand.

"Was written by the humans," she breathed slowly and stared at her 22 students. 

Vall was now lifting her head and listening. Even Cloe looked surprised at the teacher's behavior. She did not like the atmosphere in the room.

Vall glanced at Cloe, and saw her eyes did not blink even for once.


Suddenly, there was a knock at the door, and Principal George came in looking weird and out of breath. His presence was unexpected, and the tension in the room turned now to him.

"Miss Mcholly, start all the military exams tomorrow," he announced Breathlessly.

"Sir, what is going on?" Mcholly was not sure why the sudden Announcement.

"It is time, we may need to send troops to the border again," the principal looked at Mcholly, his gaze serious.

Cloe heard everything, Vall's eyes did not leave hers.

"But...this is not possible, they're just children," Mcholly stuttered.

"Principal! Please consider your request wholeheartedly," Mcholly Pleaded.

George was tired of explaining, he knew how things would go. He did not spend 50 years of his life teaching his students to understand their bloodline and duty for nothing.

The door closed, and silence enveloped the classroom.


"Hey there! So, I've poured my heart into this, my very first book. It's been a journey, but it's finally out there! Your thoughts and support mean the world to me. Did you enjoy the first part? Because trust me, there's so much more in store. Get ready for a wild ride as we uncover secrets and stumble upon a little bit of chaos (and maybe even some love) 😉"

Thank you, Please continue to Ep 2 





Summary-and a poem 

"What happened to her?" Cloe looked upon the poor girl, her arm broken out of her shoulder, a dagger stuck in it. She had a bruised cheek, swollen, and blood covered her dried lips. Her breathing was slow, like she was about to fade away.


a poem i wrote for the book

Love will follow you, and the heavy burden of responsibilities will crash; emotions will die, and new ones will be reborn. Death will arise, but life will return.

-im not a professional writer, so i hope you can understand my grammar mistakes-

Please comment if you have any questions about the story or the characters.