
Chapter no 24

It was a bustling room filled with posters of animals in need and shelves stacked with supplies. A wall covered with images of all the animals that were helped by the students, making a difference in the small planet. Students mill about, some cuddling rescue animals, some feeding them, others discussing upcoming events.

Emily, the coordinator, a compassionate and determined young woman, stands in the center, holding a clipboard. She claps her hand, grabbing everyone's attention.

"I need five people for the next mission, Who would like to volunteer for a kitten in distress in the woods,"

Eleanor, standing in the middle, with a one-eyed rabbit in her hand, raised her other hand above. Like hers, many hands were up in the air.

"Jason, Beatrix," Emily continued to point at people, "Oh, and Eleanor, please, this will be your first mission," Emily smiled at Eleanor, and she returned the favor. "Justin, how about you and Lily,"