
Ancient Ones Rise Is Are Demise

A ancient being of immense power threatens destruction upon the world. Exious the legendary demon slayer takes on an apprentice to help him defeat this evil, since he knows he will not be able to face it alone. Will Exious and his apprentice be able to stop the evil that has appeared?

Sal21 · Kỳ huyễn
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13 Chs

Dark Dominion

Once we reached the fountain the man still stood there but there were more lurking around. I told him "we had dealt with the warewolf" he thanked us and offered a reward. "There is no need for a reward but I would like to know what's going on here." The man looked very nervous but said "he didnt know what I was talking about." Swinging full force i hit the man in the jaw. His body went limp and he just fell face first into the ground. All the men that were lurking came running at me starting to cast spells and drawing swords.

Pulling my staff and sword out I cast one of my most powerful spell Dark Dominion. Everything within a hundred feet froze and the white crystal on my staff went pitch black. Dark energy surged from me completely covering the whole area. I had absolute control nothing could move or even contest me here. With one hand I dropped every person with a weapon to there knees. Then the ground began to tremble as I raised my staff and tapped the fountain. It vaporized into nothing, disintegration is a handy spell especially when buffed from dark domaine. Under the fountain was a hole and in that hole were humans, elfs, and dwarves all really weak. They were being tortured and tested on with demonic magic. Two men in the hole raise staffs in my direction. But spells did not work here anymore. I vaporized those two withought a seconds hesitation. I reshaped the hole bigger for more room to work then released my dominion falling to one knee. Dark veins appeared on my hand and up my neck Kate came running up. "Theres something I need you to do" I sliced a whole in front of me with my sword. "Go through and tell them Exious need help mass corruption."

She did as i said after a few seconds my friend Evilyn came rushing through the portal to my side kate as well. More and more people came through it was healers from the guild. Evilyn said "what did you do you fool you need to be purified at once!" She waved a few people over Kate asked if she could help. Evilyn nodded and handed her a flask of holly water. Evilyn and three others gathered around me and began to chant. After the ritual was done Kate poured the holly water on my head. The dark veins disappeared and my strength returned to me.

Standing up I told them what happened here then we began treating people. Some were severely injured and some were corrupted with demonic magic. To the point purification wouldn't work. I was able to absorb enough magic out of them for them to be healed. The rest of the people here that were guilty of doing this were taken away by the guild to deal with them. Evilyn came up to me once most of everything was done. "you sure do find the worst places to be Exious." "Well I'm always seeking out the evil forces of this world so makes sense I would." She hugged me before going through the portal and we helped the rest of the people through, so they could be properly treated at the guild.

Once everyone was safely through I closed the portal. "Alright let's head back Kate I need a rest." We went through a portal back to my house. I passed out on my bed fully geared. Kate began reading her Grimore at the desk.