
Ancient Ones Rise Is Are Demise

A ancient being of immense power threatens destruction upon the world. Exious the legendary demon slayer takes on an apprentice to help him defeat this evil, since he knows he will not be able to face it alone. Will Exious and his apprentice be able to stop the evil that has appeared?

Sal21 · Kỳ huyễn
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13 Chs


I feel the time to write this story down has come, before I forget how it all happened back then. I was only twenty seven years old when this all happened. My name is Exious and It was a normal day for me but there was this bad feeling. I decided to call my cousin, he was the head of a secret group that dealt with the dark forces of the world. He told me that there was a massive surge of dark magic and that he sent four of his best men to check it out. But that they went missing and haven't been heard from for a few days. I asked him where did he last hear from them. He said that the last he heard from them they were in the Darklands. I hung up the phone and put on my battle clothes, grabbed my staff, sword, and a couple of rings.

Swinging my sword threw the air in front of me a gateway opened. I stepped threw the gate and there I was standing in the center of a field in the Darklands. The sky was dark as it always was. I pulled out a parchment and put it on the ground. Then I put the crystal of my staff against the parchment. The parchment turned into a cloud of dust. It started to glow and move threw the air I cast a quick enhancement spell. Then started to run after it, after a few miles the dust slowed. The dust lead me into a town, a few people were walking around so I cast a invisibility spell. The dust stops at a old looking building and turned back into the parchment. I pick it up and walk up to the door then I knocked. A man opened the door and looked out there was nobody he could see, so he walked out of the building looking up and down the street. When he did that I walked past him into the building. I noticed a door with a strong magic seal on it on the other side of the room. The seal is used to stop or block the use of magic in the room.

I walked up to the door with the seal on it and opened the door. Finding the four men beaten and bound. I shut the door behind me and went over to them. Untying them it scared them until i dropped my invisible spell so they could see me. But panik set into there eyes and they began to shake. As i turned to see what startled them there was a man in black. I noticed the magic the seal emited felt like his magic. He said he was expecting me, the four men stood behind me now seeming to find there courage ready to fight. Before i could yell for them to duck the man in black waved his hand and a wave flew threw the room hitting the men and throwing them into the wall pinning them. I didnt move i asked where did you get this power he only replyed "you will die you can't stop us." I tapped my staff on the ground and the men were released from his magic. All of a sudden the tempature dropped and he began to use a very dark spell to destroy the room. I felt another presence lingering in him. The room started to get crushed. The walls and ceiling came closing inwards. Drawing my sword form its scabbard i slashed the ground opening a portal. "Jump threw" i told the men as the last one went through i closed it.

"I think its time to find out whos controlling you." I waved my sword at the walls, and celing then slammed my staff down. A massive doorway appeared the entrance to the place i created. It instantly drained the mans power from him. He fell to the ground as the dark presence fled from his body. I picked up the man and jumped through another portal.