
Ancient Lover

Reference The love story between Niulang ()and Zhinu () is one of the most famous Chinese folk love legends. The earliest record of this myth is over 2600 years ago.

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Plum Blossom

The love story between Pa-endeo ()and Chilsi () is one of the most famous Chinese folk love legends. The earliest record of this myth is over 2600 years ago.A first love story between the two youngsters at their mid 20s their affection has begun

Pa-endeo who was staying at the hut next to the cherry tree was thinking if he could participate on the next literature classes

suddenly a girl walks by Pa-endeo was wondering who was that girl who passby so he stood up and follow her,the

girl notice him and spoke

"why are you following me?"

Pa-endeo"-oh srry pardon me i was just wondering who was passing by because it's my first time seeing you around btw my name is Pan-endo could you please state you're name?

"Chilsi-Girl"-Oh i mistaken you an bandit sorry i was wondering if where the city of Nanjing?i was new here btw I'm "Chilsi" nice to meet you Pan-endeo

"The two teen suddenly became quite for awhile and meet their eyes staring each other"

Owshee kakilig

"Pa-endeo suddenly shows affection towards her like he fall for the first time"

"Pa-endeo"-oh i could accompany you if you're going to nanjing i was going there as well

"Chilsi"-...sure, It is a coincidence?

"The two of them begun traveling to the city of nanjing" at they're arrived Chilsi was starving"

"~Stomach Growl"~ Wtf cringe mo DM

Pa-endeo notice that the girl he was accompanied was starving so he decided to stop by at nearest Inn

"Pa-endeo"-Ah it's a long day feels so tired let's stop here forawhile

"Some man at inn"

Would you like to try our main dish?it's"Babo"a cow meat and would you like to stay on our inn?

"Pa-endeo"~2 please and 2 room for a night