
Ancient Heritage Record

Lu Han, who was sunk in the river, thought that his life would end at the cold bottom of the river, but unexpectedly, he encountered great luck between life and death. He unexpectedly touched upon the mysterious heritage of ancient times, not only surviving a great disaster, but also gaining the opportunity to change his fate against the heavens. From then on, Lu Han's life was like driving a trailer, racing unstoppably all the way. Under the guidance of this inheritance, he practiced mysterious techniques and rapidly improved his strength, leaving those who once looked down upon him in awe. Whether it is the power struggle within the family or various challenges from the outside, Lu Han can easily cope with them, even turning defeat into victory. His reputation gradually spread and became a sought after presence. However, ancient heritage brings not only power and glory, but also unimaginable responsibilities and missions. During his growth, Lu Han gradually uncovered the huge secrets hidden behind the world. He must face even stronger enemies, possibly even terrifying remnants of ancient times. But no matter what, he is no longer the weak person who is being slaughtered, but the strong one standing at the peak of martial arts. Lu Han's path of counterattack was full of bumps and challenges, but he never gave up. He used his strength and wisdom to overcome difficulties time and time again, and eventually became a legendary figure in this world. His story inspires countless people to pursue their dreams and challenge seemingly impossible things. Because Lu Han proved through his actions that as long as he has faith and courage, nothing is impossible. This novel tells the story of an ordinary person how to obtain ancient heritage on the brink of life and death, and thus embark on a path of counterattack. It is full of passion, passion, and emotion, constantly resonating with people during the reading process. If you also enjoy such stories, then come and read this novel quickly! It will definitely bring you a different reading experience.

qilan · Kỳ huyễn
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36 Chs

Chapter 31 The most beautiful girl in Wangjiang.

"Miss Su, would you like to order the usual dishes?" When Lu Han and Su Qinxue found a seat by the window, the waiter immediately came over. Su Qinxue nodded, then turned to Lu Han and said, "Order whatever you'd like, just go ahead." Not bothering to look at the menu, Lu Han told the waiter, "Just bring me the same dishes as Miss Su." The waiter nodded and left. Su Qinxue fiddled with the jade bracelet on her hand and said softly, "Thank you for giving me the imperial green jade at the auction. With it, Xue Rui Corporation can now break into the high-end market." Lu Han smiled faintly, "You've thanked me several times, there's no need to be so formal. When we were in the lobby, didn't you also help me out of a tight spot? We're even." Su Qinxue shook her head, "What I did was just a small favor. You are the one who really did me a big favor. Oh, and this is for you." She took out a red box from her bag and handed it over. "Inside is an accessory carved from imperial green jade. Consider it a token of my appreciation." Lu Han reached out and took it, opening it to find himself instantly captivated. Inside were two pendants: one was a leaf-shaped pendant with exquisite craftsmanship, the leaf's veins clearly visible, the entire leaf so vibrant that it seemed to glow with limitless vitality. The second was a slightly larger round pendant with a dragon carved on it. This dragon looked lifelike, its scales meticulously crafted, as if about to leap off the pendant, exuding a domineering presence. Both pendants, whether it was the carving or the craftsmanship, had reached the pinnacle of perfection, causing Lu Han to express his admiration. Seeing that Lu Han liked it, Su Qinxue too smiled, and then she took out an invitation and a piece of paper from her bag. "It's my birthday party tonight; you must come, okay? And this is an offer letter for the position of Chief Appraiser at Xue Rui Corporation. I wonder if Mr. Lu would be interested in working at my company." Lu Han was taken aback, looked up at Su Qinxue, and saw she was serious. "Are you serious?" "Of course, I am. Your performance at the auction was more than qualified for the position of Chief Appraiser. How about an annual salary of ten million? If you think that's too little, we can still negotiate." Su Qinxue immediately laid out her terms, then watched Lu Han intently. "Uh, but I might not have much time to go to work." Lu Han was actually somewhat tempted. An annual salary of ten million was even more than he had earned as the boss at an internet company. Although he now had a legacy, he still lived in human society, making money indispensable. Su Qinxue ran a hand through her long hair and laughed, "No problem. The work of a Chief Appraiser is rare; you will only be called in when the company's other appraisers are uncertain. It's fine if you don't come to the office normally." Having said all this, if Lu Han still didn't agree, it would be foolish. While they conversed, the waiter brought the dishes over, each one enough to whet the appetite. There was pan-fried goose liver with blueberry juice, French squab pie with pine nuts, rose salmon with caviar, and Emperor Dragon soup, among others. Each dish wasn't much in quantity, but they all had a full array of color, smell, and taste. Having only eaten two eggs that morning, Lu Han was already hungry and immediately tucked in without reservation. Su Qinxue, afraid he would not have enough, gave him her portion too and only sipped a little soup herself. "Remember to come to my birthday party tonight." After the meal, the two left the restaurant, and Su Qinxue once again reminded Lu Han before gracefully walking away. Lu Han checked the time; it was already five past two. "Oh no!" He slapped his forehead suddenly. Yesterday, Qin Muyan had sent him a message to meet at Left Bank Coffee at two o'clock, and it was already five minutes past. He didn't know if his fiancée had left yet. Left Bank Coffee wasn't far from there, so he didn't bother to take his car and started to run. … On the second floor of Left Bank Coffee, Qin Muyan quietly flipped through a fashion magazine. Many in the coffee shop were stealing glances at her; she was simply too beautiful. Her silken hair was casually pulled back, and even without makeup, her plain face had seven parts of cold pride and three parts of stunning beauty. Her pretty and straight nose and crimson, unadorned lips made her breathtakingly attractive. Even though she was reading a book she liked, she appeared somewhat impatient. Checking her watch, it was now five past two. The chill on her face was like an iceberg, scaring off several young men who wanted to approach her with her icy aura. "Five more minutes for you." Qin Muyan sipped her coffee and muttered to herself, pushing back the time a bit. She hated people who were not punctual, but she had to be patient and wait to settle her own major life event once and for all. At that moment, her phone rang. Qin Muyan glanced at it and then picked up. Lu Han's voice came through. "I'm here. Where are you?" "Second floor, Table A1." Qin Muyan didn't care for superfluous words and hung up after answering, closed the magazine she had opened, and prepared to scrutinize this never-before-met fiancé. Lu Han arrived on the second floor. To be honest, he didn't need to ask Qin Muyan where she was, as he would be able to find her instantly. She was just too eye-catching. Though there were quite a few women on the second floor, the only one to capture men's attention at first sight was Qin Muyan. "Sorry, I'm late." Lu Han sat down opposite Qin Muyan and greeted her with a smile. Qin Muyan did not speak, rather she scrutinized Lu Han with a critical eye. Her first impression was that he was too ordinary. So ordinary that he didn't stand out in a crowd. While Lu Han was fairly handsome, in front of Qin Muyan who had seen numerous handsome men, he was just another face in the crowd. His cheap clothes were clean, his hair, though not greasy, was somewhat disheveled, usually a sign of not combing after getting out of bed. There were no stray nose hairs, at least he was decent that way. When he greeted her, there were no leftovers on his teeth, and he had shaved his beard quite cleanly. His nails, resting on the table, were neither too long nor short and were free from dirt. Hmm, his skin was not bad, and he could even be a potential "pretty boy". Overall, she would give him a 6 out of 10. As Qin Muyan was assessing Lu Han, he was also appreciating Qin Muyan. She truly lived up to the title of the most beautiful woman in Wangjiang. Qin Muyan had been born with extraordinary features that would make 99% of women in Wangjiang feel inferior. Just by sitting there, she had become the focus of the entire coffee shop. A woman like her undoubtedly had her own aura that wherever she went, everyone would turn their heads to look at her. Dressed in a finely tailored black-and-white casual outfit, she exhibited both feminine charm and professional competence. However, her presence was too dominant, emulating an arrogance from within that made many men feel inferior. If Su Qinxue's appearance was a 9.5, then Qin Muyan was a perfect 10. She was the first 10-point beauty that Lu Han had ever seen.