
Ancient Demon Lord Rimuru-Remake

It's been 80 years since Yuuki's defeat. Rimuru after dwelling for countless years on time and space, has surpassed Veldanava in terms of strength, And therefore being The strongest being in The Cardinal world. With his strength, He easily dealt with the aftermath of the final battle And finally accomplished his dreamed of coexisting monster's and humans. Although he is happy with the results, his daily routine consists of constant paperwork. During one of these boring days Ciel, who is worried about the mental state of her master, suggests creating an alternate Timeline and traveling back in time. Rimuru, not wanting to do everything over again, comes back with an alternative idea. Going back in time but with one addition: instead of traveling to his original time of reincarnation as a slime, he decides to go much further in time and become one of the ancient demon lords. (A/N:The original author of this story is, Mert_Dertli. However he stopped working on the novel at chapter 4, Which was quite sad he have a good story that's why, I copied about 2-4 chapter of the original book. So that's why I will continue this work, If you are the author please contact me I will definitely dropped this if you don't want it)

WenxyButDiff · Tranh châm biếm
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9 Chs

「Ch-1 - Time Travel」

80 years have passed since Yuuki's defeat. Rimuru Tempest has accomplished Veldanava's and his dream: coexistence between monsters and humans. Monsters are now free to live not just in Tempest, but in every country. Discrimination is illegal and nobody dares to break this rule. The reason is simple: Tempest's covert agents. They were feared throughout the Cardinal world and nothing could be hidden from them. There were of course some nobles who dared to break this rule to satisfy their ego, but they were quickly taken care of. During this time of peace were some people who were not that happy at all. One of them is currently in Tempest, sitting in front of a mountain of documents that had been stockpiled over the whole week. This person was none other than the strongest demon lord Rimuru. This particular demon lord, despite being the strongest, was in great danger. Facing him was one of the few people who could scare him to death. Pink hair, two white horns and a cute face. This person was none other than the lovely but, when angered, scary Shuna.

"Shuna-chan, you look very lovely-"

"Rimuru same, flattery won't help you right now. You were slacking off for a whole week playing pranks on other demon lords and as a result, neglected our duties. You're not allowed to leave before you're finished with all these documents."

"Can I at least-"


Shuna was smiling, but her eyes were not.

'She won't let me even finish my sentences. What can I do, what can I do, what can I do? Got it!'

>> Ciel-chan, what do you think, could you perhaps- <<

<< No master, Shuna is right. You neglected your duties despite my warnings. You must take responsibility and do it by yourself >>

>> But it's been 80 years now. For 80 years all I'm doing is doing paperwork. I'm happy we're at peace but it's boring to do paperwork every day. <<

<< You are the leader of this country master, everyone is doing their duties and your duties are unfortunately doing paperwork, it can't be helped >>

>> You're no fun, Ciel. Maybe I should ask Chloe-chan~, I'm sure she would help me <<

<< Not necessary, I'm not going to do your work but I'm going to help you. >>

>> Fufufu too easy <<

<< What do you mean master? >>

>> Oh, nothing nothing, just your I-m-a-g-i-n-a-t-i-o-n~ <<


Since Cloe kissed Rimuru during their fight with Michael, Ciel was in a kind of rivalry with Chloe. Rimuru, knowing this, would use this information for his own good from time to time. Some may call it cheeky, but to Rimuru it was absolutely necessary because otherwise, he would have to work for a whole week to finish all this paperwork.

"Alright Shuna, I promise I will work hard and finish all of this. And I'm sorry that I slacked off. I promise to not do something like this again."

"You said the exact same thing last month after we discovered your Walpurgis plot with Dino-sama and Guy-sama."

"Hehehe, completely forgot about that, I'm sorry."


"Okay I'm really sorry, I promise not to slack off anymore."

A month ago Rimuru, Dino and Guy, who were bored had conspired together and called a Walpurgis all week with all sorts of excuses. In the end, Luminous, or how Rimuru, Dino and Guy call her after the incident, the queen of snitches, complained to the two overlords Shuna and Velzard about it. Guy got a beating by Velzard, Dino was banned for a whole month from getting sweets in Tempest and Rimuru was sentenced to doing additional paperwork. Rimuru got his revenge from Luminous of course and was pretty satisfied. For two weeks he has been following Luminous secretly and was constantly casting illusions that let her see everyone as males. This made her really angry of course, especially after she discovered that she even saw Hinata and Chloe as males. Rimuru wanted to prank her for a whole month but was scared that the Yuri Vampire would discover him at the end. He even left a multiple parallel existence back in his office but to his annoyance, his parallel existence was not amused at all that he had to do paperwork and also went on a pranking spree. Even his parallel existence had enough, that's how boring his life was.

After Shuna left, Rimuru, with the help of Ciel, started to do his work. But after a while, he noticed that Ciel was working on something behind his back. Actually, for the last month, she was usually quiet and busy with something.

>> Ciel, are you working on something? <<

<< I wanted to wait till it's finished master but I found a solution to your boredom, do you want to hear it? >>

>> Ohh, that's my Ciel sensei. But what exactly? I don't want to face Shuna's wrath again. <<

<< We could travel back in time and enjoy the livelier days of our journey again. >>

>> As much as I'm bored, we achieved peace and everyone worked hard for it. Don't you think it would be disrespectful towards the efforts of everyone? As tempting as it is, I can't put everything at stake just for my amusement. <<

<< That's not a problem. With master's power, it's possible to recreate an exact copy of this world and turn back its time. The events happening there wouldn't affect this world. >>

>> But what about this world? I can't just leave everything and go on a journey, unfortunately. <<

<< We could leave a multiple parallel existence here. That way your absence wouldn't make a difference.>>

>> How did I forget about that. Ciel san you're the best. <<

<< Fufu praise me more master.>>

>> Okay okay here you go again with your smug face, you're the best. But Ciel I have an idea. Do we have to go to the exact same time I was reborn again? I mean it would kind of be boring to do everything over again don't you think? <<

<< Which time do you want to travel to? >>

>> Hmm let me think. You know what, so many years have passed and I'm still the newbie. I want to travel back and be one of the ancient demon lords. Is it possible to travel that far back? <<

<< Of course, master. Which time exactly would you like to travel to? >>

>> To the point shortly before Milim became a demon lord, I don't want the responsibility to establish the demon lords. I think that would be a good time. <<

<< The preparations are ready master. Do you wish to create a multiple parallel existence and start our journey? >>

>> A big yes! <<

Rimuru with the help of Ciel created a parallel existence who kind of looked jealous. Rimuru felt pity for his other self who had to do all his paperwork.

"Hey me, I'm sorry that you have to stay here and deal with everything. I promise I'll send you some memories of our journey to keep you entertained, I promise."

"Sigh... I have no choice, at least one of us has a chance to have fun. Go on, have fun!"

>> Alright Ciel let's go! <<

<< Activating Ultimate Skill Space-Time God Yog Sothot, starting operation in 3...2...1...>>

And as soon as the countdown ended, Rimuruvanished, leaving behind a grumpy Parallel existence who had to do his work forhim.