
Anarchist Crusaders : Cold Blood.

In the world of ruins, people struggle to survive. Tulok, a young native who lost his home by war, on his path to help his people avenge their lost, and to hunt down a traitor to his tribe.

PABCOM1 · Khoa huyễn
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5 Chs

The Beginning.

It was around 2 years ago, when the conflict broke out between the native tribes of the north field and Kordelia, a country that struggling to survive as a nation.

The sound of destruction roaring across the land, the village was under fire of mortar barrage and hail of bullets. The field outside the village fill with dead bodies of fallen warriors.

Despite all disadvantages, the village's warriors do their best to fight back their invaders.

"They're on the hills!!" One of the warriors yell as he point at the said hill, where smoke erupt from.

"Those Kordelian cowards!!" Another warrior cursing.

What they have are mostly spears and bow, some of them use gun too, but they're too few.

As the warriors keep firing their guns at the hill due to their bow and arrows cannot reach that lenght, they see two armored vehicles coming at them full speed.

"They're c-...!!" The vehicles break through the fences and crush anyone in their path, before the vehicle's crew come out from the cover and control the machinegun.

They mercilessly firing bullets at their enemy while soldiers come out and join the fray, the warriors helpless and brutally massacre.

It didn't take too long for the Kordelian troopers to kill all the hostile force, now only helpless villagers remain, covering in fear inside their houses.

Someone come out from the vehicle and walk in, his face cover in snow goggles and fur hood.

"You....., son of the witch....!" One of the warriors who still alive look at the man who come at them.

"You finally come back and repay your own people with treachery, betray your own kind!"

"You traitor!!!" Many villagers yell at him angrily, all they get from him is cold gaze fill with hatred.

The gunshot was heard, and the warrior who cursing at him is no more.

"Father!!" A girl crying out at her father, running at him.

"You monster...! You'll pay for this!!"

"Uki, no!!" the boy from the destroyed house yell at her and come out.

The man quickly turn to the girl, who pick up her father's dagger and attemp to attack him with it, he point his gun and pull the trigger.


"No!!!" The boy cry in rage, but before he could do anything more, a blunt object hit his head hard, send him to the ground.

He slowly awake, open his eyes just to see the horror.

His village is burning, houses destroyed, and all infrastructure such as granary and well also destroy too.

"Is this.....what we should do? This is...." One of the soldier saying in horror.

"They've brought it upon themselve." The man in hood give him cold reply.

"I understand that we're at war with these native, but killing just the combatants should be enough...!" The soldier still object.

"And those who remain will take their place."

"With their village is no more, they'll surely die from harsh winter!"

"Exactly" This cold reply of the hooded man give the soldier chill, beneath his goggle, there's no sigh of mercy.

"Get to the APC, we're done here." The hooded man said before turning around.

As the troops leaving, the boy look at his childhood friend, her eyes wide open, lying with her father, lifeless.

He griping his fist tight, his warm tear run down to his cheeks as the remaing villagers pick him up and take him away.

"I'll get you....., mark my words...!!" The boy ground his teeth, before yell ot at the direction of his sworn enemy.

"I'll definitely get you! Nanoq!!"

This is the first time I write my own novel in Webnovel. Any suggestions for improvement are welcome.

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