
Anarchist Crusaders : Cold Blood.

In the world of ruins, people struggle to survive. Tulok, a young native who lost his home by war, on his path to help his people avenge their lost, and to hunt down a traitor to his tribe.

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Ill tradition.

Three days after the rescue mission, the sistance forces able to recover from the loses, however another problems emerge.

"We don't have enough spaces and resources for this numbers." The resistance leader said.

With larger number, the more resources they need to maintain the organization, while they can manage this large number earlier, they lost most of resources in previous operations, and warehouse raidings can only provide them few, not to mention that now raiding is more difficult with Kordelia reinforces their defences.

"What about calling our forces outside?" Tulok make suggestion.

"Not gonna happen, Tulok. We can hardly communicate with them, let alone have them come in."

"What about the other groups?" Cupun ask.

"Not any better, they're lack resources to maintain the group."

"If this keep continue, we'll be doom before Kordelia get us." Jissika show her worry.

"If only we can communicate with the other groups without being notices...." Cupun sigh.

"What about...my help...?" A girl from the corner of the room ask.

"Akna?" Tulok turn to the girl.

Akno, is among the prisoners that Tulok group help from the execution few days ago, she has pale skin, light brown hair and light brown eyes, rare features that can hardly sees in northern native.

She was taking into Tulok's group because of other groups are rather traditionalists, who's resent the outsiders and 'impure blood', some extreme believe that still present in most of the natives that hostile to Kordelia.

That believe, however, doesn't apply on Tulok's group.

"What can you do about this?" The resistance leader ask her.

"Why don't we use radio?" Akna ask.

"Because we can be track down by Kordelia." The leader answer.

"With our radio communications can be track, not just they know our talkings, they also can track us down to our hideout too, we lost so many base in the city because of that."

"What if we can alter the radio waves? I can modified them to make it harder to be track, too."

"Are you!?" The leader and Tulok very surprise to hear that.

"Yup, I use to worked at radio station as an engineer."

"Wait a second Akna, if your said is true, then it's mean that you've live among Kordelia for years, isn't that strange?" The leader however still not fully trust her.

"Yes, but you see, I was a half-native, an impure." Akna become sad.

"Leader, I'm agree with her! We need to do something to improve the situation." Tulok come to support Akna.

"Even if she's trust worthy, if we failed?"

"We can give a try."

"Fine, I'll let her use some of our radio then, if it's work, then we can inform the other groups." The leader finally agree.

"Thanks! I'll make myself useful, I'm swear." Akna feel relieve.

"No need to thanks me." The leader blush off before leave the room.

"You surprise me, Tulok. that you support her." Cupun talk to his comrade quietly, try not to let Akna hear it.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, she's an impure, right?" Cupun remark.


"Son of the witch also the impure too..."

"Enough, Cupun. Even if you're my friend, I'll not terrolate that attitude." Tulok become upset upon hearing his friend's reason.

"That mindset make a lot of our kind leaving our side, not to mention that it's also the reason why a lot of them join Kordelia and fight us!"

"I just tell you to be cautious." Cupun claim.

"And I know that....!" Tulok glaring at Cupun with aggressive look, forcing the latter to back down.

Few moments later, Tulok come to see Akna at the radio room.

"You think it'll work?" Jissika look so curious.

"I think it will, but not garantee." Akna reply.

"Well, let see if your knowledge is real." The leader said and press the switch.

"How it's going?" Tulok ask, as the three see the result.

"It work! Just cannot call anyone else..." Jissika said.

"Well, that's because now it's only this radio has been modify, if we can do this to the other devices, then they too can communicate with this one." Akna explain.

"Which mean we still see no result today, nevermind, I'll inform the other groups about it and see their cooperation." The leader said as he about to leave the room.

"Very well, you're welcome here. Jissika, you take care of our new member's bed."

"Yup!" Jissika reply.

Tulok look at what happen with smile, Akna, the new member is now join.