
Anarchist Crusaders : Cold Blood.

In the world of ruins, people struggle to survive. Tulok, a young native who lost his home by war, on his path to help his people avenge their lost, and to hunt down a traitor to his tribe.

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5 Chs

Enemy at the gate.

"We need to rescue our comrades from prison!" That's the first thing Tulok say when the three get back to their base.

"But the prison is in the southern distict, even if we pour all our might to do so, we still outnumber by them greatly." Another member of the resistance object.

"We can't get new recruit, and our forces outside the city cannot come in without being caught, what we're suppose to do then?" Tulok ask.


"Bad news, everyone." As everybody were busy, Cupun come in and interrupt their discussion.

"Kordelia sent reinforcement here along with supply....."

"For real!? Then we're in deep trouble!" Tulok yelling as he heard the new.

To weakening the city, the resistance has attacked and robbed their supplies very actively, this cause them to lose a lot of their men in the process because of the city's tight security.

With not just Kordelia's reinforcement arrive to make everything harder, the supplies they brought also mean that the resistance's activities will be in vain.

"Not just that, I heard that they plan to execute our imprisoned comrades too."

"That's unforgivable!!" Tulok yell out loud in anger.

"We can't let them die like that! We can plan and raid as many as we need for supply, but our people cannot be replace!"

"I agree with Tulok this time." Jissika said.

"Ever since Kordelia take over this place, we've lost too many capable men to fight them, if we're to lose more..."

"And even worse, I also heard that 'he' is among the reinforcement." Cupun interrupt.



The atmosphere in that room suddenly become more intense.

"You serious? That guy?" Jissika tremble.

"I'm dead serious." Cupun confirm.

Nanoq, know by some as 'Son of the witch', an outcast of the tribes for his family's crime. He joined Kordelian army and fight for them during conflict in north field.

And he also responsible of many atrocities during the war, including Tulok's village destruction.

"I'll kill him!" Tulok cannot hide his anger upon hearing his arch-nemesis's name.

"Calm down, we need to focus on resue operation first." The leading member of the resistance remind him.

"Cupun, where do we need to go?"

"They're plan to execute our people publicy, at the city's central square."

"Then this could be possible."

"Be careful, they'll surely not let it happen." Cupun warn them.

"As if we're." Tulok said.

"We will strike at them when the execution about to start, I'll inform the other groups to participate." Cupun said as he's about to leave the room.

"Tulok, you and Jissika lead the rescue the operation, I'll lead the fighter team in case we ivolve in frontal assault." The leader said.

"Understood." The two agree.

"One moment, Cupun, when they'll begin the execution?"

"Tomorrow." Cupun answer the leader.

"That was quick." Jissika said.

"We have no time to waste, better get to the square and be ready earlier." Tulok said.

While the underground busy. On the surface, they too are up to something.

The heavy foot steps was heard across the floor, all Kordelia's soldier line up, they looks restless.

"They seems to be unhappy." A young man in fur hood said as he look at them.

"The resistance still persistantly terrorize this city, sir. Three warehouse burned, and another four has been sabotage. Soldiers and civilians alike have their lives harsher due to the shortage of supply."

"Still annoying, just like the old time." Nanoq said in annoyance.

"By the way, who's that girl, sir?" A soldier ask Nanoq when he see another girl beside him.

"My plan..." Nanoq reply shortly.