
Anarchist Crusaders : Cold Blood.

In the world of ruins, people struggle to survive. Tulok, a young native who lost his home by war, on his path to help his people avenge their lost, and to hunt down a traitor to his tribe.

PABCOM1 · Khoa huyễn
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5 Chs


A cold day, normal for a land that cover in snow most of the year like the north field, the town square of Granitsa is about to have something big happen.

People in orange outfit are line up, waiting their turn to die, as those before them now dangling on the gallows, and more before them being throw away into carts like garbages.

"Those bastard...!" Tulok and the others watch in terror as their fellow resistances were hanged one by one.

"When will we begin? The longer we wait, the more they'll die...!"

"Not now...! We need to wait for Cupun and the other groups." Jissika halt Tulok.

Another group were sent to the gallows, Tulok can only watch as the trapdoors open, sending the unfortunate resistances down to oblivion.

He ground his teeth in anger, waiting to unleash it out once the time has come.

"They're here! It's time!" Jissika signal her group once she see Cupun and others in position.

"Go! Help our comrade! Make them pay!!" Tulok roar as he raise his gun and jump down.

The fight occure, as more Kordelia's troops join the battle.

"Prioritze our comrade first! Do not engage unless necessary!" Cupun tell the others as they freeing the captives and take them out of the fight.

Tulok and Jissika's groups being the ones who hold the line, as they firing their guns at Kordelia's soldiers, however...

"Nanoq...!" A young man in fur hood coat with oversize gauntlets. Nanoq, the 'traitor' come in and join the battle, Tulok's memory of his burning village come in to his mind, including the death of his childhood friend.

"Die! You piece of shit!" He aim and fire full load of bullets at his nemesis without hesitation.

Tulok's confident of his enemy's demise, however, was replace with surprise and disbelieve, as Nanoq raise his gaunlet up and punch the ground, building a big ice wall instantly, blocking bullets and cover both him and other soldiers.

"How the hell...!?" Tulok cannot believe his eyes.

"Tulok! We need to retreat now!" Cupun yell at his comrade to fall back, they're now rescue most of the prisoners out and about to leave.

Tulok seeing more soldiers come, there's no way they could continuing without risking being caught.

"Wait..., that is...?" He then stop at the moment and see a girl in prisoner outfit running away from the gallows.

"Jissika! Cover me!"

"Wha-...!?" Before Jissika could finish her sentence, Tulok get out from the vcover and take the girl with him.

"Are you alright!? Now you're safe! We gonna get out of here!"

"Not so fast." Nanoq break an ice spike from the wall he create and throw at Tulok with full force.

"Shit!!?" That ice spike was miss, but it bury deep into the wall without breaking, causing Tulok to chill to his spine for a moment if that spike hit him.

"How did he....?"

"Tulok!!" Jissika call for her friend, snap Tulok back to his sense.

The resistance forces begin to fall back as they complete their objective, leaving those they cannot save behind.

"Shall we persue them, commander?" A soldier ask Nanoq.

"Don't need to, with that large number, they cannot move so far." Nanoq take off his hood and goggles, reveal his face which show him being a northern native, just like his enemy, except his hair is as white as snow instead of brown.

"That's him..." He said.

"What if they call for more troops?"

"They will have to deal with our troops at the wall first. Plus, they'll surely be more active from now on, we'll meet them again soon." Nanoq turning back.

"I've plant the seed now, let's hope it'll grow and fruitful soon." He saying while look back at his fleeing enemies, expect to see them again soon.