
Ana's Redemption

In the aftermath of Ana's discovery, Christian and Ana Grey's once-happy marriage shatters. Ana is faced with a harrowing choice, setting off a tale of betrayal, heartbreak, and revenge. Join Ana as she navigates this tumultuous journey, finding solace in unexpected friendships while seeking justice for her shattered heart. Welcome to my Patreon! I'm Maddy, and I'm excited to share advance chapters of my captivating stories with you. Dive into gripping narratives filled with intrigue, heartbreak, and unexpected twists. By supporting me on Patreon, you'll gain exclusive access to early chapters and behind-the-scenes insights. Join our community of readers and unlock the next chapter of our journey together. Let's embark on this adventure at patreon.com/Maddy009!

Maddy_Alee · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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3 Chs

Chapter 3: Shadowy black, Blushing Red & Stormy Grey

Ana was sprawled out on a huge red velvet settee that was oddly enough inside a luxurious private bathroom inside The Mile High Club. A certain affable handsome and blonde haired man by the name of Elliot Grey had approached Ana and Kate after they flopped back into their booth, exhausted from a marathon of Cosmo induced dancing. Joining the two women, both were quite taken with the man who wore a huge engaging smile, and the trio spent an hour engaging in pleasant conversation. Elliot seemed genuinely nice and friendly as they discussed their new lives in Seattle and he seemed equally impressed with both of their career choices and told them all about his company as well.

After Kate made a comment about the club's dark atmosphere; Elliot Grey informed them that his brother had commissioned Elliot's company, Grey Construction, for the club's remodel and design. When Elliot said his brother, Kate gave Ana a good hard kick to the shin under the table. Ana scowled at her since she was aware of the hint Kate was sending her, while Kate recognized the scowl as a message to keep her mouth shut. Elliot was too enamored with Kate to notice.

There was no denying that Ana had scanned the club for a certain copper haired, gray eyed billionaire, but she never saw him. Ana thought either she was blind due to her dark environment or Christian Grey had skipped the opening night of his club. She'd not considered that Mr. Grey was on the club's upper level where the VIP's were. After all, Ana had never been in a place as expensive as this, so she'd actually not even thought about a club having a VIP section.

After enduring Kate and Elliot Grey's eye fucking long enough, Ana excused herself to go find a ladies room. Reluctantly tearing his gaze from Kate, Elliot told her he would lead her to the VIP section so she could use that powder room, saying it was the only private one in the club and the pride of his favorite designer. After Ana was allowed to head up stairs, she cautiously navigated each ebony marble step, she was a notorious klutz and wearing stilettos only increased the chances for disaster.

Following Elliot's precise directions, Ana opened the bathroom's black and opulently designed door. She gaped as she took in her surroundings. The walls were painted the same deep red shade that illuminated the clubs blackened environment. The floor was black marble and just like the rest of the club, red crystal chandeliers hung from the ceilings. The piece de resistance of the room was a red velvet tufted settee. Ana scurried in and locked the door behind her. Too many Cosmos had her bladder about to burst and she was about to pee on herself.

The settee was calling her name as she washed her hands, so Ana decided to give Kate and Elliot some free time to flirt and knowing Kate, to even start mauling one another. Taking off her God awful high heels, Ana tossed them to the floor and flopped back on the settee. It felt as if she was floating on a heaven of velvet and Ana was convinced it was as big as her full sized bed at home. Ana laid there for a good thirty minutes reflecting on the club's entire design. The deep brooding black that was barely lit with red lighting was a tad morbid in Ana's opinion, and she decided that if Mr. Christian Grey had any input on the club's design and color scheme, that he was either a vampire or into some scary Goth shit. Ana also thought about the vast difference in Elliot Grey's personality compared to his brother's. Since the men were as different as night and day, Ana chalked it up to Christian Grey's billionaire attitude turning him into an arrogant asshole.

Although Ana wanted to stay put on her heaven of velvet, she figured she'd given Kate and the blonde hottie adequate alone time and idly wondered if they'd drank that bottle of ridiculously expensive champagne Elliot Grey had sent over to them before introducing himself. Ana was going to be seriously pissed if all that champagne was gone. Finally, she sat up to put on her God awful stilettos and sauntered to the full length mirror. Ana took in her appearance and was surprised that all of her dancing hadn't messed up her brunette up do, courtesy of Kate. After re applying her dark red lipstick, she quickly powdered her face. With such a dramatic lip color, Ana had kept the rest of her make up to a minimum, plus the lipstick complimented the royal blue mini dress she was wearing. She was grateful she'd worn this dress that essentially had no back since a club full of countless people dancing quickly made it feel like a sauna. With one last body check and feeling pretty good about herself, Ana opened the door to head back downstairs.

Making the slight left turn towards the stair case, Ana immediately ran straight into a brick wall. Screaming with surprise, the force Ana made with this brick wall had her falling straight on her ass, but suddenly the brick wall's two very strong arms caught her right before impact. Once Ana was standing upright she saw that the brick wall was a huge man made of nothing but muscle and dressed in a three piece suit. Ana thought he looked familiar, but couldn't quite place him. Beside him was another hulk of a man and they were dressed exactly alike. Ana thought they looked like Agent J and Agent K from Men In Black and couldn't help but giggle. The man that was the brick wall asked if she was alright. Ana nodded and thanked him for catching her in mid fall.

Suddenly, and just like Moses had parted the Red Sea, Mr. Christian Grey walked in between the two men and stopped directly in front of Ana, who all but gaped at him. With a look of concern on his beautiful face, he looked directly at Ana and regarded her shrewdly.

"Are you all right, Miss? I'm Christian Grey, the owner of this establishment." His voice was the exact warm bliss as Ana had remembered and just being in such close proximity to him, Ana couldn't find her voice to answer him, all she knew was that her heart was beating out of her chest. Blinking rapidly and right as she was about to answer him, Ana Steele-clumsiest girl from Montesano, Washington, slipped on the slick marble floor and wobbled just a bit, causing her left ankle to twist painfully and she let out a little yelp. She bent slightly from the sudden, stabbing discomfort and Grey grabbed a hold of her elbow very quickly so she didn't fall yet again. Had Ana not been in pain, she would have better experienced the jolt of electricity he exuded in her body when he touched her. She had no idea why his touch reduced her body to jello.

"Well, now I know you are not all right. You need ice applied to that ankle right away, Miss…?"

Ana could only squeak out, "Ana. Just call me Ana." If he recognized her, which she knew was highly unlikely; it was difficult to ascertain from his impassive expression.

"Reynolds, go get an ice pack while I escort Ana to my office." Grey's voice was stern and curt. Ana watched Hulk number two make his way back down the stairs.

"I'll be fine, I promise. You don't need to bother with me." Ana muttered, suddenly feeling uncomfortable under his scrutiny, along with the fact he was rubbing his bottom lip with his index finger. Despite the pain from a probable sprained ankle, she found this highly distracting. Oh, his mouth.

Grey shook his head in refusal. "No. Taylor carry Ana to my office." He raised his eyebrows seemingly to dare her to disagree. Just then Ana realizes Grey never let go of her elbow.

"But, my…." Ana began to utter when she was gently lifted by this man named Taylor. He looked at her with a small assuring smile and followed Grey to a set of double doors that were right before the entry to the club's VIP area.

The office was entirely different than the club. It was a sterile white room that was much too large for one person. Taylor carefully placed Ana on a large white sofa and got two throw pillows from a second sofa to prop her ankle up on. Both men were standing over her and looking at her ankle as if it were a science project. Ana was actually beginning to feel uneasy being in a room with two strange men. Ana was holding onto her clutch tightly when she felt it begin to vibrate from her phone ringing. Kate had probably remembered Ana had been gone quite awhile.

"Um… Mr. Grey, my friend is downstairs, and I, um… I should go find her. I'm sure she's wondering where I am." Grey's steady gaze on her was causing Ana to blush furiously.

"I understand that, and I'll have someone go find her and inform her of your situation. But with the way your ankle is swelling and beginning to bruise, you aren't walking anywhere." Raising an eyebrow, Ana couldn't believe what an arrogant fuck head he was.

Ana's ankle was throbbing from pain and looking down at it, she saw that Grey was correct-it looked horrible and she had no idea what to do. She felt herself beginning to panic.

With a quick glance towards this Taylor man, Ana realized she was going to have to go along with what Grey had said. Feeling his gaze, she took an apprehensive look at him and saw him staring as if he was appraising her, as if those gray eyes were penetrating her.

"Ana, what is your last name? We'll need it to help us find your friend." His head was cocked to one side and was rubbing his chin; his voice quiet and no longer sounded so curt.

Staring at his gray eyes which appeared to be burning, Ana squirmed a bit, causing a pillow to fall off the sofa and move her injured ankle. Wincing, she murmured softly, "Steele. My name is Ana Steele."

The minute her ankle suddenly dropped along with the pillow, the dude named Taylor immediately placed it back, apologizing to Ana at the pain he knew this must have caused her.

Grey's expression had softened and he once again looked concerned. "Miss. Steele, you need immediate medical attention for your injury, and I'm going to have one of my men drive you to the hospital so you can be treated. I promise that you don't have to be fearful despite having only met us, but I can assure your safety."

Ana bit her lower lip as she contemplated Grey's words. She didn't see why he'd insisted one of his hulking men had to take her since Kate was just downstairs.

"Mr. Grey, my friend is here and she can take me. There's no need to have one of your employees drive me. If they'd only go find her for me, I can be on my way, and you can further enjoy your party."

Just then, the second hulk named Reynolds barged in the office with the ice pack and started to place it on Ana's ankle until Grey stopped him. "I'll do that. Miss. Steele, what is your friends name and what does she look like?" Once again his tone is stern. Squatting down on the sofa, Grey gently placed the ice pack on Ana's ankle. How odd, Ana thought. A billionaire is holding an ice pack on my ankle. And it was the billionaire that she hadn't seemed to be able to forget. Her purse vibrated again, this time Ana went to open her clutch to answer it.

Grey shook his head of copper hair and with an authoritative voice told her he'd have one of his men find Kate.

Sighing, Ana gave up. "Her name is Katherine Kavanagh, tall and blonde; she's wearing a silver mini dress. Mr. Grey, you've met her before, she interviewed you for our college newspaper at WSU." Ana saw a glint of amusement in Grey's eyes that made her blush.

"Ah. The tenacious Miss. Kavanagh and her inappropriate questions. Yes, I remember her well. Reynolds, go find her." With that order, Reynolds nodded and was on his way in a nanosecond.

Ana had forgotten Kate was with Grey's brother. "Oh, and she's with your brother, Elliot. I'm sure that will make it much easier for you to find her." Ana quickly took notice at the change of Christian Grey's expression and how his body tensed. He wasn't pleased with what Ana had just told him and she watched his impassive expression return. What was that about? Ana wondered.

"Elliot, you say? Well, that's not surprising. His weakness is a pretty blonde. I'll call him and see if they're still together." His voice had changed back to sounding stern. Grey had to let go of the ice pack so he could get out his phone, leaving Ana feeling bereft. Rising from the couch, Grey called his brother, annoyance clearly on his face.

"Elliot. Are you with a Katherine Kavanagh? Good. I have her friend with me… shut the hell up and listen. Her friend is injured… Hell, Elliot let me finish! It appears Miss. Steele has sprained her ankle quite badly and needs medical attention. Miss. Kavanagh needs to take her to the hospital for treatment. Too drunk? Fine. I'll have Reynolds take her and make sure you drive Miss. Kavanagh home." He pushed the off button without even saying goodbye. Grey sounded the same way he looked-pissed off.

"Miss. Steele, it appears Reynolds will have to take you to the hospital after all. My brother said your friend is very drunk and is unable to drive. He will be driving her home. Reynolds will stay at the hospital with you and then take you home as well. Don't worry about any medical expenses; I'll take care of that." Grey's eyes were narrowed, his attitude self-possessed.

Ana rolled her eyes. "That certainly sounds like Kate. Well, I guess I have no other choice. Can someone help me up, please?" She was quiet and sounded resigned to her fate. Fucking Kate, she thought.

Reynolds and Taylor slowly sat her upright and once her ankle was hanging off the sofa, Ana gasped out in pain. She caught Grey's face soften.

"Give me your cell phone." It was all but an order and Ana looked at Grey confused. My cell phone?

"What?" She asked.

"Give me your phone. I'm going to call myself on it so you can store my number in your contacts. You may need help at home if you can't walk on that foot and I can arrange for you to receive that help. I'd also appreciate for you to let me know what the doctor says, along with how you are doing. Now, please your phone." Control freak, much?

Ana was rapidly blinking as her heart rate increased despite the immeasurable amount of pain she was in. All she could think about was the fact she was going to have possession of the Christian Grey's phone number.

With hands that were slightly shaking, Ana retrieved her phone from her clutch and handed it to Grey who rapidly called himself with it. Handing it back to her, Ana saw a distinct glint of amusement in his mesmerizing gray eyes.

"Alright, let's get you tended to. I know you're in pain. Taylor, Reynolds, help Miss. Steele up. Reynolds, carry Miss. Steele to the SUV and stay with her at the hospital. Then drive her home."

"Of course, sir." This Reynolds hulk stood as if he was at attention. Is this really the life of a billionaire?

Once Ana was in the hulks arms bridal style and heading towards the door, Grey spoke again giving her a small smile.

"Remember, Miss. Steele, I'll be expecting for you to call me with a full report."

Ana just knew her face was aflame. "Um… okay. Thank you for helping me." Her voice was small and quiet.

Looking as if he were privy to something Ana knew nothing about, he nodded at her politely.

"No need to thank me, Miss. Steele. I just hope you will be alright and treated well."

When Ana had no voice to answer, Reynolds opened the door and made his way to step out.

"Oh-and Miss. Steele, I'll be waiting for your phone call."Grey said smiling at her.

As Reynolds carried her to the awaiting SUV, Ana's stomach was in her throat, but she was wearing a beaming smile that could have lit up The Mile High Club.