
The past

I grew up in a city in Colorado with my alcoholic mother she decided to name me Skylar.

It was always just us and whatever other man she brought in the house but she was rarely home she was always at work or out but I had my baby sitter Elle she was the best we would play for hours at the park go on bike rides go to the creek.

I turned 5 and was enrolled in school. At school kids made fun of me for my frizzy hair and how talkative I was they called me wired. In 4th grade other kids started to notice my crooked teeth and called me a squirel and other names. When I turned 11 my mom told me the worst news ill ever hear, "Ur to old to have a babysitter and Elle is moving to California with her mom". I was sad for days and we said our goodbyes.

A few years later I turned 13 and got diagnosed for BPD. I got threw school the best I could focusing on grades. I decided to go into photography school because I wanted to travel. The BPD made relationships very hard and I got very attached to everyone I was with and ended up getting my heart broken.

I thought it would all be worth it some day when I meet the right person. I went into photography school right after high school and got a part time job as a waitress at a resturant downtown.

That's where I met Matt he was a dishwasher there. Me and Matt got along quickly and he asked me out soon after.

A few weeks after going out we made it official. He seemed sweet, kind and understanding and very handsome too.

2 years into my photography school be asked me to move in with him and I said yes and things were absolutely perfect he was amazing but he got another job and worked alot.

On the last day of photography school I decided to suprise Matt by coming home earlier then usawal and giving him a picture book with all the photos we took together. I walked in quietly and I hear Matt in the bedroom. I walk in the room saying "Suprise!" and I saw what I least expected, Matt was in bed with another girl.