
An Unordinary Extra

"In a world where even the shadows have stories to tell, I discovered that the forgotten can wield the mightiest tales" ______________________ I, an ordinary reader of the world's greatest series, found myself entrapped in its world after a seemingly ordinary sleep. "Why am I in this goddamn world? Especially in the body of this guy?" I was now Class A's most overlooked figure—Arthur Nightingale. A magic swordsman who managed to rank 8 among the first years. A character no more than an extra. But I could live a nice life with the talent this body has and my own knowledge right? Or so I thought. "This was the only way," the voice said once more, "This was the only way she could be stopped." Who knew just how special Arthur Nightingale was and where this journey will take me... https://discord.gg/FK9GfrSjtb

WhiteDeath16 · Kỳ huyễn
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132 Chs

Creighton Family

Cecilia's surprise visit, capped off by an unwelcome kiss, left me eager to depart for the Creighton family estate. Saying goodbye to my parents and Count Chase was fraught with unspoken questions about my relationship with the princess. Their gazes held a mix of curiosity and concern that I couldn't quite brush aside.

"Arthur," my mother finally ventured, causing both me and my father to pause. A sigh escaped her lips. "You're young, and I don't want to hold you back, but please be careful." She reached out, cupping my face with a gentle hand.

I managed a tense smile and a simple nod in response. 'It's not like I have any interest in her!' I thought defensively.

"And Princess Rachel, she gave you the Creighton family insignia as well, I presume?" my father inquired, his gaze meeting mine.

"Yes," I confirmed. "She invited me to visit during the break." A silent communication passed between my parents, punctuated by a shared sigh.

"Just… try not to make things difficult, alright?" my mother said softly before pulling me into a hug goodbye.

Did she think there was something more between me and Rachel? The absurdity of the notion made me scoff internally. In the novel, Rachel's feelings blossomed for Lucifer due to their childhood closeness and the support he offered her through her mother's passing. There was no such foundation for us.

My parents' concern wasn't unfounded. Surrounded by royalty from the world's superpowers, it was easy to get caught in their orbit. While my magical talent rivaled theirs, my lineage paled in comparison. I needed to tread carefully, lest I get swept up in a current I wasn't prepared for.

A self-driving carriage whisked me out of the gated community before I hopped on the hyperloop, a futuristic tunnel system, that delivered me to the teleportation gates. As expected from Avalon, the Slatemark Empire's capital, these gates offered instant travel to any major city in the world – with proper authorization, of course. My Mythos Academy ID served as a decent passport for most places.

My next stop: the Creighton family's capital, Luminarc. Unlike a traditional kingdom, the Creightons held vast swathes of land and loyal vassals, but lacked the formal nobility structure. Nevertheless, Luminarc thrived, a bustling metropolis with millions of residents. Its name resonated from a bygone era where "Shadow Seekers," monstrous creatures, terrorized the north. Though humanity now held them back, the name remained.

The Creightons boasted the world's most powerful magic lineage, rivaled only by the Slatemark Empire's Magic Tower led by Archmage Charlotte. However, in terms of raw magical prowess, the Creightons reigned supreme. Their advancements in theory and principles were countless. Their focus on combat magic, honed through generations of battling Shadow Seekers, had led to the development of groundbreaking mana manipulation techniques.

This was why I sought Rachel – to learn these methods and refine my own magic under the tutelage of their elite mages.Stepping through the shimmering portal, I emerged into Luminarc, the Creighton capital. A wave of cool, crisp air washed over me, carrying the faint scent of pine and something faintly magical. The bustling cityscape stretched before me, a dazzling tapestry of towering chrome structures interwoven with sprawling parks and gardens.

Taking a deep breath, I plunged into the throng of people, the rhythmic hum of the city filling my ears. My senses were overloaded – the flash of neon signs, the cacophony of street vendors hawking their wares, the distant rumble of what could be a train or a magical construct. I made my way to the centre of the city where the Creighton estate laid.The self-driving carriage deposited me before a sight that stole my breath. The Creighton estate sprawled before me, an imposing yet strangely harmonious blend of nature and artifice. Towering walls, crafted from a black, obsidian-like stone, encircled the perimeter, etched with intricate runes that pulsed faintly with a magical aura. At regular intervals, imposing figures clad in gleaming silver robes – magical guards, by the looks of it – stood vigilant. A translucent barrier, shimmering with an otherworldly iridescence, marked the estate's magical defense perimeter.

Approaching the colossal gate, I retrieved the Creighton family insignia Rachel had entrusted to me. As I presented it to the guards, their eyes widened in recognition. A flurry of hushed whispers passed between them before they bowed low in unison."We welcome you, esteemed guest of the Creighton family," one of them intoned, his voice deep and respectful. "Please, enter!"

With a groan that resonated through the very earth, the massive doors swung open, revealing a glimpse of the fantastical world that lay beyond. Stepping through the threshold, I found myself on a pathway paved with a material that shimmered with a subtle inner light. Lush greenery spilled over from the surrounding gardens, their vibrant colors contrasting beautifully with the stark elegance of the architecture. In the distance, I could make out the silhouette of a magnificent castle, its spires seemingly reaching for the heavens.

Suppressing my astonishment at the guard's effortless magic, I stepped onto the path. The Creighton estate was a feast for the senses, but I pushed forward, eager to see Rachel. The path, illuminated by the guard's spell, wound through towering trees adorned with blossoms unlike any I'd seen before. Strange, beautiful creatures carved from an unknown, shimmering stone stood sentinel, their silent gaze following my every step.

The symphony of unseen insects grew louder as I neared the garden, replaced by the gentle trickle of water. Anticipation bubbled in my chest. Finally, the path opened into a clearing, revealing a breathtaking sight. Lush flowerbeds bloomed in every imaginable color, their sweet fragrance mingling with the fresh scent of water. Crystal-clear streams meandered through the garden, their banks adorned with smooth, colorful stones. In the distance, a cascading waterfall tumbled down a moss-covered rock face, its roar providing a calming counterpoint to the chirping of unseen birds.

And then I saw her. Rachel stood at the edge of the waterfall, her back to me. Her golden hair, like spun sunshine, cascaded down her back in loose waves. Clad in a simple white robe, she dipped her feet into the cool water, the sunlight glinting off the surface in a way that almost made her seem like an ethereal being enjoying a moment of serenity.

"You reached!" Rachel exclaimed, turning her head with a bright smile. She tilted her head slightly, resting it on her shoulder in a gesture that sent a jolt through me."It's good to see you too, Rach," I managed, surprisingly without stammering as I approached. Up close, the simple white robes seemed even more elegant on her. I fought the urge to blush as she rose from the water's edge and extended her arms for a hug.

The suddenness of the gesture caught me off guard, but I returned it instinctively, wrapping my arms around her back. An almost unconscious movement drew me in to breathe in the scent of her hair. It wasn't the seductive perfume of Cecilia, but something clean, familiar, and utterly comforting. It was the scent of someone you could trust implicitly, someone who felt like home.

Rachel pulled away from the hug, a smile lighting up her face as she turned. "Father's eager to meet you," she announced, already starting to lead me away.

"Wait, your father?" I blurted, scrambling to catch up. Meeting royalty wasn't exactly on my agenda."Of course," she replied, a playful glint in her eyes. "He was curious about the guy I gave the Creighton insignia to." She paused to pluck a flower, its vibrant color contrasting with her white robes. Taking a deep breath, she smiled again, a genuine and beautiful expression.

"Where is he?" I managed, nerves tingling.

"His observatory," she answered, pointing upwards. Just barely visible above the trees was a towering spire that scraped the clouds. "Come on, I'll take you."

I followed her, a knot of apprehension tightening in my stomach. Meeting one of the world's most powerful magic users wasn't exactly how I envisioned my visit starting.

We walked in comfortable silence for a while, the sound of the cascading waterfall fading as we delved deeper into the garden. The air here hummed with a different kind of energy, a subtle power that seemed to emanate from the very plants themselves. Strange, luminescent flowers bloomed in the dappled sunlight, their petals shimmering with an otherworldly glow. Exotic butterflies, their wings adorned with intricate patterns, flitted between them, adding to the air of wonder.

As we rounded a bend in the path, the colossal spire Rachel had pointed to came into full view. It was a majestic structure, built from a white stone that gleamed like polished marble. Runes, similar to those etched on the estate walls, pulsed with a faint blue light, swirling in intricate patterns across the surface. At the very top, a balcony jutted out, offering a panoramic view of the surrounding landscape.

"That's where Father is usually," Rachel said, her voice hushed with a hint of reverence. "He spends most of his time magic here and stargazing."

A shiver of anticipation ran down my spine. Taking a deep breath, I squared my shoulders and followed Rachel up a winding staircase carved into the side of the spire. The climb was arduous, the air growing colder and thinner as we ascended. Finally, we reached a platform that led onto the balcony Rachel had mentioned.

Stepping out onto the platform, I was met with a breathtaking vista. Lush forests stretched out as far as the eye could see, dotted with sparkling lakes and winding rivers. In the distance, the majestic peaks of a mountain range pierced the clouds. But it was the sky above that truly stole my breath away. Unmarred by light pollution, it was a tapestry of a million stars, each one twinkling like a tiny diamond. "It's beautiful, isn't it?" Rachel said softly, her voice barely a whisper. Turning to face me, she offered a warm smile. "Let me introduce you to my father."

Just before she was about to take a step forward, a soft yet regal voice resounded, "Who have you brought here Rachel?"

The voice seemed to emanate from the very air itself, powerful and filled with a subtle hum of magic. Turning slowly, I saw a man emerge from an arched doorway leading into the spire. He was tall and lean, his silver hair framing a face etched with the wisdom of years. His eyes, however, were the most striking feature – deep blue orbs that seemed to crackle with an inner fire. The feeling radiating from Alastor Creighton was unlike anything I'd encountered. Like Nero, his power remained veiled, but its sheer presence was undeniable. It was the difference between a flickering candle and a raging inferno. His gaze, when it fell upon me, held an intensity that sent shivers down my spine. For a moment, I felt exposed, laid bare under his scrutiny.

Then, a hint of amusement softened his features. "Rachel," he rumbled, "it seems you've brought me an interesting specimen." His eyes flickered to me. "You possess a commendable grasp of circle magic, yet you wield a blade as well. Magic swordsmen are a rare breed these days."

There was no point in hiding my abilities. "It's an honor to meet you, Archmage Creighton," I said, bowing respectfully.

A smile crinkled the corners of his eyes. "At ease, young Arthur. Call me Alastor, if you prefer."

"Thank you for your generosity," I replied, a touch of relief washing over me.

"So," Alastor continued, a hint of intrigue in his voice, "you seek to hone your magical skills here at the estate?"

I met his gaze, my resolve firm. "Yes," I confirmed with a nod.

Alastor's smile widened. With a flick of his wrist, a subtle surge of energy filled the air – a testament to his effortless command of magic, a magic far exceeding the limitations of five circles.

"Then," he declared, his voice brimming with a hint of challenge, "allow me to introduce you to the realm of beyond."