

Karunya is the owner and MD of new start- up Melody Ltd. He completed his bachelor’s degree and master’s in business management from Cambridge university. Karunya’s father Ram is Businessman and MD of Mocktail Ltd. Mocktail Ltd is company in diversified industries like Chemical, steel, ores and minerals, pharma etc. Whereas Melody Ltd is a retail supermarket chain. Because Karunya opened Melody Ltd, Ram is angry with Karunya because he wanted his son to hire Mocktail Ltd. It’s been 3 years since they spoke to each other. The doctor came out of the ICU and said Mr. Ram has paralysis on the right side of his body. He cannot work anymore until he is cured. All of them go into ICU. They looked at Ram, Karunya’s Mom broke out and started crying.

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2 Chs

Chapter- 2 Left me!

"Karunya! you left me" yelled Helena. Everyone in the office started staring. One girl whispered; I think she is our boss's girlfriend. Other man replied may be! Helena heard their voice and said yes! I am his girlfriend. 

Karunya stopped her and said no we are friends. Helena was shaken by this answer. Her face became red with anger, this anger turned into pain, and she started crying. One tear dropped from her left eye after this tear did not stop. She did not question Karunya and she ran away.

Helena ran on her high heels, her feet became red. She ran for 5 km from office to Karunya's flat. She and Karunya were living in that flat in the last 6 months. The walls of the flat were filled with their pictures, which were taken in different places across globe. She is also the chief secretary of Karunya. She was not moved from Melody Ltd. to Melody Mocktail Ltd. 

She started speaking to herself while looking in the mirror. I know you, Karunya! I know that you will never agree that we are in relationship. Because you said that it is a year contract for flirtation ship. And Flirtation ship is a contract wherein the couple agreed to flirt each other and not in a public relation.

6 months ago, I believed that you would change and accept our relation, we will get married. I knew you met me in LinkedIn. I sent you request, and you accepted it in 2 months. It was the time; I was doing internship with AA Ltd which is your business opponent in supermarkets. I heard my boss Arya was always thinking and talking about you and Melody Ltd. This increased my interest towards you.

I gave my best in last six months to make you understand that I am in love with you, and I want to marry you. But! I think I failed to make you understand. I must leave your place now.

Helena packed all her items along with one photograph of herself and Karunya and left. After 5 minutes, Karunya reached flat, and he noticed that Helena left him even without a note. Joe asked karunya did she leave? Yes, she did. But why did you say that you both are friends? I told her our relation will be flirtation ship and I cannot marry her. She agreed and now she left me.

Joe said, no woman cannot be in such a relationship, after some time they want to get married. I never expected that you will be a playboy and cheat on her.

I am not a playboy, I told her in the beginning.

Karunya your senses are not working.

Shut up! Joe be in your limits. I know how to handle my life and relationships. Even if I want to get married to her my parents will never accept her because she is an Anglo- Indian. She born to a British mother and Indian father.

You are such a pervert and racist. You stopped speaking to your parents in the last 3 years. You are in relationship with her in the last 6 months. So, I don't think that you are afraid of your parents.

You are afraid of relationship and love. You are interested in cheating woman. You are a womanizer.

Stop it! And get lost Joe.

Karunya, please realise before being your secretary I am your friend in college.

Since our college days, Helena is your 28th girlfriend. I agree that she is the only one who could stay for 6 months otherwise you changed girl friends for every 2 months.

Are you taking care of work or counting my girlfriends? I am your personal secretary; Helena is your company secretary.

Karunya took a bottle of champagne and started drinking. He was disturbed by the words of Joe and not that Helena left him.

Dear readers,

Let's see in the upcoming chapters if Karunya will get new girl friend or he will find Helena. Its a tough time for him to manage work at Melody Mocktail Ltd.


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