
An overpowered vampire

A teenager reincarnated in Shadow hunters as a vampire

BloodyWings · Ti vi
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18 Chs

Chapter 3


<yea. Oh and I seem to have forgot to ask you're name.>

<My name is Dante. I just wanted to ask, let's say I kill other vampires who drink human blood directly from the source. Would I get in trouble with the clave?>

{In this world my name is Dante Redgrave. I read it on my ID. "God" hasn't even tried to create a new name for me and just gave me the name of Dante.}

<Most likely not. They tend to even encourage it, But if vampire clans start fighting each other, war would come. And if someone decide to do it themselves, they would most likely end up dead. Ohh here we are.>

I was always wondering how can I increase my power without angering the clave. I may have potential, but that means nothing if I end up dead because I was arrogant.

<So this is the HQ of the clan.>

{The hotel looked fancy but i would definitely not have figured that it was a vampire den.}

<Now Dante, this is as far as I can go. You go in and request to meet Raphael Santiago. He is a friend of mine which will help you with your vampirism.>

<Yea, thank Magnus. For all of this, I don't know what I would do without you.>

<Ohh. Don't worry about it I know the feeling of being lost and without any clue of what to do. Well see you later. Be at my apartment or somewhere safe by the time the sun rises.>

He just warned me turned his back and created a portal to his apartment.

{Jesus, that's convenient. I need to get going.}

I walked inside the hotel and approached the receptionist.

<Hi, I was told I can find Raphael Santiago here. Please tell him Magnus Bane sent me.>

She didn't even tell me anything, She just turned around and sped off to somewhere.

<I was told you were looking for me.>

Then I saw someone up the stairs looking towards me.

<Hi, Name's Dante, Magnus Bane said you could help me.>

When he heard Magnus Bane he went from cold stiff faced to normal friendly neighbor face.

<Ohh, you are a friend of Magnus. Follow me>

Without saying another word he walked away from me. Without hesitation I followed him.

<Soo? What's it like to be a vampire?>

He just looked towards me with a raised eyebrow and asked.

<What's it to you? Do you want to be transformed or something?>

<No, While "saving" Magnus I somehow turned into a vampire and he told me you can teach me the ropes.>

<You don't seem to be as bloodthirsty as normal mundanes who are turned. But if Magnus sent you, I will show you the ropes to the best of my abilities.>

We reached a fancy room with couches and at the left of the room you could see a small area where there was only one exit.

<Sit there.>

He pointed to the small area. I knew something is wrong but I still could've do a thing about it. If I don't do what he says I am definitely dead. There are more than 300 vampires in this clan, and I am in their HQ. So I just went and sat at the chair.

<Look Raphael, I know something is wrong. Can you just tell me what it is. I am new to all this shadow world bullshit and I don't want any problems with anybody.>

<Ok, Dante, you just came into a vampire den's HQ and wanted to meet one of its members, if it was just that then ok. But you used the name of my friend and someone close to me. I need to conform that you are not lying to me so I will lock you in here with a couple blood bags and go to Magnus to conform your words, Then I will need to bring a shadow hunter from the institute to conform that you haven't broken the accords( Rules). Because if you have lied to me about Magnus or you have broken the accords (Rules) death will be the last of your worries.>

He pressed a button and caged me inside of the room. He went to a painting in the wall removed it and took out 4 blood bags.

<Don't take it personally. I need to keep myself and the clan safe.>

<yea, No worries. I would have done the same. Just give me the blood bags and hurry up. I will die of boredom inside here.>

<Here. Thanks for the understanding.>

He just gave me the bags and sped away.

<Fuck. I thought I would be thought something fun not be caged.>

{But I want Raphael as an elder in my clan. He is smart, calculating and knows how to manage people. But Camille the now leader of this clan needs to die. She is ancient, older than 500 years. But kills mundanes and breaks the accords (Rules). She will bring our downfall if she is left alive.}