
An Orc With A System

Alone, Weak and Outcast. A young Orc, struggled to find his place in the tribe. haunted by the destruction of his clan and the desire for vengeance, Azrakar never knew the true meaning of belonging. One day, the great hunt shifted to unexpected outcome. The young Orc Azrakar suffered a terrible injury. Broken Legs. However, fate intervened to spare this young orc from a destiny far worse than death, bestowing upon him a gift from the heavens. From another world or another dimension, the gift came in the form of a briefcase that held a powerful AI. Follow Azrakar as he grows from a weak petty orc, into a mighty warchief.

Shadow_Library_ · Kỳ huyễn
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21 Chs

Chapter 06: Nexus

"NOOO!....A Demon inside me head!" Azrakar scrambled around, clutching his head in his hands.

[Calm down, User.]

"NOO! It speaks again!"


Each time the voice spoke inside his head, Azrakar's panic grew. He darted around looking for something to use as a weapon, but he found nothing. In his frenzy, Azrakar lunged toward the wall, and...


He slammed his head against the solid surface.

"Leave me head, demon!"

[User, calm down, I'm not-]




[Security protocol activated.]


"AAAHHH!" Azrakar shrieked at the sudden jolt of electricity coursing through his body. He stopped battering his head against the wall and crumpled to the ground, his mouth agape and smoke curling from his skin like sizzling meat.

"Ouch!…That…bloody hurt!!."

[My apologies, User. I had to restrain you to calm you down.]

"Grrr...what do you want, demon?"

[I want to assure you, I am no demon, User.]

"Eh?....Really? You're not a demon in me head?"


"Oh! Well then, me problem solved!" Azrakar's anger instantly vanished. He pushed himself up and sat back against the wall.

"So?...You what?"


There was a long pause, so long that Azrakar began to think that the voice he heard was just something his mind created.

"Eh?... still here? You not-demon," he asked, confused.

[I am an artificial intelligence. Codename: #00001 Nexus.]

"Artiii…fic..what? That sounds smart"

[Created by Professor Linza Mori of the New Earth Federation.]

[My purpose is to assist the Federation's hunters in fighting the monsters, by providing knowledge, training, awakening, equipment, skills, and much more.]

Azrakar scratched the back of his head, not understanding anything of what the voice said. Despite his above-average intelligence for an orc due to his upbringing, such complex words were beyond him.

"So…you train warriors?"

[In simpler terms, yes.]

"Ohh! Nice...are these warriors as strong as Orcs?"

[With my guidance, even an average warrior could vanquish a thousand Orcs in a single attack.]

Azrakar trembled slightly, both from fear and excitement. Just imagining a thousand Orcs in one place was too much for him, but to be slain with one attack?...Oh boy! That power was of legends.

"Why are you in me head?"

[You activated me, User.]

Azrakar tilted his head in confusion, then he recalled grabbing a red cube before passing out. "You're that shiny red thing?"

[Indeed. Technically, activation by you should have been impossible due to restrictions. Orcs are enemies of the New Earth Federation. However, due to a temporary malfunction, the restrictions were deactivated.]

"Aaaa?…No idea…anyway are you going to stay in me head?"

[Yes. The process is irreversible. Now I am bound to serve you and assist you in growing stronger.]

Azrakar's eyes gleamed with excitement. "Are you going to make me a warrior?"


"YEEEESSS!" Azrakar bellowed, his voice echoing in the dark depths of the pit. "How? Can we start now?"

[Soon, User, and for how…Using my creator's magical skill I can facilitate your growth in various ways. For instance, I can assign you quests, and completing them will grant you rewards. You can also hunt monsters and earn experience points, and much more.]

[Just tell me what you desire, User, and I will find a way. Remember, I possess the entire knowledge of the New Earth Federation.]

"Good…Good. Can we start now?" Azrakar was impatient, but can you blame him? This was his first genuine opportunity to gain strength and true power, and he wouldn't waste it.

[We can, but not physically. Your body requires time to heal properly.]

Azrakar glanced down at his legs, and realization dawned on him. "Are you the one who healed me legs?"

[Yes, User. Your condition was critical.]

Hearing this, Azrakar slammed his right fist to his chest and bowed slightly. "You have me gratitude...Azrakar is the name."

[My purpose is to serve. You can call me Nexus, and from this moment on, I acknowledge you as my Master.]

Orcs, despite their savage and brutal nature, still possess a sense of honor and know when to show respect, even if it's a rare occurrence for a non-orc.

Azrakar would forever be indebted to Nexus for mending his legs, not letting him live as a half-orc. Even living was out of the question, as he would surely take his own life rather than endure such a fate. And that wasn't all, Azrakar now had a phenomenal chance to become a warrior, thanks to Nexus.

[Now, Master, relax and close your eyes. We will commence training immediately,] Nexus instructed, and Azrakar complied.

The moment he did, he felt his consciousness fade. He soon found himself in a vast, cerulean chamber. Azrakar scanned the room. Aside from the gray floor and azure walls, the chamber was empty.

[Welcome, Master, to the simulation room,] Nexus announced.

"Simu...La? What?" Azrakar raised an eyebrow in confusion.

[Simulation room, a separate realm I can create within your mind. Here, you can train with any weapon, art, skill, and much more.]

"GOOD!" Azrakar grasped little of what Nexus said beyond training with everything, his excitement to begin was palpable. Suddenly, a system message materialized before his eyes.

[First Quest: Complete tutorial (1/10)

Objective: Complete Level One of Combat Training

Rewards: Basic General Knowledge

 Basic Combat Skill Ticket]

"Ugh! Nexus, what's this?" Unable to decipher the strange message, Azrakar inquired.

[Welcome to the tutorial, Master Azrakar.]


"Huh!" A rumbling sound filled the room, and Azrakar momentarily lost his balance as the chamber began to morph. The room expanded, and on the other side, the floor opened allowing a platform to rise carrying a wooden doll wielding a short wooden sword.

[The most effective method to train an Orc is through combat. Your objective is simple, Master: destroy the wooden doll.]

Bewildered, Azrakar pointed at the doll. "Destroy that?"

[Affirmative, Master. Now, select a weapon, and let us commence.]

The wall behind Azrakar abruptly opened, revealing a vast arsenal of weapons—swords, axes, hammers, spears, bows, and more, all crafted from wood.

Slightly irritated, Azrakar approached the wall and selected two wooden axes.

'Gr...Fighting a tree, is this supposed to make me a warrior?' Azrakar harbored doubts, but nevertheless, he walked to the center of the room and assumed a fighting stance.

[Ready Master?]

"Aye!...Let's fight!"

Azrakar gripped the wooden axes tightly, a resolute glint in his eyes. The wooden doll, armed with a short sword, remained motionless, awaiting the orc's attack.


With a roar, Azrakar charged, or at least attempted to.

"Huh?" He blinked and found the doll's wooden sword mere inches from his head.


The orc's head exploded into pieces, painting the wall behind him in crimson.

"AAHHH!!" With a howl Azrakar regained his vision, immediately reaching up to feel his head. Looking at the center of the room, Azrakar saw his headless corpse lying there on the floor in a pool of blood, before vanishing in a blue light.

"What in the green lord was that?!"

[This is the optimal method to train you, Master. Don't fret, you cannot perish here. However, strive to avoid it, for you will still experience the pain,] Nexus' voice echoed in his mind.

Glub…Azrakar paled, comprehending Nexus' words all too well. Why? Because he felt it, the moment his head exploded. That pain, even for a split second, was unimaginable.

[Death count: 0001] A small window flashed for a few seconds before disappearing. He didn't inquire about it, his sole focus on the wooden doll.

"Grr…AGAIN!" Grabbing the wooden axes, Azrakar readied himself for another round.


This time, he approached with more caution, carefully studying the doll's movements while protecting his head. But…


The doll lunged toward him with incredible speed. Azrakar had no time to react, and both of his legs were shattered.

"AHHH!" he howled in pain, collapsing onto his back. The doll instantly appeared next to him raising its foot above his head.


Azrakar's head was crushed effortlessly, like a rotten fruit against a solid wall.

[Death count: 0002]

"UGH!...That hurt!"

Furious, Azrakar immediately grabbed the axes and marched to the center of the room.



[Death count: 0003]



[Death count: 0004]


[Death count: 0005]





Azrakar confusedly scanned the place around him, for a moment he didn't recognize it, he was back at the pit and it was nighttime.

"Why?" he questioned the thing within his head.

[You require rest, Master, you've died too many times and that can strain your mind.]

[Death count: 0113]

Azrakar growled seeing the number of deaths, he asked Nexus about it earlier, but now he wished he hadn't. Knowing he had died over a hundred times without landing a single blow on that wooden doll was a bitter pill to swallow for the orc.

"Grrr...me can fight more, send me back," he demanded.

[Master Azrakar, it's crucial to understand that the simulation is intended to push your limits and enhance your skills. Each "death" serves as a learning experience. Take a break for now; we can resume training when you're prepared.]

Azrakar, feeling a mix of frustration and determination, nodded reluctantly. He walked to the Bison and ripped a piece of its meat, eating it raw. He then found a somewhat comfortable spot, leaned against the wall, and closed his eyes.

Azrakar couldn't shake off the frustration of his failures in the simulation room. Each death felt like a heavy blow to his pride, a reminder of how far he still had to go on his journey to become a warrior worthy of legends. But despite the setbacks, a glimmer of determination burned within him, urging him to rise once more.

"Just you wait," he vowed silently. "I'll become the greatest Orc of all time."

yO! I hope you like it. tell me your thoughts in the comment and share any new ideas.

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