
AN Old Mobile Phone In The Attic

My parents had gone missing years ago, leaving only behind an old mobile phone. Once turned on it offered me to partake in paranormal activities, for clues of my parents whereabouts.

Tempo_Lock · Kinh dị ma quái
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1 Chs

Chapter One- How It All Began

Even on a cold, dark, and stormy night like this, Lavell still finds time to go Halloween shopping. Welcome to Belly Market, all spooky items and purchases can be found along the line of headless horsemens! I'll need a pumpkin, candle and also a couple carving tools. Wait, I can't forget about the main Item, PUMPKIN PIE! In the morning, Lavell your friend's at the door! Thank you again for watching Boat for watching Boat, where should we go now honey!? Hello miss Zager! "Since I can't trust any of you with my car, I'll drive you to school.", she said while squinting her eyes. The boys quickly got in the car, as they knew what that look ment.

So Boat did your parents ever take you to get a pumpkin? No, they said we'd get them and carve once they came back. That settles it! You can go into the store and find one you'd like. Lets go Boat! Wait here Lavell! Your new chore is to clean the attic, and I think there are still some old Halloween decorations up there.

I go to a school called Realism High. This school can get really dangerous when you're not walking in a group. Hey, look at these two losers! HAHA, If you'd like to keep your face unpunched then give me your lunch money! The bully said arrogantly. Hurg, take it, Lavell give him your lunch money so we can go! Boat said angrily. Heck no I didn't spend all that time cleaning for this, screw off! The bully threw a powerful right hook and hit the left side of Lavell's face. The power of the punch sent Lavell flying into the lockers! Boat soon pushed the bully!(It didn't help very much because of how big the bully is.) Once Lavell saw his opportunity, he took it. RIGHT IN THE BELLS, Lavell had kicked with all his might! This had left the bully immobilized, in pain! Wait, those scrawny freshmen took down a senior bully?! PURE LUCK, RIGHT!? Lavell had just seemed to notice the crowd of people, who had gathered around the fight.

Boat I just don't understand?! We didn't even try to pick a fight with him and yet we still get sent home!? Not only do I have to clean the attic three times a week, I also have bruise marks! But you'll have me helping out for a while, so let's hop to it! Lavell and Boat slowly opened the attic. All the dust, and dirt came falling down. Boat was the first one up and in the attic, AH! WHAT'S WRONG BOAT! Never mind it's just some old Halloween decoration.

There's a ton of boxes up here, let's see who can find the most useful thing. You're on. I'll set the fifteen minute timer, GO! -Fifteen minutes later- Boat - I've found a silver stop watch, green and red tooth brushes, some old wine, and a pretty old expensive trinket box with white, and pink line going around the sides. Now can you top that lavell, huh, huh, can you?! I've found an old revolver, deck of cards, and an old mobile phone. Lavell I rate those a 7/10. Alright I'll rate yours ( Rate who had found the better items in the commits) 9/10.

Lavell how about we go to the pawn shop and see how much we get from these things. Alright I'll be keeping the stopwatch.(It might be the only thing I have left of my father.) Wait how are we going to get there? My mother and father are out doing who knows what, and they always leave a spare key under the mat. Once we're in, I'll go and grab the keys to my father's four wheeler and his motorbike. That's a great plan and all but what about my grandmother, she'll be furious if we ask to leave, especially after what happened today?! Actually I think this plan might work. Instead of taking the front door, let's take my bedroom window. How, Lavell, think logically your rooms on the second floor?! I'll put the rop- Or you could have just asked me, I'll be willing to take you guys there, for a price. I want five percent of both of your allowances. Deal, but we'll pay you after you take us! Boat said, with the idea of not paying miss Zager. Sure we can go after you, both clean up this attic, Lavell remember when you're always saying that you wanted a phone. YOU GOT BE A PHONE! No, your parents left behind that mobile phone, I forgot to give it to you last Halloween. Wait why last halloween?! Boat asked. I didn't tell you, my birthday's on Halloween. Little does Lavell know about the Mysteries of "Stopwatch".