

A helicopter was flying southwards. Jack adjusted his sniper rifles' firing angle according to the wind and distance. He still had thirty seconds left until his comrades gave him the signal. Only then could he fire his shot.

He took the remaining time to recount what led to this moment. The years he spent in training, his partaking in countless acts of terrorism and human rights violations in fourth world states.

But more importantly, joining this mission.

This mission was the first that would bring attention to the organization he is a part of. Things like pirate raids, drunken mech pilots causing damage to infrastructure didn't make it far in the media. They were too frequent to do otherwise. Okay, that was not really the truth. Some unusually large pirate attacks on important targets did make headlines.

But this "mission" was different.

It is something that never before happened.

An assault on a regular military base by a "terrorist" group would not make it to media headlines. Close but not yet there.

But an assault by such an organization from a backwater state with no importance on one of the strongest human superstates technological capitals military stations will make headlines. Successful or not.

The signal was given. Jack adjusted his aim again and inhaled. With his exhale he fired the shot that would show the Terran Federations Navy that not even the best is untouchable by the worst.