
An Innocent Heart Longing For Love.

To be precise, this story is about how a young girl who failed in her young marriage evolved into a powerful CEO, with the help of her personal assistant who turns out be a missing legendary CEO. --------------------- It is a typical love story revolves around a girl and two men. She loves her husband so much but he never return it back to her. On the other hand, A legendary CEO who keeps his identity in secret fall in love with her desperately. On her formal wedding ceremony, her husband hand over her a divorce and made an agreement to continue to act as a husband in front of others. On her way to the wedding chapel, she met with an tragic incident and fall from a cliff to meet her destined new beginning of life. How she will clear all the unknown threats which was chasing her? How would she fulfill her mother's last wish to save the society which was being bullied in the war torn country? And also how she will fulfill her desire to become a street dancer and how she would turn into a powerful CEO? Who was that PA of her who would accompany her everywhere she goes to strike an attack? When she will learn that the her PA is a Legendary CEO? How both the man would stand side by side till the end to protect and guide her to achieve her success? Last but not the least, WHO WILL SHE END UP MARRYING.... You can contact to my discord link to discuss about the book, https://discord.gg/38feKTA

Misiriya_ · Tổng hợp
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122 Chs

A Little Compensation (6)

He sighed, "At last, Now you are being honest!"

Jacob passed the menu to Anna to order food, As she was running out of time for the class, she randomly picked shrimp tacos and some veg sandwich for both of them.

"Hmm... These tacos are so good, do you visit here very often."

Hearing Jacob's praises and inquest, she gave a scowl, 'How would I know, you dumba**! Yesterday was my first day of college, I just happened to notice the cafe when driving back home after college.'

After losing so many battles of word tug, she gave up her tough stance and answered politely, "This is my first time coming here. I randomly chose the dishes."

While they were engaged in their small talks. One of Shane's friend, Elanda entered the cafe and sat right opposite to Anna. On firsthand, Elanda didn't observe Anna's presence but she noticed Jacob, 'Is this is the man, Shane knocked yesterday, What is he doing here?'

On observing close, she noticed a young girl back perspective, 'Is that Anna?!... What the hell! I should report this to Shane.'

A second thought occurred on her twisted mind as she stopped texting. With an evil sneer, 'Why should I inform this, She is clearing her path for me then let it be. I should not let this opportunity slip away.' She captured their photos together.

Many of Shane's close friends witnessed yesterday's event and Elanda was one of them. When she found Shane, the man of her dream was fighting for the girl with another man. She was devoured with rage and resentment, she was throbbing for his attention for the past three years. Now he was pouring it all for a woman who was cheating behind his back. That's how Elanda regarded Anna as, 'A Cheater'.

They both were sitting far from Elanda. So, she couldn't hear their chat and she occasionally eyed them from afar.


Anna ate fast like a bat out of hell, 'Ahh... I have to end this facade quickly.'

Jacob stopped chewing the tacos in his mouth gaping at Anna in both amusement and grief, 'Oh... Is that much you want to get away from me, Is my presence that much bothers you.'

Once Anna was done with her breakfast, she immediately started winding up, "Oh... It is late! that madman will kill me."

'So she was not bothered by me but by someone else.' Jacob felt a little relieved and he wanted so much to smack the person who clutched his shot, "Which madman?!"

"Oh! It's our professor, he was a creepy man. You have no idea how he behaves. His name is Kevin."

Jacob was choked, 'oh, good old friend! that's how people are looking at you now. I got to behave from now on. In one way or other she definitely was bothered by me.'

After saying her parting wishes, she rushed out of the cafe and instructed her guard to take her to the college, "It is already late, go straight to the back entrance."

Elanda recorded all possible videos to convince Anna's guilt, 'As you are Shane's cousin I will not use it against you unless you cross my path. So keep away from Shane for your own good.

Jacob walked out of the cafe leisurely and texted Kevin that Anna will be late and be easy on the other kids too.

He got a text right back, "Did things go well."

"Yes apparently, I have set a spy, so don't blow your head anymore and I want your expertise in digging details about Aaliyah."

Kevin replied back, "That girl is still a mystery, I am not even able to tap her place but I have set a spy in her neighborhood. If I find anything fishy, I'll get back to you.

Regarding Shane, I have pulled all the details of that punk including his father's recent investment. I will bring it along when we meet in the evening."

"Hmm... Keep an eye on Anna. She is so reckless." Once Jacob ended the conversation, he felt restless. He wondered what surprise she will bring next.

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