

Rachel lost all the colors of her life even before turning 20. She never thought she could fall in love again. On that day, she lost her hopes and the desire to live. The only thing that kept her alive was her memories with him. It was the day when Aaron first saw her. He had never believed in love at first sight. He saw her crying miserably. He stood there the whole day watching her. Later he learned, that it was the day when she lost the love of her life, her husband. He couldn't believe himself that he actually fell in love with a girl at the funeral - her husband's funeral. "Don't leave." Aaron had run behind her, getting drenched in the rain. He was scared, scared that she would leave him. She pushed him hard and shouted, "I don't like you!" Aaron stood there, rooted to the ground. Staring with a blank expression he asked, "Why?" She tightened her lips, scared of showing her weaker side. He continued, "Because of your husband's death?" Rachel felt her world collapsing. She hadn't expected him to know about Eric's death. Seeing her expression he continued, "Rach, you can't live with memories forever. You have to move forward with someone. But I want that someone to be me." Rachel took a deep breath. "I'm not going to get married again." Seeing her being adamant, he said, "Yes, someday, you will." "No, I won't." He asked, "What if you change your mind in the future?" "That will never happen. If that day comes, then I will come to you." Rachel just wanted to get over with this as soon as possible. She didn't think much about her words as that day would never be going to come. Arron narrowed his eyes and asked, "Promise?" She nodded. With an evil grin, he went near her. Holding her face, "Let's seal this promise." Saying this, he kissed her hard. His first love. Can he bring back the happiness that she couldn't even find in her dreams? Him and her? Is it possible? Is it an inevitable fate? Note : Criteria to read this novel - "PATIENCE" Why? because ~My first novel :) Comments, votes, and reviews are appreciated. You can share your thoughts, curiosity, questions with me through the mail. It's a way for me to learn about my readers' minds. ID: joyousbird04@gmail.com Thank you :)

Joyousbird · Thành thị
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96 Chs

Chapter 79 : The unexpected turn of events. (4)

"Gosh, I can't believe, a junior reporter got to take their picture!"

"Right? Why did Mr. Lee agree to him in the first place? He was rude enough to decline ours but kind enough to accept his request?"

"How embarrassing is that for the seniors!"

Right? Even Rachel wanted to ask the same thing for him.

In the elevator, they both stood next to each other. He didn't touch her again. He stood with his hands in the pocket. That was his signature style.

She eyed him carefully, contemplating how to ask. She had many questions!

"What is it?"

He asked without turning his head.

Rachel got stunned and flushed with embarrassment. Who knew, the scheming guy was watching her through the reflection on the elevator door?

"Why... Why did you allow that reporter to take our picture?"

He turned his head towards her and a smirk appeared on his face.

"Why? Are you curious?"

'Of course, I am. Why else would I ask you?'

"I'm not! You know what? You don't have to tell me."

Hmph! He was such a tease!

He didn't speak after that. Rachel was speechless. She thought that he wouldn't answer her question.

But, just as the elevator door opened, he finally spoke.

"Others addressed you as Ms. Rachel."


The curiosity killed the cat. Rachel couldn't help but open her ears wide for the answer.

"But that young reporter addressed you as Mrs. Lee."


What the hell? Seriously?

"Are you sure that's the reason?"

"One hundred percent."

He strode off leaving the stunned Rachel behind.

Rachel, in the elevator, was speechless. She nearly choked on her saliva, hearing his excuse!

He was such a pity person!

She stomped her feet before following him out of the elevator.


In the hospital,

The remote control was smashed on to the ground with a loud thud. It broke into several pieces.

"Honey, calm down!"

Gabriel tried to grab her husband but his unimaginable strength pushed her off him.

She staggered a little, trying not to fall.

Colin pushed the nightstand that was next to his bed, spilling the water mug and the medications on the ground.

The glass mug fell on the ground with a loud clang, breaking into numerous pieces. The tonic bottles fell, spilling the content on the white carpet.

"Honey! Calm down, I'm sure, it is not what it seems. You know our daughter very well, she wouldn't do something outrageous like this! You should believe her."

Colin was so fuming mad that he couldn't listen to anyone. His chest heaved in anger.

"How... How could she do this to me? To our family?"

He gritted his teeth in anger and shame. He had never thought, even in dreams that one day, Rachel would be selfish enough to not care about others.

His heart ached as though someone had broken it into pieces with a steel rod. He started to feel difficulties in breathing. His forehead was covered in perspiration.

"Honey! Honey, calm down. You are not fully recovered. Take... Take a deep breath. I... I will call the doctor. Okay?"

She pressed the button that was next to the bed before going back to her husband.

She tried to calm him down but Colin was burning with fury!

"Madam, what's wrong?"

Kenly, who had gone out to buy lunch for them, stormed inside.

He felt a chill on his back as he saw the current state of his boss and the room. They both looked horrified.

"Kenly! See, your boss saw the news and got agitated. He's having difficulty breathing again."

The assistant reached the bed and tried to hold Colin from moving. But to his surprise, Colin was with full energy due to the adrenaline rushing in his body.

They both struggled to keep him in one place.

"Boss, let me see to the matters. I'm sure, Ms. Rachel had her own reasons for doing it."

He also had heard the news about the marriage. He didn't have many details as he had not gone to the company personally.

"You both, release me! I will go and see it for myself! How... How dare she do this to me! She is not my daughter anymore!"

Just in that time, the doors to the ward opened, doctors and nurses entered.

"Hold him down, keep him steady! Nurse, injection!"

The doctor in the white coat commanded everyone to hold the patient. He took out a needle to extract the liquid before injecting it to Colin's left arm.

In the starting, Colin struggled frantically but his movements slowed down within a few seconds.

His mind started to drift into sleep while still mumbling.

"She is not my daughter... Anymore. She... Is not...My...Daughter... Anymore. She is..."

Finally, Colin closed his eyes and fell asleep.

"I have given him a small dosage of Diazepam. It will relieve his anxiety and allows him to sleep for a while. Make sure not to trigger his emotions, otherwise, it might cause serious damage to his heart. His body is not in a condition to sustain one more heat-attack."

The doctor advised them carefully and left.

The daily update is here! I hope you all enjoyed it!

Happy reading time.

LOL :)

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