

Rachel lost all the colors of her life even before turning 20. She never thought she could fall in love again. On that day, she lost her hopes and the desire to live. The only thing that kept her alive was her memories with him. It was the day when Aaron first saw her. He had never believed in love at first sight. He saw her crying miserably. He stood there the whole day watching her. Later he learned, that it was the day when she lost the love of her life, her husband. He couldn't believe himself that he actually fell in love with a girl at the funeral - her husband's funeral. "Don't leave." Aaron had run behind her, getting drenched in the rain. He was scared, scared that she would leave him. She pushed him hard and shouted, "I don't like you!" Aaron stood there, rooted to the ground. Staring with a blank expression he asked, "Why?" She tightened her lips, scared of showing her weaker side. He continued, "Because of your husband's death?" Rachel felt her world collapsing. She hadn't expected him to know about Eric's death. Seeing her expression he continued, "Rach, you can't live with memories forever. You have to move forward with someone. But I want that someone to be me." Rachel took a deep breath. "I'm not going to get married again." Seeing her being adamant, he said, "Yes, someday, you will." "No, I won't." He asked, "What if you change your mind in the future?" "That will never happen. If that day comes, then I will come to you." Rachel just wanted to get over with this as soon as possible. She didn't think much about her words as that day would never be going to come. Arron narrowed his eyes and asked, "Promise?" She nodded. With an evil grin, he went near her. Holding her face, "Let's seal this promise." Saying this, he kissed her hard. His first love. Can he bring back the happiness that she couldn't even find in her dreams? Him and her? Is it possible? Is it an inevitable fate? Note : Criteria to read this novel - "PATIENCE" Why? because ~My first novel :) Comments, votes, and reviews are appreciated. You can share your thoughts, curiosity, questions with me through the mail. It's a way for me to learn about my readers' minds. ID: joyousbird04@gmail.com Thank you :)

Joyousbird · Thành thị
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96 Chs

Chapter 33 : Let's be friends. (1)

Hearing Crysta's voice from behind, Rachel froze. She slowly turned around with a smile plastered on her face.

"This is?" She asked eyeing Darren.

"Oh.. oho, he... he is Darren. Let's go to our room now," Rachel tried dragging Crysta upstairs to avoid the further interrogation. But, it's just that, the luck wasn't on her side.

"Okay, Darren, and?" Crysta's curiosity won.

"I will tell you later, okay? Let's go to my room first. I... I need to fresh up. Come," This time, Rachel didn't give a chance to Crysta to speak. She simply dragged her upstairs, to her room.

After pulling her successfully inside her room, she let out a sigh of relief. The day had just begun and she was already tired! God!

Behind her, Crysta sat on the queen-size bed, crossing one leg over the other. She cleared her throat, indicating Rachel to speak up.

On the other hand, Rachel completely ignored her. She went to her closet and removed her shoes. Later, she took a track-pant along with a loose t-shirt and entered the bathroom for a shower.

Knowing that Rachel was ignoring her, Crysta wasn't bothered even a least. She patiently waited for her friend to finish her 'chores'. She wouldn' disturb her. It was Sunday and they had time all for themselves.

Inside the bathroom, Rachel was being completely absent-minded. She was so out of her mind that, maybe, she didn't even rinse the foam from her body off properly. She knew that she couldn't hide in the bathroom, forever. She eventually has to face her friend, but, right now, she was just trying to stall some time.

After putting on the clothes, she dabbed some moisturizer onto her face. Making up her mind, she took a deep breath before walking out of the bathroom.

Outside, Crysta was looking like a hungry lion waiting for its prey. Rachel gulped!

"So... from where shall we begin?" Crysta asked, sizing Rachel up from top to bottom.

Rachel mustered all her courage and willpower to ... lie.

30 minutes later.

After hearing the story, Crysta was so furious that she wanted to kill Rachel then and there itself. What was wrong with her friend? Why would she get involved with that type of a scheming guy?

"So, it was that Aaron guy who came yesterday instead of Darren?"

Rachel nodded.

"He lied to us telling that he is your fiance?"

Again, Rachel nodded.

"He took you to his place?"

Yes, yes. She nodded.

"You guys slept?"

Again... Rachel nodded.

"What??!! You both slept??" Crysta finally exploded.

"What? No! no, no. We didn't! F*ck! Crysta, what's wrong with you?" Rachel wanted to slap her friend on her face.

"But you nodded just now!" Crysta didn't want to miss a single clue as well.

"That's because I was nodding from that time!"

There was a long pause...

"Cough*... In the morning, he only dropped me. Seriously, nothing happened between us." Rachel clarified.

Her face got flushed as she remembered how Aaron's lips were on hers. God! How embarrassing! She would never tell Crysta about this. Otherwise, she should just forget about her peaceful life.

"Mm... I need not kill you as it's not your fault. The person I should kill is... that f*cking big fat liar! He even dared to declare his love for you. Hmph!"



Inside the CEO's office at Lee Industries, Aaron sneezed heavily. He wondered who would be bad-mouthing about him.

A knock on the door interrupted his thoughts. He saw the time and frowned. He had come to the office to arrange some contract details. As it was Sunday, no one was there except him. So, who could it be?

"Come in."

A loud clicking of the heels could be heard followed by a magnetic voice.

"Good morning sir,"

Aaron who had his head bent down till now frowned, hearing a lady's voice. Finally, he lifted his head only to see a dignified lady who could be in her late twenties. She wore a black, pencil-cut pant paired with a cream color semi-formal shirt. Along with blazer and nude heels, she looked perfect.

Aaron didn't respond instead waited for the lady to continue. His gaze was sharp.

The lady didn't flinch even for a second under his gaze. She continued.

"I am your personal secretary, Sarah Paul. I have done my masters in the administration department of X University and have 3 years of experience. I have submitted my resume for further details. Today is not my official joining date as it is the weekend. But, I was informed to let you know my appointment today as I won't be coming on my first day, that is, tomorrow. I will be working from the day after tomorrow onwards."

"You... are my secretary?" Aaron asked with disbelief.

'That's all he heard from my introduction?' Her lips twitched.

"Personal secretary," She corrected him.

Yay! A new chapter!

Sorry for the delay though... Anyways, enjoy it! Coming chapters... a romantic encounter.

Happy reading time.

LOL :)

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