
An incomplete story Of love......

Love is never planned it just happens

Hena_Saha · Khác
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1 Chs

An Incomplete story Of Love........

Meera was a simple girl, and a good dancer. She belonged to a poor family in Mumbai. She was a girl of 15 years she lost her father and mother in an accident when she was 8 years old. After that she grewed up at her neighbour's house.

After 4 years her neighbour died of cancer. After that she started doing a part time job at a bakery shop. One day while returning from the shop , she went to a medicine shop to buy her medicine's, there she left her purse. The another customer beside her noticed that she lefted her purse. The gentlemen tried to follow her so that he can return her purse, but before he can follow her she lefted the place. He tried to find her but she lefted the place before he could reach her. He opened her purse to find some documents, so that he can return the purse to the girl,there he found a paper in which her phone number with her name was written. He called the girl.

- Hello, am I talking to MRS.Meera

- Yes, who are you?

- I am MR.Sam

- From where did you get my number?

- Actually , you left your purse on that medicine shop. I was also at that shop just beside you. When left the shop I suddenly noticed that you lest your purse on the bill counter . I tried to find you many times to return your purse but before I could reach you , left away the place. I thought to open your purse if it have any information about you.

- Ohh , sorry I haven't noticed. Sorry, if you don't mind can I kindly now where are you right now??

- Yes ofcourse , I am at the bus stand near the medicine shop

- Okk wait there I am going there within 30 minitues

- Okk

After 30 minitues, Meera reached the by stop and there she found MR.Sam holding her purse waiting for her to reach him. She called

- Mr.Sam

- Hii, Mrs. Meera , I was waiting for you (they both fell in love with each other at that moment at that bus stop, after looking at each other for a while, Meera said)

- MR.Sam , mr.sam, mr.sam, are you listening me

- Ohh, yes yes

- Its too late and I have to return home

- Ohh, yeah me too

- Thank you mr.sam

- That's my pleasure

- Good night& good bye

- Yes , good bye & good night

After that day they both call each other everyday and talk for a while.

[Few days later]

-Hey meera

- Yes sam tell ...….

- If you don't mind can I ask you something?????

- Yes ofcourse, there is nothing to hezzitate...….

- Are you free tomorrow morning ??????

- Yes , why ????

- Actually I want to meet you and I want talk to you face to face ....

- Okkk....

- Then tomorrow morning at 10'o clock at the bus stop where we meet on first day....


- Good night...…Meera

-Good night Sam.....

[Next day morning on 10'o clock at the bus stop]

Meera reached the park , and there she noticed Sam sitting at a bench with a bouqet..... Meera goes closer to Sam…..

-Hey Sam

Hearing meera,s voice Sam kneeled down to propose her, but before Sam could tell her feelings to meera a car came and passed away over them...…..


- Sammm

-Meera I want to tell you that I love you….do you love me??????

-Yesssss! Sammmm I also love you....[ before they both leave their last breathe they both shared their feelings to each other]

They looked at each other for a few minutes and smiled at each other, after few minutes they both died at the same place where meet for the first time....