
An Immortal's Perilous Life

What do you think would happen if you witness the making of human civilization and its destruction? Or what would you react if you knew that I have seen and survived the explosion of the Sun and destroying the whole Solar System? You'd probably think that's absurd or impossible since humans could barely live for a 100 years. Well you see, I or so I call myself John has lived and died trillions of times and boy do I have a lot of stories to tell you. For now I'm stranded in space living for a few minutes and ultimately dying of suffocation and the harsh cold. I'm just waiting for time to pass and wait for any development that will happen in this vast universe. I have all the time I need to tell you every major events that happened to my lives and how I get involved in almost every historical events that remain in history and in the future. How I became an immortal, how this mysterious magical panel works, how the system overwrites the changes in histories, how I am the living god and how unexpected phenomenons will occur in the future that I also will not expect to happen. But before I show you what will happen in the future, I will tell you about the past.

Lerex · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs

Chapter 2: The Trojan War




The Greek troops have been suddenly ambushed by Trojan soldiers. Subjugate the Trojan soldiers or endure until reinforcements arrive.

REWARDS: +1 Level, +10 reputation points


"Why am I on a battlefield all of a sudden!?" He exclaimed. He was confused and petrified as he looks at his surroundings. Numerous corpses of soldiers lay down on the ground while the soldiers that are alive continued to clash their spears and swords on the enemies upfront.




[YES] [NO]

The sound of the soft bell echoed in his ear which returned him from his senses and the floating panel appeared in front of him.

"Yes?" He said without any second thoughts. Immediately, his head began to ache but it was not as painful as last time.

"Urgh! What are these events in my head?" He groaned. What scrolled in his head were memories of himself but not the memories of the past self he knew of, this was memories of the body he is currently in.

"Is this me?" He said to himself. This young man's past, no his past returned to him. Just like him, he was a countryside young man who works as an errand boy in the village. One day, a group of soldiers needed recruits and the paycheck was 2 silver coins per week which he immediately accepted because he had to buy medicine for his sick mom and as they patrol the area, they were suddenly ambushed by the Trojan soldiers so a sudden assault arose that puts us now to this time.

After the events were done going through his mind, the headache immediately disappears and another panel appeared in his sight.



NAME: Yiannis (Male-17)

LEVEL: 1 (0/100)

JOB: Greek Soldier (Footmen Rank)

HEALTH: 100/100

MANA: ~/~




STAMINA: 20/20


NIMBLE (E):ACTIVE: Gain a sudden burst of movement speed for 10 seconds.

SKILL COST: 3 Stamina

COOLDOWN: 5 Minutes

PERSEVERANCE (D):PASSIVE: When your body works out, it gains a slight boost that temporarily increases your stamina by 20 for a minute.

Cooldown: 2 hours


"What are these numbers?" He said to himself. As he was reading the content on the panel, he didn't notice that an enemy was running towards him and as the enemy was about to slash and weave his sword towards the dazed young man, a brawn man blocked the incoming sword by clashing it with his heavy long sword and countered it with a heavy slash that immediately beheaded the enemy.

"What the hell are you dazing there brat!? Do you wish to die!?" The brawn man shouted at Yiannis. He was returned to his sense after hearing the loud shout of the brawn man and realized that he was still in the middle of a battlefield.

"Ah, I'm sorry!"He replied. Quickly he grabbed his shield on his back and grabbed the sword on the ground.

"Let's go!" Brawn man said. Yiannis followed him from the back. He saw the brawn man began slashing his big sword towards the enemies which sliced off their limbs and some got blown away due to the force of the big sword's attacks.

'Even though his attacks are big, his movements are fast!' Yiannis exclaimed. For normal people, the sight was amazing to look at but in reality, the brawn only had an above-average speed, and the only reason it looked fast because he would put all of his strength into every slash and use the momentum of his attack to follow up another wave which would give him the same amount of power as the first attack.

"Kill them before they can breathe!" The brawn man exclaimed. Yiannis or himself was a good man, he may have killed and hunt wild animals in his previous life but never had he thought of killing a fellow living man.

"I-I can't..." Yiannis stuttered. Seeing as how the dying soldier on the ground had lost its right arm and its will to fight to look at him with its dreadful eyes, he couldn't dare to kill it.

"What the hell are you waiting for? Kill the man before it tries to kill you!"

"What-" Before he could finish his words. The dying soldier waved their sword towards Yiannis's abdomen but fortunately, Yiannis blocked the sword with his shield, and having no second thoughts, he struck his sword towards its chest killing the soldier.

+104 EXP!



"Urgh...." Yiannis gritted his teeth. He didn't even realize that the panel appeared in his eyes as he was weeping and tearing out knowing he had just killed a person.

"Wipe your tears kid! There are still more Trojans coming!" The brawn man said. With his words, Yiannis force himself to stand up and wipe the tears off his eyes. He grabbed a sword on the ground and left his sword on the dead soldier's chest since he was guilty of what he had just done.

Yiannis followed the brawn man behind. The brawn man patted Yiannis's back to relieve his guilt a bit.

"Don't worry kid, I understand that this is the first time you have killed a person but once you get your second kill, that guilt will slowly disappear until you get used to it." He said with a soft smile.

"You're not helping at all theios (Greek word for uncle)." He said to the brawn man. Though his words didn't make any sense, seeing how this brawn man taught him the reality of life, the guilt he was feeling slowly died down.

"Don't call me that! I haven't even reached the age of 30! Just call me Calisto (the Greek name for Most Beautiful)." He said with a smile. Though his name didn't match his physical looks, he stood out on the battlefield which makes it befit his name.

"If you're sure that you can't still fight the Trojans, just finish up the wounded enemies that you see. I'll give you a tip, close your eyes when you're about to kill, so you won't see their faces or just think of them as dying wild animals." He said to Yiannis.

"O-okay..." He was still unsure if he should do what Calisto said but knowing that they are dealing with enemies that will harm their country, he forced himself to fight.

As the battle continues, Calisto leads the greek soldiers to the Trojans. Yiannis on the other hand stayed at the back and killed the dying Trojans.

"They're just dying wild boars, They're just dying wild boars, They're just dying wild boars..." Yiannis said to himself repeatedly as slid his sword to their throats.


+107 EXP!

+105 EXP!





He didn't even mind the panels that keep popping up his view since he was too induced in thinking that he is just killing wild boars.

30 minutes passed, although our side had subjugated a lot of Trojans, the Trojans kept on coming and coming. Our troops were already tired and Calisto's attacks were slowly getting duller showing how fatigue he has become and panted to try and catch some breath.

"Chief! We can't hold on too long." A Greek soldier said.

"Shit! When are the reinforcements gonna arrive?" Calisto cursed.

"Hey, kid!" Calisto said.

"What is it chief? (He started calling Calisto "Chief" after hearing a soldier call him that since he didn't know he was a chief in the first place.)" Yiannis replied.

"I know you have killed numerous soldiers so you should be getting used in the killing, can you deal with those guys for me so I can catch some breathe," Calisto said to Yiannis pointing to a group of Trojans coming their way.



Calisto and the tired soldiers need to take a short rest and they need you to hold the ground for now. Kill the incoming Trojans and defend your ground until your allies can relieve some fatigue.

REWARDS: +10 reputation, +40 affinity to Calisto

PENALTY: -30 reputation, You will be blamed for the deaths of your fellow soldiers.

"I'll try, but don't expect a lot from me," Yiannis said. He removed the panel in his view and held his shield and sword tightly. The group of Trojans ran towards the single soldier going their way.

"You deal with that frail soldier and we will finish those tired bastards." The trojan soldier said.

"Kehkeke..this will be easy." The trojan soldier said.

'Think of them as wild animals, not a people!' He said to himself. Yiannis was trembling in fear. Though he has killed numerous soldiers, they were soldiers that are on the brink of death so he didn't have a hard time dealing with them but fighting head-on against a lively soldier and one that has already experienced the battlefield, he was scared and had doubts if he should run away, try to evade its attacks or fight it.

'Damn it! I don't know what to do! Only if I could evade its attacks, I might find an opening.' He said to himself. He looked around his surroundings and in the side, he could see the floating panel but it was just the skill content that he had acquired but he didn't know how to use it.


NIMBLE (E):ACTIVE: Gain a sudden burst of movement speed for 10 seconds.

SKILL COST: 3 Stamina

COOLDOWN: 5 Minutes

'How does this thing work!?' He exclaimed to himself. The Trojan was now getting near him and he was still unsure of how to activate the skill so he began touching the panel. As his fingers pressed the word "NIMBLE", his body suddenly became the light that he couldn't feel the weight of the weapons and armor he was equipping.

"Die!" The trojan soldier screamed. He began slashing his sword towards Yiannis but Yiannis easily evade the attack.

"What?" (Trojan soldier)

'What?' Yiannis said to himself. He was not surprised that he evaded the attack but what surprised him was that the Trojan soldier's attack was slow.

'No, the attack wasn't slow, I'm just ridiculously fast!' He exclaimed to himself. The Trojan soldier barraged his attacks on the young greek soldier but Yiannis easily evade the attacks.

"That's it!" The soldier exclaimed. As the trojan soldier was getting annoyed, he raised his sword high up and swung it wildly but because of the opening the trojan soldier gave Yiannis, Yiannis was able to pierce its throat with the edge of his sword killing it instantly.

+108 EXP!



On the other hand, Calisto and his men were watching how Yiannis would deal with the enemies upfront and didn't expect much from him. But what Yiannis did surprise them.

"Holy crap! The kid just avoided that attack as if it was nothing!" A greek soldier said.

"Take a look at him closely, he's not making many movements but he's able to dodge every swing of that sword." Another greek soldier said.

"Let's just see how he'll kill that guy," Calisto said.

They anticipated the fight so much without realizing that two Trojan soldiers were coming their way and as they saw how the fight ended with Yiannnis'es victory, they applauded the kid, and only then did they notice the soldiers after hearing their scream towards them.

"You Greek bastards! We'll f*cking kill you!!" The Trojan soldier cursed. The two soldiers dashed towards Calisto who was still panting and realized that there was something off. The greek soldiers were just standing still and not doing anything and as they look at Calisto's face, he was smirking at them.

"Y-you dare make that face to me when you know you'll die, how dare you-" He annoyingly said, but before he could finish his words, he could feel a blade thrusting deep through his chest from behind.

"You cheap bastard." He said to Yiannis. Immediately as Yiannis pulled out the sword from his back, the Trojan soldier fell on the ground and died. This made another Trojan soldier furious, he began attacking Yiannis wildly but Yiannis evaded the attacks and pierce his sword into the gaps of the soldier's armor which sliced the abdomen off killing the soldier.


+107 EXP

+107 EXP


+10 Reputation

+40 affinity to Calisto




Hello everyone! My name is Lerex and I am a 17 year old writer from the Philippines.

You may know me from my previous work, Solo Hunt which garnered a lot of reads that inspired me to continue writing but due to this virus we are facing, I couldn't focus on my book and end up dropping it.

Today, I have started this new novel that I may say is a fresh idea by me but not that new of a plot.

Also this will be my first novel to enter a contest so please support this novel for us to win!

Lerexcreators' thoughts