
An Extra's Retirement life: Raising Children DLC

-------- includes Netori and a lot of impregnation-- A young man was reincarnated in a novel he had read a long time ago, and when he met the novel's protagonist, he decided to help him defeat the Demon Lord, after which he decided to embark on his own journey in another world. After 5 years of adventures, he decided to retire in a village he loved, and he wondered why every child looked like him...... After all, hero's DNA was always in need...... ----------

SekinoMigata · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs

CHAPTER 2: 10 Years Later

---- 10 Years Later -----

" Teacher ! Wake up! It is already 11:00 am " A young boy screamed as he shook the body of a man who was sleeping like a dog, not caring about anything in life. A man's appearance looked quite messy with long small curly black hair which was very rare in this world and with black eyes. His name was Zero and the famous shadow leader of the hero party which defeated the Demon lord 15 years ago and now he was just a teacher at the village which he visited exactly 15 years ago.

A young boy was also looked like 14 years old and he had black eyes which was very rare like him with blue hair waking him up , shooting near his ears.

" Please give me five more minutes. " Zero rolled his body at the corner of the bed and he hugged his body pillow tightly and sleeping with a big smile.

" Ray! You can't wake up that waste gently. " Suddenly, a young girl broke into the small room with a powerful kick, breaking the wooden door. She spoke in a deep voice, as if she were a warrior, and her appearance was heroic; she had blond hair and green eyes, and her face was that of an easterner who lived far from this land. She resembled Zero, who was supposed to be an Eastern according to this world's common sense.

" Elaine! You can't speak our teacher like that. " Ray immediately said with a panicked face.

" Yes! I will and I can. " Elaine threw the punch at Zero who was sleeping peacefully.

" Ahhh... " Zero's nose got punched by Elaine and he immediately sat down on his wooden bed with tears and he screamed like a kid.

" Elaine ! " Ray shouted at Elaine but she had a haughty smile on her face like she did something great.

" Teacher wakes up ? " Another kid entered into the room and she had a warmth vibe around her , carried water toward Zero to wash him face with toothbrush in her hand.

" Teacher! Are you ok? " she said as she looked at Zero with a smile. She had both long black hair and black eyes like Zero. In his previous world, people might called her as Yamato Nadeshiko.

" Ema, you spoil this waste a lot. He have hands and legs , he can wash himself. " Elaine said to the girl with long black hair . Ema didn't say anything back and smiled at her.

" Elaine ! You can't talk your teacher with that tone. A bad kid needs punishment . " Zero picked up Elaine and spinned her body like a helicopter until she felt Nausea .

". Hahahahaha... Feel my anger , Elaine. " Zero laughed like a villain.

" Sigh! The usual morning ? " Another kid entered and she has short blue hair with black hair.

" Yep! Jesse. " The kid behind her answered back. He hand blonde hair and blue eyes.

" Very noisy at the morning. " Jesse agreed him with a troubled smile.

" You villain.... " Elaine immediately screamed at Zero with tears while vomiting on him.

" I will revenge .... " Elaine charged at him as she vomited on him.

" Ahh... Sorry I am in wrong. Stop vomiting on me... My expensive pajamas .. No.... " Zero picked her up and immediately run toward bathroom while carrying Elaine on his shoulder.

" Bill! Can you bring bucket of water and brooms , papers. " Ema requested the boy being Jesse and he nodded at Ema.

" What about breakfast or should I said lunch ? " Ema smiled at the question as asked at Jesse.

" Twins already finished preparing. Mah! Elaine is not wrong. He said he would teach early yesterday, but it is already 11:00 a.m. " Jesse agreed with Elaine's use of violence.

" Violence is wrong, but I understand the point. Everyone goes to the yard and I will come with Elaine. " Ema acted like leader in the small group of children.

" Both of them is fighting at bathroom. " Jesse predicted their course of action and she looked very carefree, at the same time she looked very mature.

" Bill! Thanks. " Ema took the items from bill.

" No problem. " Bill said shortly as he also left from the room.

Ema went to the bathroom and saw Elaine and Zero fighting like kids; she intervened and returned with Elaine to the yard.

" It has been 10 years. " Zero looked at the mirror and his appearance looked kinda messy because he didn't take care of his skin as much as he did when he went on the journey to defeat the demon lord. It was harsher to travel alone but it was also very fun.

" Sigh! For Nearly two years I have been living in this village. Huh? "

" Time passed very quickly. " Zero muttered while shaving his beard.

He came to this village 15 years ago because this land existed very far away from battle with a demon lord and served as a back line and headquarters. Because the hero's party formed recently so they got lost and rested in this village for 15 days , the villagers made feasts for them because they were heroes.

He was drafted to this village about two years ago and villagers recognized him. He saw something he could not believe and he decided to stay in this village because of some unbelievable things.

" Let's start a new day. " Zero smiled and his smile immediately disappeared when he felt the pain from Elaine's punch , she seriously punched him.

" Yeah! Elaine needs more punishment " Zero made up his mind and he enjoyed the breakfast which prepared by his cute disciples.