
The Great Elven War [Pt 5]

[A Few Moments Earlier]

"Looks like the plan is working, and Adrien is keeping to his end of the deal."

U'riah was the first to speak up after all three Generals keenly watched the footage that was displayed before them.

The semi-transparent holographic screen before them—similar to a Status Window in certain regards—showed the implementation of their strategy in real time.

As the Undead attacked from the front, their Dragon Army, led by Adrien, would come from behind.

Then, there were also the Commanders who would emerge from both flanks. No matter how one sliced it, the Elves were bound to be overwhelmed by the sheer size of the assaulting army, as well as the many angles they were attacking from.

"Spatial Magic sure is useful…" R'azak commented, chuckling to himself as he caught glimpses of Rey and Adrien commencing their battle.

"So that's the benefactor of the Elves…"