
Conversation Between Extras [Pt 5]

"The Elves aren't allowed to kill because of actual consequences, Rey."

Rey was silent as he listened to Adrien. There were a lot of things he had to say about the matter, but he bottled in his thoughts and kept an open mind—just as he promised Ater.

"No matter how threatening an entity is… they won't kill them. It is forbidden by Nature, and if they break those laws… they become blighted by the very course of Nature." He said, a twisted smile forming on his face.

"Pretty funny, right?"

"What exactly is your point? It's pretty clear that they only kill Dragons because of their command from The Oracle, and disobedience to that entity causes them to turn into Dark Elves."

There was nothing else to it, was there?

"Your experiment was unnecessary. You killed those Elves for nothing." Rey frowned.

"Don't be too quick to make your judgment, Rey. Do you really think I didn't consider that possibility as well?"