
Complete Surrender


Gaping mouths from all the spectating Dwarves faced the two humans who stood among a pile of Automaton and Drone parts.

"... It's just as I said. You Dwarves don't stand a chance."

They were completely unscathed, smiling ever so confidently as if the several high-end specialized machines that were thrust at them were nothing but small fry. Despite some of the reservations that the Dwarven Leaders had regarding the two, they never expected mere humans to stack up so well against their creations.

Yet… what was this?

Justin and Belle had disconcerted expressions as they looked at the Dwarves, who were now pale with fear. They recognized the consequences of their actions, and none of them wanted to face them.

Certainly not Councilman Frank!

"P-please spare us! I'm willing to cooperate!" He stepped forward, swallowing what was left of his pride as a bead of sweat fell from his face.