
Reminiscing the Past

A week after facing Remo, Stanley and his two friends were in their own private rooms recuperating their injuries.

They were at the Medical Injury Rehab Facility treated by knowledgeable and compassionate staff of doctors and nurses.

"Your rehabilitation looks promising. All you need now is to take some rest!" The specialist physician informed.

 "You're damn lucky you receive immediate professional diagnosis. Delay treatment means delayed recovery."

Last night Stanley hardly gets a sleep. He was pondering these questions over and over again.

"How did Remo become so invincible?" 

Despite the fact that he mastered a higher level to become a "true master," it was never enough.

He took his favorite "Marlboro" cigarette, lit one and walked towards the terrace.

His thoughts continued to wander.

He remembered Astrid Lopez and how it all started with Remo Hunter…