
A Good Samaritan

"The supplier won't accept our payments." Peter started complaining.

A slight grin appears on Remo's face.

"When he learned it was intended for the 'Grant Aid Project,' he gave a call to someone. All of a sudden, our transaction of paying the goods was declined!"

"You think unbelievable?" Remo blurted out.

"You're scaring me, bro... Really?"

"Yeah!" he quips and chuckled.

"Some twenty minutes from here, a nice noodle shop is found at the foot of the mountain. I met this mysterious guy when I had a dinner with Mayi. He must have been afflicted with love."

"Uh..uh… I have no idea. I was not there!" Peter reacted like he was falling into a prank. 

"He is a wealthy man. Wait... let me give him a call!"

Remo dialed Han Htoo's number and open the voice of his smartphone so Peter could hear them.

The line was immediately received. He was expecting the call.

"Y…yes Sir. Have your friend received our donations?"

"I'm with him right now at the coffee shop!" Gesturing Peter to keep quiet.

"Mr. Han Htoo, you're too modest to give gifts for the "little girl," hmmm..."

Briefly, Han Htoo was puzzled with the choice of words. It was entirely off topic.

However, he was able to grab the insinuation from the young man.

"Aww forget it Sir." He dramatically laughs louder to be more convincing.

"It was a sign of my gratitude when you let me take a lunch with her."

He understood the other guy was in front of him listening.

"Anyway, thank you Mr. Han Htoo. I'll inform her of your politeness!"

"Don't mention it, Sir. You're welcome. Please give me a call if there's anything more you needed in the future!"

"Of course, of course. But what do you think should be the story?"

Remo leaned back with a smile with his sunglasses still on. He settles back from the passenger's seat.

"You can inform that she met a philanthropist, Sir."

It was not the answer Remo was expecting. But it was very clever the way he does it.

"Okay! A letter of appreciation shall be acknowledged by the Japanese Institution. It's a perfect way to honor your social services as the donor."

Peter was smiling devilishly cherishing their conversation.

"Han Htoo, take a rest. You're done for the day!"

"Holy crap! He's fucking nuts." Peter cried aloud after Remo put down his phone.

"Ha…ha…ha…I don't know but were doing it wrong. It must be something, bro."

"Mayi is a toxic beauty he was unable to resist!" Remo said to Peter patting his shoulder.

"Technically, we need a certificate for his humanitarian services. We will forge the signature of Takeda San then forward it to him."

"Sure… It wouldn't hurt anyway if we show some theatrics sometimes." Peter laughs it off.

"Alright, we're settled."

Within an hour, they've reached the project site.

"Peter drop me off at the entrance. I'll take a cup of coffee!"


"Mind your own business, will you?" Remo disembarked and circled the car.

"Ha…ha…ha." I don't know anything, alright? It's socially acceptable anyway!" he said hitting the gas towards the garage.

 Remo tiptoed over the wooden floor when something caught his eyes.

From the office window, Mayi was looking on his direction with cold eyes.

 Immediately he felt something was wrong.

He walked towards her, but she disappeared and went away hurriedly to her desk.

She was sobbing upon reaching her.

"Anything wrong Mayi?" His breathing slowed down.

She gazed at him with a few tears rolling out her cheeks.

"Do you really need me to spell everything out for you?" she exclaimed.

"Here it comes!" ... Remo immediately understood.

"I just read a memo that you and Peter were going to another project in Laos. Why didn't you even inform me?"

She felt numb trying to get herself under control. No one ever knew of their whirlwind relationship yet. But this is much more serious than anything else.

"It's like this, babes." He looked around if someone was listening.

"The relocation did not come by accident. The decision comes from the management. The Japanese are feeling the pinch of the economic turmoil and crisis due to the coup. The continues killing of people against the government by the military is not helping the cause of the project."

Her smile doesn't reappear, as he'd hope --- he has to continue appeasing her demands.

"We can't just leave anyway not until the admin building is completed."

Literally, Remo is not affected in any ways from the pressing affairs of this country.

Whether an individual, a dissident, the military or something that people are concerned about. They could not harm or even threatened him.

His abilities can more than negate any action that will come out.

It sounds crazy, but travelling to another country is actually an option when his involvement with SAS started.

Once he become full-time, personal relationships would take the backseat.

He could still visit her --- but could no longer stay!

She might ignore it for a while . Ultimately, she will understand it's just part of his profession!

Mayi look up for the first time then stand in front of him,

She knew Remo has been running low on his favorite cup of coffee.

"I know why you're here! Let me prepare for you."

She looks calm, but inside her mind, she was busy cursing his lover.

"You're worried about something else babes? I'm open to anything you want to say!"

"Shut up." Mayi hissed. "We don't have that much time left."

She went over to the manager's room, mixed a black coffee, a chilled mineral water and handed it over.

Remo looked surprised and took it.

Discreetly, he looked around to see whether someone was overhearing their arguments.

Everyone appeared to be busy except Peter who was stationary looking at them who just came from outside.

In the hope of calming Mayi down, Remo said. "I wished for us to be together, babes! Take all the time to gather your thoughts and feelings. I'm not going anywhere!"

That afternoon after he came back from the site, Mayi was no longer on her seat.

Peter arrived a few seconds behind him.

"What's going on, bro? Having some troubles with Mayi?