
An enlightened Simp goes to Anime Worlds

Kirigaya Yuji a normal Otaku boy that learned his lesson after simping on the most beautiful girl in their class. Then he died and reincarnate in Anime world . . . . . Do not read This Fanfic or you will regret it. *cough* i do not own anything here. im just sharing my imagination and The MC might travel in some anime world, novel or manga in a short period of time like 1 chapter XD

Kid_Speech · Tranh châm biếm
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

-- Highschool DXD Novel volume 4 chapter 5 Scene or Anime season 2 ep 12. When Issei and Vali first fight are about to start --

"My real name is Vali. —Vali Lucifer."

...W-What? …Lucifer?

"I'm a descendent of the previous generation's Maou Lucifer who died. However, I'm a child of mixed blood born from a father who was the old Maou's grandson and a human mother. —I obtained the [Vanishing Dragon]'s Sacred Gear because I'm half-human. It was just by chance. However, I, who is a true blood relative of Lucifer and is also the [Vanishing Dragon], was born. If there really is such a thing as fate and miracles, I may be that. —Just joking."

As he said that, several folds of devil wings grew from his back along with his wings of light.


D-Devil? The Hakuryuukou is…? What's more, he said Lucifer…Wasn't that the old Maou!?

"No way…that can't be…"

Rias also wore an astonished expression on her face. However, Azazel confirmed it.

"It's true. If there is such a ridiculous existence, it's him. He'll become the strongest Hakuryuukou of among those I knew in the past and present, and probably of all time as well."

…E-Even if you say that…S-So he's really the strongest… (!)

Somehow, Issei can't catch up with various arrangements happening that he don't know about lately!

Or rather, there are a lot of halves around me like Akeno-san, Gasper and this guy.

"Have you resolved yourself, Azazel?"

The lady still sneered at Azazel. Who is this person? Even Issei can grasp that her killing intent is tremendous.

"…Tch, that volume of aura that swelled up earlier, what did you get from that bastard Ophis?"

The lady smiled at Azazel's question.

"Yes, he who is the dragon that possesses infinite power. For the sake of the world's reformation, I borrowed a little of his power. Thanks to that I can fight against you. There's even a chance that I can beat Sirzechs and Michael. They're such foolish Governors. So are you."

"…So I am. I may be foolish. I can't do anything without Shemhaza. I'm just a Sacred Gear enthusiast. —But you know, do you really think to the extent that Sirzechs and Michael are idiots? At least they're far superior than someone mediocre like you."

The lady's face twisted at Azazel's words.

"What nonsense! Very well, I'll deal the finishing blow right here and now. I will destroy you, the Governor of the fallen angels, as the first step of the creation of a new world!"

The lady spoke in a strong tone. However, Azazel just seemed pleased.

Azazel took out something which looked like a dagger from his pocket.


Azazel pointed the tip of the dagger at the lady who was looking at it suspiciously.

"…I have gone beyond being a Sacred Gear enthusiast. I also produce them myself. I've built replicas. Well, almost all of them are garbage. God, the one who developed the Sacred Gears, was amazing. That's the only thing I respect him for. —However, they're incomplete. It's because God and Maou died while leaving behind 'bugs' which can just upset the world's balance like the [Longinus] and [Balance Breaker]. Well, that's why Sacred Gears are interesting though."

"Be at a peace of mind. Things like Sacred Gears absolutely won't be made in the new world. Even without such things, the world functions. —Eventually, we'll make Northern Europe's Odin move as well and then the world will have to change."

After deliberately raising the gossip with a complacent smile, Azazel spit out.

"The more I hear the more I feel like vomiting at your goals. Valhalla!? The Earth Gods!? So you intend to snatch everything through Odin from the side. Rather than that, the person who steals my pleasure—can go and disappear."

The dagger that Azazel had changed shape! Its parts separated and light gushed out.

"—! I-Impossible! Azazel, you!"

In front of the later who had grasped something, the Governor of the fallen angels uttered words with power!

"Balance Break…!"

The vicinity was wrapped in a momentary flash. After the light faded, there was a person there wearing gold plate armour—.

It had a golden sparkling radiance and a form like that of a creature. —Just like that of a dragon.

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Bah! As many as twelve jet-black wings unfolded from its back. Black feathers fluttered about the surroundings.

The Dragon-imitating gold armour made its black wings flap. I thought it was a little cool. Azazel was equipped with dragon armour! A huge spear of light was in his hands!

"I studied the [Vanishing Dragon] and other dragon-series Sacred Gears and produced this, my masterpiece artificial Sacred Gear. This is [Downfall Dragon Spear], in its pseudo-Balance Breaker state [Downfall Dragon Spear Armour]."

Issei could feel a dragon's surge from beyond the armour. It wasn't ordinary! A top-class powerful aura to the point of overwhelming was being emitted from his entire body that was above of what he had felt up until now. It easily beat Kokabiel's!

Uoooh! It's like a bargain sale of Balance Breaker! Wasn't that a rare phenomenon!?

[No, that isn't a true Balance Breaker.]

What do you mean, Ddraig?

[He made the Sacred Gear go into a Burst state and did a forced awakening. A kind of running out of control. The Sacred Gear will break after a battle with that. Does he intend to use that so-called artificial Sacred Gear as a disposable?]

So it's a disposable artificial Sacred Gear! Even so, what Issei don't understand is how it could be emitting a dragon aura. However, Azazel's development of Sacred Gears was unexpected!

Incidentally, unless the owner of a real incarnation-type Sacred Gear died, it could regenerate no matter how many times it broke.

Conversely, if you stole a Sacred Gear through a special courtesy method, they seem to die.

The jewel in my left arm's gauntlet and the multiple jewels that existed in my Balance Breaker armour didn't have just a single function and could be regenerated even if destroyed. If he is an opposing existence, then the Hakuryuukou should be the same.

"Hahaha! As expected of Azazel! You really are incredible!"

Vali laughed. He laughed in the face of someone so strong! Is he fearless? No, he's crazy!

Azazel turned to face Vali.

"Vali, I'd also like to be your opponent, but…Well, please get along with the [Welsh Dragon]."

Don't joke around! I don't want to get along with someone like him!

"But, fighting with Azazel seems fun."

Vali also said that. Then, please do that! I have no interest in something like a rival showdown!

"…It's based on a Dragon endowed with power, right?"

"Yeah, I just sealed the [Gigantis Dragon] Fafnir in this artificial Sacred Gear. I copied it from the Sacred Gears of the Two Heavenly Dragons — the [Welsh Dragon] and [Vanishing Dragon]. I've yet to see if it succeeded or not." (!)

He copied Boosted Gear? Rather, he mentioned the name of a Dragon I don't know…

[He's one of "Five Great Dragon-Kings". Azazel talked about Vritra the other day, right? In additions, there's the "Chaos Karma Dragon" Tiamat, the "Mischievous Dragon" Yu-Long, and the "Sleeping Dragon" Midgardsormr. Though I say that, Vritra was eliminated long ago and sealed somewhere. If what Azazel says is true, then Fafnir was also sealed. Though originally, there were six Dragon-Kings.]

Ah, somehow, I've become confused. I won't understand even if you tell me something like that all of a sudden.

I've heard about Tiamat somewhere before. The others I don't know at all.

[Unexpectedly, you might meet them soon. Since Tiamat hates me.]

Uwah, I just heard such an inconvenient talk. Geez, I've had enough of meeting these something or other dragons!

Ah, so that's why Michael gave a Dragon-Slayer sword to me.

"Azazel! Even though you possess that much power, you!"

"—Cattleya, you yourself said that you made a pact with the [Uroboros Dragon]."

"…The research of Sacred Gears shouldn't have developed to that extent…"

"From that look, it seems that the group that betrayed my organisation took out some of the Sacred Gear research. However, it's pointless. Only I and Shemhaza know a portion close to the truth."

A bluish-black aura covered the lady's body as she clicked her tongue.

"I am one who is descended from the great true Leviathan! Cattleya Leviathan! I won't lose to an annoying fallen angel like you!"

The lady shouted! Or rather, this person is Leviathan-sama? W-Well, she's certainly closer to the Leviathan-sama that I imagined. Azazel beckoned to the lady who introduced herself as Cattleya.


"Don't look down on me!"

The lady wore an extra-large aura, and flew out at an extreme speed!


It was an instantaneous event. The lady called Cattleya dived at Azazel, and Azazel also responded with the spear he held.

In an instant—. Bushu! Fresh blood gushed out from the lady's body. She feebly fell down to her knees on the spot.

When Issei looked, the ground was split even far behind the lady. The ground had been gouged out from the aftershock of Azazel's attack. Incredible, what power! The attack and defence had happened in the world of comma, and had come to an end.

"—It isn't over!"

Cattleya changed her arm into a tentacle-like thing and wrapped it around Azazel's left arm.

A suspicious pattern emerged on the lady's body!

"That is a self-destruct-use technique formula!"

Buchou said that. Seriously!? That's for self-destruction? So that's this lady's dying will!

Azazel tried to tear the tentacle away, but there was no sign of it coming off at all.

"Azazel! Even if you try to kill me while in this state, it's useless! Now that you're connected with me, this strong magic will also activate and kill you too when I die!"

"—. So you'll deal great damage to me with self-sacrifice resolution. It's a tawdry way of thinking, but the result is an enormous reason."

"Ise, Gasper! Get some distance! As it is, we'll get caught up in the blast!"

"But, Buchou! What about Azazel?"

"If he's the Governor of his organisation, he'll deal with it somehow! However, we'll get caught up in it and die!"

That's serious! It would be lovely to die together with Buchou, but I don't want to die in such a place, and moreover while wrapped up in someone else's battle!

We quickly got some distance. Even as we got away by a certain extent, Buchou deployed several layers of defensive barriers and started preparing for the explosion's aftershocks.


Gasper's scream! When I looked, some kind of magical pattern was engraved on Gasper's eyes.

"Sorry, but I'll be sealing that. It's annoying if time is stopped."

—It's Vali!

"But you know, if you're aware of its ability and activation conditions, that Sacred Gear really isn't that great a wonder. It's full of weak-points. There are many techniques like those that seal one's vision. Also, if his magic is drained, it changes into a double-edged sword that submits damage to allies as well."

That guy was flying in the air. That's the best! Or rather, it was just as he said, Gasper in his current state is full of weak-points just like me. [A powerful Sacred Gear = Strength] was just an illusion inside of me!

Azazel, it was just as you said. Even if a Sacred Gear is strong, it's all useless if the host is useless!

Or rather, I still can't fly in the air! Damn it! I'm not able to say anything about Gasper either! I have insufficient training!

We watched Azazel's situation from the place we escaped to. Azazel still couldn't remove the tentacle. It seemed to retain no damage even when he tried to cut it with the spear.

"That tentacle is a special-make that absorbed my life. It won't break."

The lady laughed fearlessly. Giving up on cutting it, Azazel shrugged his shoulder. The next instant—.


The tentacle was cut off along with his left arm! Uwah! Seriously!? He cut his own arm off!

Fresh blood gushed out from the wound of Azazel's left arm. The cut-off piece of his arm turned into dust.

"!? You cut off your own arm!?"

Cattleya was shocked, however her abdomen was pierced by a spear of light that Azazel threw.

"I'll give you an arm at least."


Cattleya's body blew up, then turned into dust and vanished into the sky. Because she received large damage from a light attack, she was annihilated. Since to demons, light was a deadly poison. And there seemed to be no exceptions for this.

Kah! Azazel's armour was released. The Governor of the fallen angels didn't seem to regret the arm he'd lost, he just clicked his tongue.

"Tch. So this is the limit of an artificial Sacred Gear. There's still much room for improvement…As long as the core jewel is safe, I can remake it again. I'll have you keep me company a little while longer, [Gigantis Dragon-kun] Fafnir."

And he lightly kissed a jewel-like object in his hand.

…That was the conclusion between that lady who called herself Leviathan and Azazel. All that was left was—.

The white-armoured Vali descended from the night sky.

"As expected of Azazel. However, your armour has been released. So your artificial Sacred Gears still require more study."

Azazel pointed at Vali.

"Now then, Vali. What will you do? Shall I go at it again? Even if I have no armour and am one-handed, I can fight with you adequately."

Azazel made a spear of light appear in his hand and pointed the blade at the Hakuryuukou. You'll still fight even with that injury? What fighting spirit! Vali glanced at Azazel who took a fighting stance, and then asked us a question.

"But don't you think that destiny is cruel?"

...? What's that, all of a sudden. What is he talking about?

"On one hand, there is the strongest existence that one can think of with a Maou + a legendary dragon like me, and on the other hand, there is a mere human like you which possesses a legendary dragon as well. Say what you like, but I think that this accident of fate is cruel. Though we're rivals with the same dragon-type Sacred Gears, the gap between the two owners is too great." (!)

Y-You mean me? Issei pointed at himself. Vali nodded amusedly.

"I investigated you a little. Your father is an ordinary office worker. You mother sometimes goes out to a part-time job as an ordinary full-time housewife. The blood relatives of both your parents are completely ordinary. There are also no ability-users or practitioners who possessed power among your ancestors. Of course, your ancestors had nothing to do with devils or angels either. You really are ordinary. Your friends aren't special either. You were a completely ordinary male high school student until you were reborn as a devil as well. —With the exception of Boosted Gear, you're nothing."

That guy laughed with a pitying expression.

"Boring. When I learned about you, who was so excessively boring, I laughed out of disappointment. 'Ah, so this is my rival. I give up.' If your parents had at least been magicians, than maybe the story would change a bit. That's right! How about this kind of setting? You can become an avenger!"

...? Issei had no idea what he's talking about. How to say it, He felt like this guy was smart in a different way. He couldn't understand him at all.

I could understand that he was different from Akeno-san and Gasper, that he didn't hate his upbringing.

No doubt, he was proud of his lineage. If there are those who suffer from their birth, there are also those who take delight in it. The world was so complicated that it couldn't be processed by my brain.

But even Issei understood his next words. Quite clearly.

"I'll kill your parents. If I do that, your personal history will become a little more interesting. If your parents are killed by a valuable existence like me, don't you think you'll be able to openly devote yourself to a solemn destiny? Yeah, I'll do that. After all, your parents will, from now on as well, live ordinarily, grow old ordinarily, and die ordinarily. The setting I spoke of is much more brilliant than such a boring life! Right?"


Issei couldn't express it. He couldn't express his feeling that was born in his heart.

A feeling of a degree. He had never felt before was starting to be born within Him.

He could only say this.

"I'm going to kill you, you bastard."

He quietly let that out of his mouth.

At that moment, his head finally understood. Ah, so this is what they call "killing intent".

"…Just as you said, my father is an ordinary office worker who works from morning to evening for our family. My mother is an ordinary housewife who makes delicious food for our family morning, noon and evening. However, they raised me up to this point. To me, they're the best parents."

Why should his parents have to be killed by this kind of bastard?

That's also a stupid reason. Issei father and mother have nothing to do with him.

"…Kill them? My father and mother? Why should they have to be mixed up in the situation of someone like you and be killed? As if I know anything about things like valuable or destiny!"

He is the one person Issei can't forgive. Vali Lucifer.

"As if I'll let you do it."

"He is the one person I absolutely cannot forgive!"

"I'll be damned if I let my parents be killed by the likes of yooooooooooooou!"

[Welsh Dragon Over Booster!!!!]

As if responding to Issei anger, His Sacred Gear started to release a strong bright red aura.

With the ring Issei got from Azazel also acting on it, He equipped [Booster Gear Scale Mail] without having to sacrifice anything.

However, a countdown-like thing appeared on the jewel of Issei left arm's gauntlet. Time-wise, He didn't even have fifteen minutes. Though it was still better than the mere ten second of his incomplete Balance Breaker.

"—. Look, Albion. Hyoudou Issei's power went up by an incomparable amount. The plain and simple reason called rage was the trigger, but this is…Hahahaha, what a dragon's surge."

[Sacred Gears simply use strong emotions as food for power. Hyoudou Issei's rage is at its genuine limit, and is turned towards you. Only straightforward people can draw out the dragon's power.]

"I see. So his greater affinity with his dragon is also explained through this reason."

As if Issei know! In any case, if He don't do something about this Vali guy, His surroundings will become a disaster! He won't allow that!

"However! You still aren't clever! Hyoudou Issei! Your intelligence is insufficient to control Ddraig! That is a sin."

"Stop chattering and talking about things I don't understaaaaaaand!"

"Yes! That is exactly why you're called an idiot!"

Spouting an aura from the magic power jets on his back, Issei rushed towards Vali! Vali covered his face with his mask. So he's prepared to fight!

It was only Issei second time using Balance Breaker, but a failed attack wasn't permitted like that time with Raiser!

However, Something unexpected happen because a black void appear between the floating Issei and Vali on the air.

A person in Magnificent White Glowing armor came out from it.

"Get out of my waaaay!!!"


Punching the unknown person to the ground because Issei thought its their enemy reinforcement and he is currently blinded by rage to kill Vali.

"You have some guts in intervening the duel between Two Heavenly Dragons."

Vali seems become annoyed, His right hand began to gather a large amount of magic power. after that he pointed it at the unknown person on the ground.


"Wait isn't he your companion?!"

Issei is about to rash towards Vali again but he stopped in place seeing him attack the unknown person.


-- Back to Kirigaya Yuji the Protagonist of this Fanfic --

{{The World Traveler Kirigiya Yuji made the Main characters of this World run away from him. signifying their defeat.}}

{{The Condition to travel in another anime world have been complete}}

Before Kirigaya Yuji say anything a portal swallowed him again! disappearing there with the [Silver Gospel] IS.

So the condition in traveling to another Anime worlds is to defeat the Protagonist of the Anime...? I think that God in Giant light form is really considered me as his entertainment now.

Throwing me suddenly in random anime world without knowing anything and he even put me in this kind of situation!!.

After leaving the Infinite Stratos Anime world he is now in High School DXD anime world.

"Get out of my waaay!!!"


Even thought he just recently arrive in the new Anime world. Issei in his balance breaker quickly bashed him to the ground.

"Agh! holy sh** who attacked me?!"

Kirigaya Yuji in the ground wanted to find the culprit but above him a White energy ball is coming from Vali in his balance breaker as well.



From the first time in his life Yuji felt the Aura of death approaching him. He know that if that thing hit him his dead so He really tried moving his body to dodge it.

[Silver Gospel 3rd shift will now activate]


Yuji [Silver Gospel] release a large amount of energy that turned into shaped sphere shield around him. It blocked The others vision of him and it also deflected the white energy ball changing its trajection


The school building is destroyed by the attack.

"Hoh intresting"

Azazel is surprise with Rias and Gasper when the new intruder deflected Vali Attack because they know althought it looked like a normal white ball of energy. its an attack that even Ultimate Class Devil wouldn't want to take head on, considering it also has a destructive dragonic Aura.

"Im safe."

Yuji [Silver Gospel] in the sphere of light begin to rise in the air slowly.

"What does it want to do?"

Rias brows frowned because Yuji in sphere of light is getting higher and higher and the light it release is getting more brighter.

"Issei come back here for now. we don't know what that unknown dangerous thing will do."

Azazel called back Issei because the sphere of light on the air is absorbing a large amount of magic power in a special way if his is not wrong then this unknown creature want to transform itself and his intrested in what will it turn into to.

"But Sensei this guy threatened to kill my Family! i cant let him go!!"

Issei protests he is glaring at Vali.

"Partner i think its right thing to back out for now. althought you have trained hard this days. its still not enough to defeat the Albion current wielder"


"Don't worry partner i believe in your potential"

Ddraig communicate with Issei through the gauntlet green orb on his right hand. it glows from time to time talking to him.

"Albion what do you think is that thing? its not a human with a sacred gear right?"

Vali attention is drawn to the sphere of light on the air he already become interested in fighting it when it recieved his full attack.

He didn't make a move because his waiting for it to finish its Transformation.

The Others Angels, Devils, Magicians and Fallen Angel in the Battlefield too notice The spherical light on the air abnormality, some couldn't help but look up.

"This is? hmm its coming from the direction of my Sister."

"Sirzechs remember Ophis might be out there"

"Alright alright i know what im doing"

Even Sirzechs Lucifer the Leader of the Devils race and Michael The current Leader of Angels become curious to the ball of light in the air but they didn't make a move.

because their afraid that this small conflict with Khaos Brigade might fasten the all out war between the two side, resulting their defeat.


Inside the sphere of light in the air Yuji felt his entire mind and body is starting to fuse with The [Silver Gospel]

6 pair of white energy wings appear on his back. It looked like Angel wings but his are larger than them each length expands 10 meters long behind him.

"At last..."

Yuji can now move his body. He grips his hand to feel this new sense of freedom but he didn't relax because he know that his in Dire situation.

From what he discover in the conversations and view below. He is currently transported to Highschool DXD anime.

It happened to be in the middle of First duel between Hyoudo Issei and Vali Lucifer.

[Silver Gospel is detecting an attacks below. activating the AI battle Mode.]

AI battle Mode? Yuji Dilemma have been solve by the Silver Gospel. He have been thinking of how to escape in this situation. Althought he can now control [Silver Gospel] in a simple movements, he's still new to piloting IS to fight.

Why is he preparing to fight and not just escape there when the odds are on him? because he felt 2 predator gaze below.

Its from Vali Lucifer this guy is a battle maniac in anime. so how can he let me go?

The other guy gaze is from Azazel... now this guy is different he's just an oldman obsessed with Sacred gears hmm but who knows, he might want to dissect me because of my IS suit?


Yuji doesn't seems to notice the Reactions that he got below.

"another S-seraphim.....?"

Someone whisper in quivering voice the word that came in the mind of every Angels, Devils, Magicians and Fallen Angel in the Battlefield

They couldn't help but suspect Yuji identity because his wings really look a like from Seraphims and with his Massive energy level.They felt from him after his 3rd shift form. he really fits to the look of Seraphims in their mind.

"Hahahahahaha!!! what a surprise! i didn't expect to met someone like you here!!!"

Vali laugh resounding through the battlefield waking up everyone from their stupor.

The magicians in the battlefield began their attack again on the Alliance of Angel, Devil and Fallen Angel.

They even shoot some magic spells above to Yuji wanting to take him down.

[Silver Gospel suspects all of the beings below are the enemies of host (Activating Heavens and Earth Extinction)]

"wait what.....?"

Yuji in [Silver Gospel] suit eyes suddenly shines brightly. as if he is looking down at the ants below that tried to harm him.

The large energy wing on his back turn into bigger and bigger.

"Not good!!!"

Azazel who have been marveling at the new appearance of the unknown thing until now. felt a danger from it when he saw its eyes shined brightly.

He created a large barrier around him. taking Issei, Rias and Gasper inside.

"Whats happening...?"

Rias and Gasper seems obvious at the thing that is about to happen.

"Partner that thing is about to attack be careful"

Issei unconsciously grip his own hand. He felt the chill as well when Silver Gospel eyes shined.

[Heavens and Earth Extinction....]

A mechanical voice resound in the battlefield


wait what? 030

Kid_Speechcreators' thoughts