
An Empress From The 21st Century

Angelina is a 21st century girl who end up reincarnated in an ancient era to find her true love. With all those things that she never get to experience in this life, ever be able to get in her new life??? Or her dream will be another nightmare before the dawn??? Will she be able to get the love she desired or the heavy crown will ruin it all over again??? ...... Welcome to a fantasy historical romance story where the hunt for the true love will continue till it's found.... So tighten your seat belts and let's dive in a Disney World of Solar Empire. -AUTHOR_RC

Author_RC_ · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs

Chapter 8: Pawn of the Mosems

I was surprised to see Rain's reaction. She looked at me the way as if she saw some ghosts.
I felt awkward about it so I asked her,
"What? You didn't know? I thought you said you knew everything! Then....."
The few next actions of Rain really made me suspicious. She hurriedly called another maid and handed over Albert to feed him. Then she almost ran to the main entrance of my bed chamber and closed it with a loud 'thud' sound.
I was feeling very scared because I never saw Rain tensed up like this before.

Rain came inside the room and closed all the windows. I was thinking if I said something that I shouldn't have. Then she came to me and almost dragged me to bed, making me sit. Then she sat beside me but she was still breathing heavily. I gave Rain some water to drink and then she looked at me with a very pale expression.
I thought I was about to cry looking at her face but I asked her almost in a breaking voice, "What happened Rain? Y-you are scaring me! Did I say something odd? What is it tell me please?"
Rain placed her hand on my left cheek and said,
"How could you see his majesty's symbol, your majesty?"
I twitched as I said, "He showed me, something about the same on my door, I was surprised but what about it?"

"Your majesty, what will you do now? You just got a new life, what if you had to....." Rain couldn't say any more than that and started crying. I became more confused but I felt it's not a good signal.
I asked her with a worried voice, "What will happen to me? He said he entrusted his powers with me so the symbol but what about it Rain? Please say something? I am getting scared! Please Rain tell me?"

Rain couldn't stop her tears. Still she tried to explain to me, "What is there to explain, your majesty? His majesty is not safe anymore."
With her sentence, I couldn't understand anything, his majesty isn't safe? What? But his symbol is so big and he is obviously a very successful emperor then? Why would he have some threat for his life?
I asked Rain again, "Rain please stop crying for once and tell me what do you mean by that??? What is it??"

Rain sniffled and stopped her tears for once as she said, "Our previous queen Angelina was a very innocent but rigid person. She was so in love with his majesty that she was ready to go to any lengths to make him reciprocate her feelings. Not only God, she was becoming terrible in her last years. She would visit the sacred temple of the sun god everyday and pray for his majesty's love. So one day one of the priests gave her a blessing through a drink and said it will help her with the love she wants so much.
I never saw that priest before but as each year a lot of priests come to serve in the temple, I didn't suspect anything wrong.

I stopped Rain in the middle.
"A drink of blessings? Moreover to solve the unrequited love? Isn't it some kind of some black magic? But you said it is banned in this empire."
Rain gave a very sad expression and said,
"Obviously, your majesty. But who would not believe in the priests? It was not considered as a black magic if that was given by the priest, so the queen didn't have any suspicion. And even this news made her majesty so cheerful that I stopped myself from having any bad thoughts.
I still once asked tried to advise her majesty to not take some unfair means to reach his majesty's heart. But the greed of getting the share of his majesty's love made her very adamant. So, she drank that to achieve her dreams. After drinking it, her majesty had a fever for three straight days. And when I went to the sun temple to ask the priest why she was having a fever!!? I never found that priest again there. Only then I understood it was something that never existed in this empire. I came back from there. Meanwhile, his majesty visited her chamber once a day, and that innocent soul started to think it was the effect of that blessing. Then after three days her majesty visited the emperor and the news of her getting pregnant came just after one month."

Rain stopped talking. But I had many questions in my mind.
'Who was that person? If it had the effect on his majesty then, how did he grow further away from her? Moreover, what did this whole thing have anything to do with me seeing his majesty's symbol????'
I couldn't connect the lines so, I asked her again, "But what do they have something to do with me?"
Rain looked at me and said, "You became the Pawn of the Mosems!"
I was surprised to hear that name. "The Mosems!????"
Rain nodded as she told me the rest of it.
"It was the Mosems who sent that priest, I told you right that they practice witchcraft and black magic. The Mosems are so powerful that they could acquire the other two Empires very easily and also you know that they attacked your Lunar empire several years ago. But they never dared to touch The Solar Empire because of his majesty. So, they tried to manipulate her majesty's energy through their false blessing drink, so that her majesty will betray him and stab him in the back."

"What? They could do that to her, an innocent person, who wanted nothing but love?" I was furious at that moment after hearing their cruelty.
Rain heaved a long sigh and said, "Yes, your majesty, their cruelty has no bounds."
"But her drinking that ..... How didit help the Mosems?" I asked Rain.
Rain said, "She drank a potion called 'Devil's Heart' which particularly made her want to kill his majesty gradually. She would stay depressed all day throughout her pregnancy and didn't want to see his majesty."
I stopped Rain in the midway and asked, "Didn't you say she never wanted to see him again because her heart was broken?"
Rain said, "Yes, but it was also an effect caused by that potion. The Mosems thought as soon as the queen will be aware of hus majesty's symbol, they would start to control her mind and body to kill him."

"They wanted her to kill the person she loved the most???" I couldn't understand what was going on anymore.
Then again she said, "Yes, your majesty, the Mosems can be very cruel. But as she was greedy to get his love, she couldn't see the symbol and their motive failed, she died due to heartbreak because she couldn't possess his love and that way you came to her body."
I got up from the bed and went towards the window. The atmosphere inside the room was making me feel sick.
I got really confused as to what she was even saying, "Then what's there for me to get involved with?"

Then Rain properly explained this to me as she said,
"His majesty is not invincible, your majesty."
I was surprised because before he had left, he told me he has self healing ability, then how could he not be invincible? Isn't it almost like no-one can kill him!
Rain started talking after a pause again.
"It is said that his majesty is the reincarnation of the Sun God. So, he is gifted with the 'Wishful death' by the Sun God. So, only when he wants, he would be able to die. No other forces could harm his sacred body."
I stopped Rain and said, "Then how come he couldn't become invincible?" 

Rain gave a pitiful look as she told me,
"Yes, no one can kill him...
unless or until one of his persons, who could see the symbol, attack him and betray his trust. If his majesty gets stabbed by a person whom he entrusted his symbol's truth to, he will die a painful death as the result of the betrayal."

"What!??? But those people are only me, his parents and Sun God according to him!" I exclaimed.
Rain said, "Yes, as you know, you are the only living one who knows his secret. And the Sun God will take his life if he gets betrayed, because it shows that he lost the immense power of the sun because he failed to choose a person carefully, who could keep his secret. So, you are their one and only bait."

"What are you saying Rain? How could it be possible? It doesn't make sense!!!" 

"Yes, your majesty, you could be the cause of the Emperor's death. The last queen wasn't able to see his symbol because she had an ulterior motive of captivating his majesty's love. But she couldn't do that even after she conceived. But, you are a different person, a different soul to be precise. So, you didn't expect anything and approached him with your pure heart. You are the person who could give his majesty the love and courage he needs. That's why you were able to see the symbol. The previous queen never even saw the symbol or knew what it looked like because she was a blank vessel for the Mosems, and their impure means."

I was utterly shocked to know this whole thing. Why me? Why always I have to suffer for all the things others wanted. In my previous life my parents had to maintain their status and that's why I couldn't afford to hold their precious time, and in this life, she wanted something and I have to bear the consequences???? Why???
Tears slid down my cheeks. I asked Rain,
"But how is it possible for me to become a pawn of the Mosems?"
"You are only a different soul, but the body is the same one as the previous queen's. Now as you can see his majesty's symbol, that means now the Mosems can take control over your body and make you do their anticipated deed." She explained.

I gasped to catch a breath. All these informations were giving me a headache. I couldn't understand why I have suffer for something I didn't want. Still I didn't want his majesty to die, moreover I couldn't be the cause of that! So, I asked Rain, "Is there any way I can get rid of Mosems controlling power over this body?"
Rain dropped a "no" as my answer but there was something that she tried to hide.
Her silence was making me impatient, so I asked her again, "Rain, tell me about the remedy of it?"
She didn't utter a word. So, I had no choice but to order her as the queen of this empire to tell me the remedy.
With bitter eyes she told me after the long solitude, "You can only get rid of the power of them, if you can get rid of this body of the previous queen."

My legs felt a lot weaker and frail. It seemed like I was about to fall on the ground. With a trembling voice, I asked, "I h-have to..... Die?"
She didn't say anything but nodded her head.
My legs couldn't bear my weight anymore. I dropped on the ground and tears started running down my face.
Rain came running towards me saying, "Your majesty, please don't cry, I thought you wouldn't be able to see his majesty's symbol, so I just only know one method to prevent the extreme from happening. But now that you can see the symbol, there must be a way out of it. Please don't cry, I will definitely find a way to save your life this time. Please don't cry Angel....."

I could sense that it was my Rain from the previous life of mine and not the strict Rain I came to know after coming here. So, I cried my heart out in front of her. Today I had to be there with his majesty during the lunchtime but my body couldn't take so many shocking truths at a time so a message was sent from my palace that, I couldn't attend it because of some health issues.
Later that night, I felt a light touch on my forehead. I wasn't able to open my eyes but I could feel the sense of security in that touch. I was sleepy but still I opened my eyes. As soon as I saw his majesty sitting in front of me, my eyes became teary once again.

Before he could say something, I asked him,
"Your majesty, what will you do if any of your acquaintances betray you one day?"
He wasn't ready for this question as he showed a surprised expression. But he did answer me.
"Yes, they may do that, and if any day it happens, the punishment will be according to the law."
I was just looking at him blankly. With a pause he said, "But why are you asking me this? Do you feel like anyone near me may give me a taste of betrayal in the near future?"
Though he just said that lightly, but it stung my heart with a deep wound because of the truth Rain told me today.
I sat over the bed and without thinking twice I said, "What if I betray you?"
I was taken aback as soon as the question slipped through my lips. But he was looking at me with a warm expression and then he said,
"I think I can die without a complaint if you take my life with your own hands."
I was at a loss of words, I could understand now, why the previous queen wanted his love in such desperation.
"Why would you say that? Shouldn't you kill me instead if I pose a threat to your life? Why are you... Why are you so stupid!"
The last few words were mixed with my crying voice.
He didn't expect me to react like that. So, he wrapped his arms around me in a tight hug. Then he said, "I am sorry, please don't cry, I was just saying that casually, please stop crying, I didn't mean to hurt you Angelina."
With the sniffling sound I mumbled, "You are forbidden to say that kind of thing again! And why did you say you'd die in my hands without complaint!???"
He patted my head and told me, "Because I am thankful to you for all these years, I am thankful to you for not giving up on me, so if you now really want to kill me, I wouldn't resist a bit."
My heart was clenching hard with his every word, and I couldn't make myself stop crying. No matter how much he consoled me, my tears were nowhere near to stop anytime soon.
But he didn't leave me on my own at that time he was holding me till morning with the same warmth. And that was the reason, I was sure that if anyone has to die, it has to be me. Because I cannot kill the person who gave me the warmth, that I craved the most throughout my previous life. So, for the first time in my two lives I wanted to protect someone much more than I wanted to live.

Thank you for reading 😊
Hope you enjoyed it 😉
If you like it then leave a comment and vote that will appreciate me to keep writing 😊🙂
Stay safe my dear readers...❤️

Thanks for reading, I know didn't upload for a long time, sorry for that I had some issues with my studies, but from now I will try to upload in a month.... thanks for waiting

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