
An Author's Spirit

Featuring a world of different dimensions. The Writers Dimension remain the land of Authors, Poets, Script Writers and more. Jeffrey is a 13-year-old author who loves to read good books. One day with the git from a stranger he gains the ability to enter the novel he reads. Follow the adventure of the young MC as he becomes a bookkeeper and amasse enough experience to write his own book that will shock the different Dimensions.

Twin_Lantern · Kỳ huyễn
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Vampire Outcast (2)

The tester ended up being a bowl with clear liquid, it looked like water but Jeffrey was at least 90% sure it wasn't water.

Trevor was then asked to drop his blood in the pool and something amazing occurred after. His blood suddenly separates into three with each color darker or lighter than the other.

"What the hell are you?" a vampire with a beard exclaimed. Even the others had the same reaction and Trevor's doubt increased.

The scene refused to change so Jeffery ended up going through the comic slowly. Things became a bit boring after the vampires confirmed that Trevor might be a new subdivision.

That revelation increased Trevor's status in the clan and he was almost treated like one of them but it did also make them weary of him. He did not care much and he couldn't leave anyway because he needed them.

Things started to look interesting after Trevor got enrolled in a vampire school. He met Amelia on his first day and the two got into a messy argument.

"Step aside," Trevor said in a low voice after Amelia stood in front of him obstructing his movement.

"Do you still hate me" her voice was slightly cracked which made Jeffrey confused if she liked Trevor or not. He couldn't understand the girl at all.

"I feel nothing, I'm a vampire now or did you forget," Trevor said coldly. He still had not moved on from the betrayal but there were other important things to think about.

"But I heard it still beats" Amelia moved closer, placing her right hand on Trevor's left chest. "It beats for me" she raised her head trying to kiss him but he pushed her away with so much that she ended up slamming into the wall meters away.

"Delusional" Trevor started before walking away. He failed to notice the surprise gasp of his fellow vampire but Jeffrey did and he guessed Trevor's strength must be out of the ordinary if it left them in a state of shock.

While looking around his eyes land on a female standing at the end of the corridor. She did not look shocked like the others and was even smiling as her gaze followed Trevor.

'A new character perhaps' Jeffrey thought before he resumed spectating.

For the rest of the day, the behavior of the students never stopped being strange and the new character had yet to make a move.

The news about his fight with Amelia eventually reached the ears of the elders and they invited him for a cup of tea or maybe blood.

"Why did you do that?" Brenda asked first.

"What?" Trevor feigned ignorance.

"You're ruining our reputation" another elder raised his voice.

"By bringing you pride? I'm not stupid, I could hear their gossip from afar and they think you're lucky to have me" after becoming a vampire, his enhanced senses were nothing to scoff about.

He understood clearly what these elders were up to, they were curious, and making him feel guilty about the incident was the simplest way to get the truth out of him.

"Enough" the short vampire scolded. "No more fights, you may leave"

After Trevor left, Jeffrey remained in the room and he just guessed they were going to have a serious conversation, he had no control over these new powers granted to him and was still trying to get used to it.

"You won't get anything from him that way," the short vampire said with a sigh.

"Well, what do we do, he is stronger than his peers and we're sure of that we just don't know by how much," a female elder said and the others nodded their heads in agreement.

"Let him fit in for a while, he should lower his guard a bit before we can get something out of him," the short vampire said.

"What will happen when he becomes too strong?" another male elder asked.

"We'll use him before he gets that far" the short vampire stood signifying the end of the conversation.

Jeffrey could vaguely guess what was going on but still lacked too much info to make anything out of it.

The rest of the week was relatively calm and without Amelia's presence, Trevor was able to concentrate most on his classes.

The new character had still not made a move and Jeffrey started suspecting that he might have been wrong but on the night of the weekend, someone knocked on Trevor's window.

He opened the window to have a look at who it was and that's when a girl jumped in. Her eyes were red and brown each with long black hair having two shades of red.

"Hello" she waved with that familiar smile Jeffrey saw before, she was the same girl.

"Who are you and how did you climb up here?" Trevor asked increasing his guard.

"My name is Larka and I flew" Larka giggled and Trevor was suddenly caught off guard by her honesty which made her laugh even harder.

"Well then what do you want?" Trevor sighed.

Larka was quiet for a bit before walking close to him. "I'm curious about how you're surviving here"

Trevor frowned. "What does that mean?"

"You're not one of them you're an outcast"

Trevor's eyes widened and he grabbed Larka's wrist. "What do you know about me?"

Larka wasn't angered by Trevor's actions and instead closed the gap between them. "My best food is spaghetti and meatballs"

Her words made him freeze in realization, she was like him. Before he could utter words his ears picked up the sound of footsteps approaching.

"Don't push me away" he heard Larka whisper before his mind went blank.

Let me know if I'm going too fast with the stories.

Twin_Lanterncreators' thoughts